#47346806Saturday, May 21, 2011 4:09 PM GMT

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#47347532Saturday, May 21, 2011 4:22 PM GMT

slakoth 1's hp:30 slakoth 2's hp:10 Munna's hp:30 Norman:slakoths use flail again! Munna's hp:10 Sandile's hp:5 Cyran:well, earthquakes the finishing move! sandile used earthquake Munna fainted both slakoths fainted. Norman:impressive, here's the badge now. -norman hands the balance badge to cyran- cyran:great! Cyran:well now to get to the pokemon center.
#47347745Saturday, May 21, 2011 4:26 PM GMT

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#47348008Saturday, May 21, 2011 4:31 PM GMT

-Cyran walks into the pokemon center- -Cyran comes out with healed up pokemon- Cyran: next up rustboro city!
#47348172Saturday, May 21, 2011 4:34 PM GMT

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#47349120Saturday, May 21, 2011 4:52 PM GMT

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#47349439Saturday, May 21, 2011 4:58 PM GMT

-walks onto route 104- -goes to the petalburg woods-Cyran:it sure is dark here... hmm, now where to go from now on. -walks into tall grass- A wild zigzagoon appeared! go munna! munna used zen headbutt! critical hit! the wild zigzagoon used headbutt! it wasn't very effective. munna used psybeam! the wild zigzagoon fainted. -cyran walks through the forest more- -cyran gets out of the other end- Cyran:close to the end of route 104... -notices team aqua at the bridge- cyran:what are those guys doing there? aqua grunt:you really don't know.... we'll show you that were a well-known team by making you remember this loss forever! -team aqua grunt wants to battle- Cyran:go oshawott! Aqua grunt: you really don't know that we specialize in water types do you? Aqua grunt: go tentacruel!
#47349969Saturday, May 21, 2011 5:08 PM GMT

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#47350960Saturday, May 21, 2011 5:28 PM GMT

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#47351852Saturday, May 21, 2011 5:45 PM GMT

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#47352256Saturday, May 21, 2011 5:52 PM GMT

-cyran looks at pokedex- weak to ground... got it! return oshawott! go sandile! team aqua grunt:hmmph... tentacruel use poison jab! sandile's hp:97 cyran:sandile is resistant against poison of course, so it wouldn't be hit very hard with it. cyran:sandile use mud-slap! tentacruel's health:80 team aqua grunt:why you little pest! tentracruel use hydro pump! cyran:uh oh... sandile's hp:77 cyran:well, sandile use earthquake! tentacruel's health: 50 team aqua grunt:well, i will not lose to you! team aqua grunt:tentacruel use hydro pump again! sandile's health:57 Cyran:well, sandile use sand-attack! tentacruel fainted. team aqua grunt 2:darn.... -they run off toward rustboro city- Cyran:now onward to rustboro city!
#47352293Saturday, May 21, 2011 5:53 PM GMT

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#47353087Saturday, May 21, 2011 6:09 PM GMT

[Ryan] "Okay, lets see Pichus stats"I said while grabbing my dex."....(O_O)...Level 80....uhh....200+ for all stats, 250 health...uhh(-_-')...Knows Close Combat, Focus punch, Volt Tackle and Thunder Punch..." "NO WONDER IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO CAPTURE THIS INSANE PICHU!"
#47353155Saturday, May 21, 2011 6:11 PM GMT

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#47353520Saturday, May 21, 2011 6:18 PM GMT

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#47353640Saturday, May 21, 2011 6:20 PM GMT

-cyran comes out of the pokemon center then goes into the gym- cyran:time to face Roxanne! Roxanne:OK, but it's time to rock this battle! cyran:are the rock puns really needed? Roxanne:let's just battle already okay? Roxanne:go geodude and nosepass! cyran:go munna and oshawott! Roxanne:a nice match-up at best. cyran:oshawott use water gun! cyran:and munna use zen headbutt! geodude's hp:20 nosepass's hp:80 Roxanne: of course, water is quite effective against rock, i can't figure how to get that out of the way. Roxanne: nosepass thunder wave! Roxanne:geodude use rock throw! oshawott's health:30 munna's health:80 Roxanne:but we all know that water is weak to electric type moves! cyran:i didn't even realize that rock types could use electric type moves! cyran:oshawott use water gun on nosepass! cyran: and munna, use zen headbutt on geodude! nosepass fainted. geodude's health:10 Roxanne:quite the smart move i'd say. but now geodude use earthquake! oshawott's health:5 munna's health:50 cyran:not really effective but quite the hit! cyran:now oshawott finish geodude off with water gun! geodude fainted Roxanne:that was quite the battle, here. you deserve the stone badge. -Roxanne hands cyran the stone badge- cyran:now off to the pokemon center! -cyran runs out-
#47353989Saturday, May 21, 2011 6:27 PM GMT

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#47354245Saturday, May 21, 2011 6:32 PM GMT

-finally at dewford town- phew... finally. well anyways time to face brawly. -goes to gym- cyran:that's odd... -sees sign saying he's gone for a little bit- cyran:well better see if he's at the pokemon center. -enters pokemon center- -sees brawly- cyran:umm brawly... i came to challenge you to a gym battle. brawly:oh, you came just in time. well.. lets get outside. -walks out- -cyran follows brawly out- brawly:now let's battle! brawly:1 pokemon for each battler. brawly:go machop! cyran:this will be quite quick... go munna! cyran:munna use zen headbutt! machop's hp:50 brawly:so your using psychic... dang. brawly:machop use karate chop! munna's hp:60 cyran:munna use zen headbutt again! machop fainted. brawly:again i lose... well anyways here is the badge. -hands cyran the knuckle badge- cyran:now off to face wattson!
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#47354464Saturday, May 21, 2011 6:35 PM GMT

-cyran arrives at mauville- -sees wattson facing oscar- cyran:well i guess i'll watch this battle and than face him after that. -goes into the pokemon center than comes out- -watches oscar battle wattson-
#47354539Saturday, May 21, 2011 6:37 PM GMT

(...And if there are no levels here, then rare candies will be useless.(-_-') [Ryan] "Maybe I should go blow up some evil conspiring groups base with highly dangerous explosives that no person should own!"
#47354910Saturday, May 21, 2011 6:44 PM GMT

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#47355226Saturday, May 21, 2011 6:49 PM GMT

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#47355342Saturday, May 21, 2011 6:51 PM GMT

(Meh...) [Ryan] ".....Hmm....If I put a charge here, the base will collapse, if I put one over there, it will blow up the explosives room therby blowing up the building to smithereens.......Hmmm.... >:D!!!!" I place a charge under the explosives room >:)
#47355888Saturday, May 21, 2011 7:00 PM GMT

White/Emerald: *After flying to the Island* (anyone can come) *We walk through Santoz(made up. Isnt on map its on a Island* city and see a Colloseum poster* Poster: Tournament this Sunday! Be there and the Winner will recieve something... Unpure... White: Sounds like Ramp.G Emerald: Yeah... Lets join the Tournament... *Signs up* *To figures walk up to us* ???1: We will see you in the Semi-finals... ???2: Yes... ???1/2: *Snicker* *walks away* Emerald: Ramp.G... White: First match! Come on Emerald! Announcer: Our first Match of the 8 People! On the First matches its 2 Pokemon only, Semi-finals its 4 Pokemon, and the Finals 6 Pokemon! Then the Winner will fight our CHAMPION!!! White V.S. MIA!!! Mia(Looks like Misty but with black hair and Brocks Clothes in Heartgold) : Im gonna destroy you to the GROUND and WASH RINSE AND REPEAT!!! White: Whatever. Your no worse then a gym leader... ~Audiance~ Misty: O_e *Throws food at me~ White: HEY!!! Battle! Mia sent out Gyarados and Onix! White: Ha! Water dragon and Rock Dragon!(Or snake...) White sent out Cobalion and Luxray! Gyarados used Dragon Breath!(Co) Luxray used Lightning!(Gy) Onix used Rock Smash!(Lu) Cobalion used Headbutt!(On) Gyarados used Dragon Breath!(Co) Luxray used Rock Smash!(On) Onix used Rock Smash!(Co) Cobalion used Sacred Sword!(On) Onix fainted! Mia: One more Pokemon! Come on Gyarados win this! Gyarados used Dragon Breath!(Co) Cobalion fainted! White: *Sigh* Good job Cobalion. Mia, I am Champion of Orange, Hoenn, Kanto, and Unova. Your a Good trainer but your heads to hard and is full of Water! Luxray used Volt Tackle! Gyarados Fainted! Announcer: And the WINNER IS... WHITE WITH LUXRAY AND COBALION!!! Mia: Nooooooo! I wanted to be champion so bad... Hes my brother... White: Now the Champion is Clear. Stone or Gray... Mia: Who? White: Nothing... *Walks to Emerald* Emerald... The Champion is Male, but isnt Stone or Grey... Heh... Your next! Emerald: *Battles Ramp.G grunt and wins* Finally... Now wait out the battles! ???1 and ???2: Win. Flannery and Blaine: Dang! (Gym leaders) ???1: White... Me vs you... ???2: Emerald you'll Lose...
Top 100 Poster
#47356100Saturday, May 21, 2011 7:05 PM GMT

cyran:amazing... -wattson goes to the pokemon center than comes back- cyran: i challenge you wattson! wattson:oh hey, weren't you the kid who watched me battle another trainer? cyran:umm yeah.. wattson:well, might as well face you of course. wattson:here's my best pokemon! go pikachu! ref:there will be two rounds. one pokemon will be used in each. cyran:ok, time for the battle! cyran:go oshawott! wattson:not a good type advantage, but we'll see how this ends. cyran:oshawott use water gun! pikachu's hp:70 wattson: now pikachu use thunderbolt! oshawott's hp:60 cyran:oshawott water gun again! pikachu's hp:40 wattson:im sure that oshawott won't survive a third blow of this! wattson:pikachu use thunder! oshawott's hp:30 cyran:now oshawott use aqua jet! pikachu fainted. wattson:well that was quite unexpected.... wattson:so... go manectric! cyran:return oshawott, and go sandile! wattson:of course, electric type's weakness. cyran:sandile use earthquake! manectric's hp:50 wattson:now manectric use fire fang! sandile's health:80 cyran:now use earthquake one more time! manectric fainted. wattson:well here's the badge now.-wattson hands cyran the dynamo badge- cyran: yes! another badge. -cyran runs to the pokemon center than goes to route 117-