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#46690876Friday, May 06, 2011 8:06 AM GMT

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#46690883Friday, May 06, 2011 8:08 AM GMT

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#46691066Friday, May 06, 2011 8:54 AM GMT

eh... support :3
#46691095Friday, May 06, 2011 9:03 AM GMT

#46691151Friday, May 06, 2011 9:31 AM GMT

Quit suggesting BC features for NBC, failures.. Fail troll is fail --SS--
#46691312Friday, May 06, 2011 10:08 AM GMT

I'm NBC, but you gotta learn that BC people have higher privileges.
#46691394Friday, May 06, 2011 10:21 AM GMT

WE PAY! YOU GET IT FOR FREE. You're lucky to be even plaing this gamefor free because most games you cant.
#46691631Friday, May 06, 2011 10:45 AM GMT

Jeez, the BCers are mad. HEY BCers, WHY U MAD, BRO!? Anyway, no support. The reason people buy BC at all is for that extra place, that T-shirt, that extra robuck, those extra stuff to buy. DESU DESU DESU DE)~*~*~*~*~*(SU DESU DESU
#46691886Friday, May 06, 2011 11:11 AM GMT

No support whatsoever. get off the fourms, if you want that stuff, you can pay for it. and there is a NBC package, thats FREE.
#46692425Friday, May 06, 2011 12:02 PM GMT

>"Thats false, 14 tix= 1 robux" lrn2beginningoftradecurrency
#46692464Friday, May 06, 2011 12:05 PM GMT

uhh no support. If you rlly want bc so badly go to your nearest gamestop and buy a roblox card for 10 bucks. you'll get bc for 2 months.
#46692501Friday, May 06, 2011 12:08 PM GMT

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#46692511Friday, May 06, 2011 12:08 PM GMT

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#46692529Friday, May 06, 2011 12:11 PM GMT

#1 No. unless its 1 robux instead of 10 tix, then yes. you shouldnt get both anyway. #2 No. They should pay with their own money if they want more than 1 game. #3 Support. Except not 50 tix, more like 10 tix or 5 robux. #4 No. I think NBC should only be able to buy limited items once they have all been sold and sold by other players, and no they should not be able to re-sell their limiteds, that should stay as a BC feature otherwise we will have even more rich merchanting NBCers.
#46692540Friday, May 06, 2011 12:12 PM GMT

i personally think BCers should be able to make hats and gears if their mesh is completely unique and approved by the admins, also if the scripting isn't abused too.
#46692725Friday, May 06, 2011 12:36 PM GMT

@OP Let's see here, I'll just run through the points and see were we get. 1. Actually, at the moment...The rate of Tix to R$ is about 9:1 So while 14 tix WOULD give 1 R$, you could get one R$ from taking out five. Also, it's not really fair. Why you ask? Because R$ is a currency made for BC, roblox has a trading system so that we can exchange tix for R$, I make my money on this system, and have about 1k R$. Your asking for 1R$ and 10 Tix a day, which roughly equates to 19 Tix a day (Through Trade Currency) Doubling the NBCers income. Keep in mind that Roblox needs people to buy BC/R$ to stay in buissness. Most people buy (T/O)BC For the R$ income. 2. It's been suggested many times. But I wont support this UNLESS it costs a good amount of R$ (Such as 150) This will cause those who already have money and would want other place to have another place. However, site space would be clogged if every newbie could make a new place for free. We want games from the people who can already build well, if a robloxian can do this, then they should get another place. The price is there to set people appart. (Afterall, does somebody really want a place if they spend all their money on hats?) 3. We can sell T-Shirts. It's just that the price is nil. That's the cost limit for NBC T-Shirts. I don't see why NBCers should get yet another BC feature. 4. Suggesting another BC Feature for NBC. Limited item selling is another factor in getting people to buy BC, and so with that in mind, roblox wont let NBC have it. 5. I have nothing to say for this one. Support. 6. We have packages. Girl and Boy. Roblox didn't lie to us, they released 29 bodies, then released a body part for NBCers. Again, packages are a BC Feature that many people buy BC to get. Allowing NBC to take this will bring down their Net Income, I trust you know why that is bad for us, as userrs of the product. Just for the record, you do not need body packages to look "Artisy" Just be happy that roblox lets NBC buy Shirts, Pants, T-Shirts, and Hats AT ALL. A lot of games down allow non-paying users to customize their character.
#46692954Friday, May 06, 2011 12:59 PM GMT

1. Daily ROBUX is pretty much a BC feature. The trade limit goes up and down and is now about 9 tickets for one ROBUX like Rowpunk said. 2. This si one of the main reasons people buy BC, more places. So. no support. 3.You should be glad we get to make T-shirts, and are actually able to play at all. 4.Limited item selling can be a great way to make money, and therefore is a good way to convince people to buy BC. 5. You don't have a number five on here. >.> 6.Those bodies are often wanted badly by players and that makes them willing to spend money on the bodies, which they wouldn't do if it were for NBC. All together, if you give NBC any of these features, ROBLOX will have a lot less money coming in, and therefore, it could shut down sooner.
#46693379Friday, May 06, 2011 1:44 PM GMT

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#46693430Friday, May 06, 2011 1:49 PM GMT

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#46693714Friday, May 06, 2011 2:14 PM GMT

@Hk The TC Currencies changes. You gotta wait when it's the lowest. Sometimes, it's 8tix for 1R$. @idea 1) No support, you already get 1 a day. 2) Eh, maybe.... 3) No, it's BC Feature, if you want it so bad then buy BC. 4) BC Feature, buy BC if you want it. 5) There is one that is free for all and free. Bodies are still BC Beta Testing. Be patience. ~Punkster1234567, Creative lazor~
#46693837Friday, May 06, 2011 2:25 PM GMT

#46693984Friday, May 06, 2011 2:33 PM GMT

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#46694387Friday, May 06, 2011 3:00 PM GMT

No. They paid, you didn't.
#46694526Friday, May 06, 2011 3:08 PM GMT

#1 We should atleast get 1 robux, I know what your thinking "10 tix= 1 robux" Thats false, 14 tix= 1 robux or even more tix and its only fair we atleast get 1 since all the hats are 1000's of robux. I disagree, daily ROBUX is a BC benefit. I think 25 Tix a day (tops) would be fair. #2 NBC should get atleast 2 places, I'm not suggesting a BC benefit, but it would be great to have more then 1 game for nbc, BC gets 10, why can't we have 2? And since we get 1 we make an alt for test places using more bandwidth on your site, its a win win. Again, I disagree. Having more than 1 place is a BC benefit. #3 BC should atleast be able to sell Tshirts, I know its alt abusable, so make a tix cap on 50 tix or lower, to prevent alt donating. NBC need a market to make money other then daily revenue and place visits. Yet again, another BC benefit. #4 NBC should be able to sell limited/limitedU hats. We have some NBCers with very cool hats they don't use, such as EX BCers, so why not let us NBCer's sell our limited items to boost our economy status. I agree, it's not fair how you have to pay if you want to sell a Limited/Limited U item just to make some extra cash. #6 Let NBCers buy packages, make some packages for nBCers, we should be able to customize our character freely, not be restricted to that. I don't understand why NBCers cannot access body packages. Since your site is going more "social" why not let NBCers customize with packages, it would be nice and freely to express our looks and uniqueness. Agreed, the admins did actually promise packages for everyone once they make 30.
#46694534Friday, May 06, 2011 3:09 PM GMT

Whoops, forgot to put the quote marks in.

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