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#47082142Sunday, May 15, 2011 1:34 AM GMT

1. They exploit games. 2. They ruin the fun by team-killing you, but you can't report them. 3. On painting games they can paint cuss-words onto walls with no harm. 4. Same thing with games with GUI-Chat. 5. They can take your Easter Eggs you've been hunting and hunting for, but they can't even USE them. :ES:
#47082198Sunday, May 15, 2011 1:35 AM GMT

'Kick tool'
#47082222Sunday, May 15, 2011 1:35 AM GMT

Congratulations on your first post!
#47082249Sunday, May 15, 2011 1:36 AM GMT

You're judging me for my posts? I'm new... And your idea sucks.
#47082276Sunday, May 15, 2011 1:36 AM GMT

I'm not judging you retard. I'm congratulating you.
#47082497Sunday, May 15, 2011 1:41 AM GMT

5 reasons why guest cant get removed 1.- they are undesiced players, that if cant test will never join making roblox loose money 2.- guest are people too, you knew it? 3.- EVRY SINGLE MODERATOR HAS SAID THE CANT BE REMOVED, AND THEY SAID PEoPLE STOP ASKING FOR IT!!!!!! 4.- not every sinlge guest is "evil", ive meet hundreds of nice guest, maybe if you tried to use chat menu with them they will understand you more 5.- without them roblox population wil decrease not increase And if you ad a kick script you can just kick them... its very easy...
#47082788Sunday, May 15, 2011 1:47 AM GMT

what i would like would be a guest kicking thing for every single game, the problem with that is that since everyone is thinks al guest are the same, they will abuse of it kicking every single guest....
#47082917Sunday, May 15, 2011 1:49 AM GMT

*Throws BanHammarz at Ever* WOW. Stop being a sterotype noob! I mean, I have met some EPIC Guests! I was playing S:A by Garnold when a Guest makes a colony, and talks to me! He later made an account, and became friends with me. Also, some noobs were picking on him, and then he later pwned them.
#47083050Sunday, May 15, 2011 1:51 AM GMT

XD 123
#47083176Sunday, May 15, 2011 1:54 AM GMT

And good idea on this forum, but yes, some guests are noobs. But they shouldn't be on role play games. But there should be like some automatic script in the game, one where you can put in words that you wouldn't want in your game and would get them a warning. Then another with GUI to talk more easily with guests.
#47083199Sunday, May 15, 2011 1:55 AM GMT

some guest aren't noobs***
#47083635Sunday, May 15, 2011 2:03 AM GMT

"1. They exploit games." Leave the server, or... KICK THEM. "2. They ruin the fun by team-killing you, but you can't report them." You can't report anyone for teamkilling. "3. On painting games they can paint cuss-words onto walls with no harm." Kick them. Also, how often does this happen? "4. Same thing with games with GUI-Chat." Then it's the game creators fault. "5. They can take your Easter Eggs you've been hunting and hunting for, but they can't even USE them." We didn't even have a hunt this year.
#47083710Sunday, May 15, 2011 2:05 AM GMT

I met a guest who sacrificed himself to save me in a survival game.
#47083772Sunday, May 15, 2011 2:05 AM GMT

1) Rage-quit the server or kick them. 2) Accounts also team-kill. There's no reason to report them. Team-killing is not against the ROBLOX rule. 3) It barely happens. The chances are 10.09%. 4) Again, kick them or just ignore them. This barely happens. 5) No egg hunts this year. Get over it. ~Punkster1234567, Creative lazor. I also throw nukes at you, incase you have a flamethrower~
#47105783Sunday, May 15, 2011 3:18 PM GMT

If you don't like to play with guests, I HAVE A SOLUTION THAT IS LEGAL!!! play BC ONLY games!
#47105861Sunday, May 15, 2011 3:20 PM GMT

Try thinking this way: Last year EVERYONE was spamming "EGGS AT MY PLACE, COME QUICK!" THAT'S why they don't have egg hunting this year.
#47105908Sunday, May 15, 2011 3:21 PM GMT

um i dont know they can make your game not fun but some people dont want to make accounts there parents or guardians might not want them to
#47105949Sunday, May 15, 2011 3:22 PM GMT

Well, I think guests are noobs, but remember they could be kids trying to test out ROBLOX so ROBLOX should propably have guests. =/
#47106222Sunday, May 15, 2011 3:28 PM GMT

"1. They exploit games. 2. They ruin the fun by team-killing you, but you can't report them. 3. On painting games they can paint cuss-words onto walls with no harm. 4. Same thing with games with GUI-Chat. 5. They can take your Easter Eggs you've been hunting and hunting for, but they can't even USE them." 1. Leave the server. People will exploit games even on their own account because they have so many alts. 2. Anybody can teamkill, and all it is is that you get another WO added to your profile. What's the harm in that? 3. Anybody can do this, and it doesn't happen very often and it's the creator's fault for making it possible. 4. As with the one above, it doesn't happen often and it's the creator's fault for making it possible. 5. So? It's a virtual item. Are you really going to rage over a group of pixels that makes no difference on your life?
#47106455Sunday, May 15, 2011 3:33 PM GMT

You know the admins won't remove the guest feature. No matter how many flaws you find against this, they won't do anything. Plus, the guests I've met have done nothing that have has involved your list.
#47106731Sunday, May 15, 2011 3:38 PM GMT

1. They exploit games. So do players. 2. They ruin the fun by team-killing you, but you can't report them. Guests are reportable; but team-killing is not. Players do the same if they're angry. 3. On painting games they can paint cuss-words onto walls with no harm. So can players, aswell as swatstikas and other obscene things. 4. Same thing with games with GUI-Chat. Same thing. 5. They can take your Easter Eggs you've been hunting and hunting for, but they can't even USE them. QQ and ragequit.
#47106775Sunday, May 15, 2011 3:39 PM GMT

" 1. They exploit games. 2. They ruin the fun by team-killing you, but you can't report them. 3. On painting games they can paint cuss-words onto walls with no harm. 4. Same thing with games with GUI-Chat. 5. They can take your Easter Eggs you've been hunting and hunting for, but they can't even USE them. " 1) Not all guests do that. 2) HELLO? Are you sLATE pLATE cOLD mOLD? There are SOOO MUCH war games right now that has anti-teamkill script, duh. 3) Everyone can do that. 4) (related) Everyone can do that. 5) You're complaining about Easter Eggs? I practically "LOL'D" at the Easter Eggs. ^.^ Now be glad you're the first person EVER to have a suggestion with me saying "LOL'D". ~AoiChan~
#47106988Sunday, May 15, 2011 3:43 PM GMT

First Of All, This Is In WNTS. And If You Hate Guests, Quit The Game Or Roblox. Otherwise, Live With It, Noob. )JL001(
#47107039Sunday, May 15, 2011 3:44 PM GMT

No :/
#51430153Wednesday, July 27, 2011 7:35 AM GMT

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