#47864758Tuesday, May 31, 2011 10:41 PM GMT

~~Jack~~ "What did you THINK we were? Hedgehogs?"
#47864890Tuesday, May 31, 2011 10:43 PM GMT

I snarled athe comment, a puff of black smoke rising from my nostrils angrily. "Now that you said it, sure. You claimed the title of hedgehog. And ya know.... I eat hedgehogs" I grinned cruelly.
#47866157Tuesday, May 31, 2011 11:02 PM GMT

--Audzen-- "Well, you aren't gonna eat me, no matter how tired I am." I say, rather bored. I form a protective sphere shield around me.
#47866282Tuesday, May 31, 2011 11:04 PM GMT

I grumbled. My stomach did too. "Fine. But your friend there lookes pretty chubby..." (LOL JK X3)
#47866447Tuesday, May 31, 2011 11:07 PM GMT

--Audzen-- I wasn't advanced enough to be able to hold up two shields at once. Plus, I was even too tired to hold up this one for long...
#47868006Tuesday, May 31, 2011 11:30 PM GMT

But when I walked inside, I turned into my human form and sat down. "I'm not hungry enough to eat a human." I growled, walked outside, and came back in with a snow rabbit. I bit right in and tore it apart. I glanced at the other two, who looked... disturbed.
#47869196Tuesday, May 31, 2011 11:49 PM GMT

((Lol, I'm still in the back of the cave. And I ain't coming out.)) ~Draxle I sit down at the back of the cave, where it is darkest. I was....'happy' so to speak, for it reminded me of home...
#47875956Wednesday, June 01, 2011 1:30 AM GMT

Name:Izekiel @ge:20 Gender:male Physical Appearance/Clothes: a white trench coat that reaches to the ground and white baggy pants Power(s): (If a Wizard.) Weapon(s): a black katana with red symbols on its side Bio: (Not required.) Soul: (Pure or Corrupt? In other words, good or bad?) corrupt Other:
#47881766Wednesday, June 01, 2011 3:22 AM GMT

Dread Sabre
#47888063Wednesday, June 01, 2011 8:46 AM GMT

(What about the Race of him, and the hair style, hair colour, eye colour, etc?)
#47888687Wednesday, June 01, 2011 9:42 AM GMT

ⒿⒶⓂⒺⓈ I wake up, thinking to see the usual ceiling of the bridge I do when I wake up. But I wasn't in my potato sack bed and under the bridge, I was in hammock and in a wooden room. Then, I remembered what happened yesterday, about running away from Jasper and flying away on an airship... After we had left port, I hung around on the top deck and then after I got bored, I decided to explore the ship. I managed to find some fresh fish in a barrel in the decks below, and seeing as I was still starving, I ate it quickly before anyone comes down and notices. The fish was probably the tastiest thing I have ever eaten. I ate till I was full, and then when I came back on to the top deck I saw that it was getting dark, and everybody was heading into the cabins, so I followed them and found an empty one to sleep in... Now, it was morning, so I got up from my hammock. There was a dwarf sleeping on one of the other hammocks in my (our, I guess) cabin, who wasn't here when I fell asleep yesterday. But besides him there was nobody else in the room, so I left the room. I decided to go eat first, and sneaked/snuck ((Wiktionary says they are both right words and you can use either)) back into the lower deck I was in yesterday, and managed to find the barrel with the fish. After I ate, I went to the upper deck, and stood at the front of the ship looking down, and thinking about what I am going to do when I arrive to wherever this airship is headed. "So, what brings you to Korona Mountain?" I hear another familiar voice behind me, and turn around to see that it is the same man that "saved" me from Jasper. "The what?" I ask, but quickly realise that he means the place that we are heading to, so I start making up stuff on the spot "Oh, you know... For adventure! Yes, adventure. My old life was pretty boring, so I decided to head off to some mountains, find something interesting to do there... Yes... So I took used all my money to go find adventure, I didn't even use any of it to get better clothes or anything..." I say, so it would explain why I am wearing such ragged and old clothes. "Well, if you are headed to Korona Mountain, then you really should have thought about getting some clothes first!" the man laughs. "Huh? Why?" I ask, before realising that I should have thought up a lie. "Don't you know? Korona Mountain is a freezing snowy place. Judging by your extremely thin "clothes" you won't survive a second there!" the man laughs, again. But I wasn't finding this very funny. How was I supposed to survive on some "freezing" mountain without any good clothing? I would freeze to death in seconds! "Hey, it's you!" I hear a rumbly voice behind me. I turn around, to see that it is the dwarf that was sleeping in our cabin this morning. "Who are you?" I ask, before realising that it doesn't sound polite. "I'm Simon. I'm a dwarf!", he smiles, ((Guess where I got the idea that the dwarf is going to be called "Simon".)) The dwarf has some breadcrumbs on his long beard, meaning that he just had breakfast. "Oh, well I'm James," I say. "So, why are you heading to Korona Mountain, lad?" he asks. "For adventure, to explore!" I exclaim, trying to sound as if I am really that interested in exploring some mountain. "Poor kid has nothing to wear!" says the man, "I don't know how he is planning to 'adventure' there, he'll probably turn into an ice cube in a second!". "Tell yer what, lad. I got some spare coats in me luggage back at the cabin, and you seem like a nice troll, so you can have one of mine." the dwarf smiles. "Really? Thanks, Simon!" I smile back.
#47889724Wednesday, June 01, 2011 10:55 AM GMT

~Garayan~ I slowly float up into position. "Mhh... not be that "black one" 's pet or slave." I float back and concentrate when suddenly... "Nnk!" I become immobile and breath heavily. ~Master O' Jarate~
#47896571Wednesday, June 01, 2011 4:08 PM GMT

ⒿⒶⓂⒺⓈ "Wow, this one is warm," I say to Simon. "Yeah, it's a good one. Take it, lad," Simon says, as he puts the luggage bag under his hammock. I take off my coat since it is too warm right now, and head to the upper deck with Simon. "So, what about you, Simon? Why are you headed to Korona Mountain?" I ask. "Minin', lad! I heard of some precious ores and minerals in some of the caves on the mountain. I can sell 'em for great amounts of gold!" explains Simon. As we head up on to the deck, strong wind hits me in the face, and I put on my coat. I realise that we are nearly at the mountain, and in a couple of minutes the airship came to port. I got off with Simon (who was carrying his luggage bag), and was now thinking about what to do next. "You look a bit lost," says Simon, "Want to come with me to one of the caves?". Seeing as he seems nice and has helped me out before, and I have nothing else to do, I say yes, and we set off for one of the caves. After some time of walking, and getting colder and colder even with my fur coat, I finally see a cave in a short distance away. "Hey, look! That's a cave over there!" I exclaim. "Huh, what?" says Simon, and then looks to where I point, "Oh, that's one of 'em 'old' caves. They have been mostly mined out, and I doubt that we we will find anything good there. There are some more 'new' caves, but further away," explains Simon, "But, seeing as you didn't come here for minin', you can go along to that cave and stay there.". I decide to go to the 'old' cave. We say our goodbyes to each other, and I head off to the cave, happy that I can finally rest and hopefully be warmer. But, when I reach the cave, I notice that it is not empty, and has some people in it. "Uhh... hello?" I say, nervously.
#47897373Wednesday, June 01, 2011 4:33 PM GMT

--Audzen-- I look towards the enterance. Now there's a TROLL there. How stranger can this day get?
#47897884Wednesday, June 01, 2011 4:49 PM GMT

ⒿⒶⓂⒺⓈ I decide to walk into the cave since I was getting very cold from standing outside.
#47911074Wednesday, June 01, 2011 9:14 PM GMT

i putt the eye color its red read the desk i also used teh human cs so it didnt come with "race"
#47911341Wednesday, June 01, 2011 9:19 PM GMT

"read the desk" I can't read desks. I'm not very good at reading in the language of tables. And it would be more simple to just put the race, like other people did.
#47912724Wednesday, June 01, 2011 9:38 PM GMT

I obviously understand that you meant "desc", but why did you spell it differently (and also have terrible grammar through the rest of your posts)? And the only mention of red in the "desc" is of red dots on the katana.
#47925076Thursday, June 02, 2011 12:54 AM GMT

(Declined, godofspace. One, you need more appearance. Two, trench coats didn't exist back then. And more. AndrewTheRussian99, adminized for taking care of this nicely.)
#47941352Thursday, June 02, 2011 10:25 AM GMT

(Yay thanks! :D)
#47951669Thursday, June 02, 2011 5:27 PM GMT

(Hey, how come when I came to the cave where all of you are at, all of you suddenly stopped roleplaying? Do you not like trolls?)
#47951891Thursday, June 02, 2011 5:35 PM GMT

(I guess most people are off-line...) --Audzen-- So tired...
#47952050Thursday, June 02, 2011 5:40 PM GMT

((I'm just waiting for a major advancement in the plot...))
#47952207Thursday, June 02, 2011 5:45 PM GMT

#47952737Thursday, June 02, 2011 6:04 PM GMT

(This is taking to long to get to the temple, so the fight shall be... HERE AND NOW!) --Audzen-- I gasp as a huge, black bear lumbers from the back of the cave. I shoot a spiral at it, but it bounces off the skin. "Enchanted."