#46865018Monday, May 09, 2011 11:37 PM GMT

Orcas finds soul and says "Hello master"
#46867279Tuesday, May 10, 2011 12:17 AM GMT

--Audzen-- I use my pressure strikes on the eye, making the dragon roar with pain. I fly high up in the air, and then I dive to earth, taking the dragon with me. The dragon is now in a medium sized crater, and I am attempting to punch it. It shakes me off and uses it's tail to slap me back.
#46867341Tuesday, May 10, 2011 12:18 AM GMT

Venia just stood there, watching.
#46868394Tuesday, May 10, 2011 12:34 AM GMT

Enogo "Just as we expected" I begin walking towards the dragon and Audzen "Que the dragon" The dragon roars loudly "Que screaming" Towns people scream as Enogo reaches the dragon and Audzen I pulled my revolvers out from my coat, and aim them at the dragon and Audzen. "The council can't allow you to go on fighting, you have caused a disturbance in the timeline due to future confrontations in the vacinity of the project supernova lab.Thus you must be exterminated, i am very sorry." I fired several times.
#46868478Tuesday, May 10, 2011 12:36 AM GMT

~~Septimus~~ I tackle Enogo, my clothes on fire. "Sorry, but I can't let that happen."
#46868739Tuesday, May 10, 2011 12:40 AM GMT

(It just got interesting. :o)
#46869296Tuesday, May 10, 2011 12:49 AM GMT

My revolvers fly into the crater, I elbow him directly into the face and make a run for them, my jaw bleeding, my body soaked in flames, I grab one, it shines in the light. "The council will be here soon... Prepare." I put the gun in my mouth and pull the trigger.
#46870846Tuesday, May 10, 2011 1:11 AM GMT

(Wait. Did you just shoot yourself?)
#46870975Tuesday, May 10, 2011 1:13 AM GMT

(I think so.) --William-- I wake up and groan. I see a huge dragon on the ground and I immediatly start shooting. --Audzen-- I dodged the bullets. "What? 'Supernova?' What's that?" I jump back onto the boss and I attempt to hold him down. "Get him!"
#46871432Tuesday, May 10, 2011 1:21 AM GMT

(yup suicide.) Name:Unknown Codename:Hawk @ge:Unknown Gender:Male Personallity:Quiet, keeps to himself Physical Appearance:A man with a black hood,he is not a reaper but there is something off about him Weapon(s): (You should be creative here. :D)An assault rifle Affliction: The council Name:Unknown Codename:Xiax @ge:Unknown Gender:Male Personallity:Quiet, keeps to himself Physical Appearance:A man with a black hood,he is not a reaper but there is something off about him Weapon(s): (You should be creative here. :D)An assault rifle Affliction: The council Name:Unknown Codename:Deon @ge:Unknown Gender:Male Personallity:Quiet, keeps to himself Physical Appearance:A man with a black hood,he is not a reaper but there is something off about him Power:Long streams of fire can be fired from hands Weapon(s): (You should be creative here. :D)An assault rifle Affliction: The council
#46871565Tuesday, May 10, 2011 1:23 AM GMT

(The council might be interesting to fight. Put you-know-what at the bottom of the CS, and you need more appearance.)
#46871676Tuesday, May 10, 2011 1:25 AM GMT

Soul: "What, who are you?" I said to orcas. Orcas: "Im orcas, you master soul" Soul:"Ive never seen you before, what do you mean master." Orcas: "When you where born I was also.Our souls matched to gether.I am your pet" Soul: "Uh ok then, what are you." Orcas:"Air demon, me name orcas." Soul: "Ok lets go orcas" I say flying off.
#46872057Tuesday, May 10, 2011 1:32 AM GMT

Scythe, and for appearance... Xion has 3 medium sized scars on his face, hawk has 5, deon has 8, the reason will be explained in a few pages, when the council becomes a seriously In-depth part of the story.Xion is about 6"5, Hawk is 5'10 deon is 6'10. Deon is skinny, and muscular, brown eyes Xion is at tad bit chubby, but still,muscular.Blue eyes Hawk, he is average.Red eyes.
#46872105Tuesday, May 10, 2011 1:33 AM GMT

(What should I do?)
#46873900Tuesday, May 10, 2011 2:08 AM GMT

(Pop up randomly? And mr, accepted, as long as you describe the rest of the clothes later.) --Audzen-- "What council?"
#46890414Tuesday, May 10, 2011 7:34 PM GMT

(Lol. You di.ed :3) ~~Septimus~~ "I dunno, but it doesn't sound good. Even for a Reaper."
#46890968Tuesday, May 10, 2011 7:51 PM GMT

--Audzen-- "Agreed." Then something occured to me. "You died?" --William-- I continue to blast away. "HEY! I need some help over here!"
#46891659Tuesday, May 10, 2011 8:06 PM GMT

~~Septimus~~ "Yep. Just now." I turn to the person who yelled. I then charge at my awsome speeds to help out. ~~Spit Fyre~~ Luckily, dragons heal quickly. Especially when there are crystals around. Luckily, this city had plenty. I fly out of the city, blasting towards Septimus's scent, but it was different somehow. I would worry about that later, something told me he was going to need help.
#46892405Tuesday, May 10, 2011 8:20 PM GMT

--Audzen-- I fly at the dragon and I attempt to punch it's face off, but it knocks me back.
#46892489Tuesday, May 10, 2011 8:22 PM GMT

(You talking about SF?)
#46892867Tuesday, May 10, 2011 8:29 PM GMT

(Noez. I'm talking about the huge dark dragon that that troublesome Reaper Commander summoned. :/ Also, there are now admins. Admins get the ability to control the Reaper Commanders, accept and decline CS's, and make minor plot changes. The Reaper Commanders: (So far.) First in Command: Etuu Ukami (Taken) Second in Command: N/A Third in Command: Tensulki Erupt (Free) Fourth in Command: N/A Fifth in Command: N/A Five Reaper Commanders. The admins are Strike10555, for being an epic RPer in other threads, and Necronation, for being a top contributor.)
#46893229Tuesday, May 10, 2011 8:36 PM GMT

(Yes, I am epic, aren't I? :3 And you BETTER not be attacking Spit Fyre! I'll be 2nd in command later.) ~~Spit Fyre~~ I land next to Septimus, and notice he's going REALLY fast. Wow. ~~Septimus~~ I screech to a stop. "Spit Fyre! You're okay! Good, I could use some help. You fight from the sky, I can handle the ground now." I take off again. ~~Spit Fyre~~ I take to the skies and follow him.
#46893328Tuesday, May 10, 2011 8:38 PM GMT

(Okay. Please keep the names on a more Japanese theme, like I am.) --Audzen-- I jump on the dragon's head and I start attempting to kick him to the ground.
#46893410Tuesday, May 10, 2011 8:40 PM GMT

(M'kay, Kazari will come to use here, but I need to think of a last name.)
#46897019Tuesday, May 10, 2011 9:47 PM GMT

(Enter the council!) Hawk Xion, Deon, and me make it to the approximate location where Enogo died. "You have interfered too much in the timeline!You must ALL be exterminated!" "Due to the failure in project supernova, some sort of monsters were unleashed upon our population!They have the abillity to turn into demons!They were supposed to be used to defeat some sort of dark alien that made mutants out of the humans it killed.... they destroyed everything...Now the soldiers that we created traveled back in time, here...Due to your idiocy!" We threw off our black cloaks and revealed our black clothes,each baring our millitary code name writtten in the blood of our enemies, along with a hand print.Our black pants riddled with bullets and scratch marks All at the same time we grabbed our assault rifles and opened fire upon the large crowd.