#47724092Sunday, May 29, 2011 2:21 PM GMT

Congratulations, you destroyed all cookies in the universe. Now this game can't continue. Jerk.
#47724093Sunday, May 29, 2011 2:21 PM GMT

Looks up at mirza chu evil man. pushes him into a deep fried black hole and jumps in to. they land on Mars :D. breaks cookie in half and gives half to mirza. We eat together >.>
#47724129Sunday, May 29, 2011 2:22 PM GMT

including universal cookie
#47724146Sunday, May 29, 2011 2:23 PM GMT

Sure. But suddenly, as a result of Heavenlycookie destroying the Universal cookie, the cookie halves fizz out of existence. Both of us, enraged, Rage! "Revenge?" I asked. Warp nods. I toss him a katana. "Let's do this."
#47724173Sunday, May 29, 2011 2:23 PM GMT

bakes new cookie cause i feel bad i sorry u made meh cry waaaaaaaaa!!!
#47724196Sunday, May 29, 2011 2:24 PM GMT

Me and Mirza chase heavenlycookie to the Moon. Now? i ask mirza
#47724219Sunday, May 29, 2011 2:25 PM GMT

I stab you anyway, out of mercy. "Such a pity you couldn't cooperate. We could've made world peace with my cookies." I said. I break the cookie in half, giving the other half to Warp. We happily sit down, and we eat our respective cookie halves.
#47724288Sunday, May 29, 2011 2:26 PM GMT

omnomnomnom. Nice Cookie :D
#47724394Sunday, May 29, 2011 2:28 PM GMT

Agreed. :D
#47724429Sunday, May 29, 2011 2:29 PM GMT

xP i can ad u mirza >.< ?
#47724565Sunday, May 29, 2011 2:32 PM GMT

Suuure. You're epic.
#47724688Sunday, May 29, 2011 2:35 PM GMT

Thanx :D
#47725313Sunday, May 29, 2011 2:50 PM GMT

Wish a newly forged friendship, Mirza and Warp go back to Robloxia. And now, every night on the 29th of may, Robloxians everywhere gather to honor the great heroes who brought cookies to everyone in Robloxia. Their names shall go down in history (Not really.) THE END
#47726635Sunday, May 29, 2011 3:20 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#47726745Sunday, May 29, 2011 3:22 PM GMT

Finds new cookie and says... "Oh great, here we go again" Then eats it.
#47731726Sunday, May 29, 2011 4:57 PM GMT

Oh no, I'm given some scary choices. Oh no, a moderator might see this! I'm so scared! Dude, this was the only time you acted maturely (probably your mommy looked at this thread and posted that for you, so you would finally sound smart), but before that you just acted like the idiot you are. So now I have to either apologize or face the "consequences" and get into trouble! I don't have to apologize for anything, and in fact you should actually thank me for getting this thread to be so popular since I posted to it from the start. And if I don't apologize I will get the cyber police called on me and consequences will never be the same! Oh no!
#47757968Monday, May 30, 2011 1:21 AM GMT

Looking at the cookie, I say "Eh, never mind. I'm gonna go watch Andrew rambling on about the same old instead of stealing it."
#47758972Monday, May 30, 2011 1:40 AM GMT

Seals the cookie with a summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then throws that summoning scroll into a black hole and seals that black hole into a summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll, then seals that scroll into another summoning scroll. Then throws that summoning scroll into another black hole and seals that black hole into another summoning scroll. Then, summons that black hole into another black hole, creating a rip in space and time and logic. Then creates 100000000000000000000000000000000 clones of Bruce Lee and seals the logic rip into one of the clones and sends them all to the NYAN dimension so you must watch NYAN can for 3 hours for each 1000 clones of Bruce Lee and then seals the only portal leading to the NYAN dimension in himself. Then, puts a Reverse Seal on himself so that if the NYAN portal is ever releaced, it will automatically send them to a black hole in another dimension. (Its gotta be pretty safe now. I mean, there are going to be so many peope who simply won't read all that =P)
#47759629Monday, May 30, 2011 1:51 AM GMT

Once again, not bothering to get the cookie.
#47761042Monday, May 30, 2011 2:14 AM GMT

I get the cookie while killing people who are trying to steal the cookie then I jump in a plane and fly to Mt. Everest then waits for 24 hours and wins.
#47774646Monday, May 30, 2011 8:37 AM GMT

Nukes You. And gives half of cookie to me. and half to mirza >:D
#47775772Monday, May 30, 2011 10:13 AM GMT

Eats my half.
#47776815Monday, May 30, 2011 11:26 AM GMT

*Goes to cookie land and finds cookies for everyone* (xD)
#47779509Monday, May 30, 2011 1:09 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#47788265Monday, May 30, 2011 4:01 PM GMT

I just bake more cookies so everyone can get one.