#47313249Friday, May 20, 2011 11:11 PM GMT

as i passed them i stopped and introduced myself by saying what my roll was in the R.S.A., lead aerospace engineer for the entire R.S.A., i also told Darwin i was surprised to see them on Mars and that id just arrived. they then told me that they'd seen my craft land and thought it was wonderful i told Darwin thats project orion the one i built not to recently for the R.S.A. except this one is customized for me. i then invited them over to my habitation module and asked if they wanted coffee or tea or a drink it would be greatly appreciated if you guys described how you were talking and you saw my landing and habitation compound came over to investigate and saw me land.
#47313289Friday, May 20, 2011 11:11 PM GMT

*about an hour before i landed* Darwin and his troop on the rover see one of my robots going in the other direction and follow it *30 minutes later* they arrive at my complex and see the hangar and life support factuality's and a sign that says R.S.A. only all others are trespassing, so they go in and they hear the radar switch on and other stuff start beeping they are freaked out and see a shape slowly gliding down out of the sky inbound for the landing strip...
#47319979Saturday, May 21, 2011 1:31 AM GMT

they are able to make out R.S.A. on the side of what looks like a orion delta glider...
#47321437Saturday, May 21, 2011 2:00 AM GMT

Could we recreate a model of the Russian-4 stage N1 moon rocket and add more sections to block G? P.S may I join?
#47326537Saturday, May 21, 2011 3:37 AM GMT

I'm not a mod but write a character review and Darwin will get to you wihen he can.
#47328426Saturday, May 21, 2011 4:17 AM GMT

may i join the roleplay already filled out 4m. one if 1st people 2 do it
#47335910Saturday, May 21, 2011 11:37 AM GMT

if you want to but you better land very far away from me, i dont like russian rockets
#47339295Saturday, May 21, 2011 1:27 PM GMT

-Team-Space Age Tech, Inc --The group that I run. We make tomorrow's technology-today. -Rocket-Neptune VII Rocket(created by SATI) --A moderately fast rocket, built for extreme comfort during the 3-month trip to Mars. Also serves as a research vessel and orbiter, with a reusable lander -Colony-Mars Base Enterprise (Run by SATI) --A private colony owned by Space Age Tech, Inc. It is designed with innovation in mind, a design center for the group. Population-169. Also a research center and an employee retreat --Located at Canal Junction, the area where many of Mars' canals cross
#47339327Saturday, May 21, 2011 1:28 PM GMT

don't land anywhere near that base. It is private property
#47339810Saturday, May 21, 2011 1:41 PM GMT

(Josh you need to fill out the character sheet. Also mars doesn't have any canals, that was a 19th century misconception from bad telescopes at that time,)
#47340137Saturday, May 21, 2011 1:49 PM GMT

Josh (AKA DAR), we need to build some sort of perma-settlement on's the only way we can reach beyond, because otherwise we have no jump pad.
#47358420Saturday, May 21, 2011 7:43 PM GMT

"Char- I'm aware of everything." I said, I sat down at a radar controlling center I had engineered and stepped up to it. Behind me there was cluttered boxes from another generation- I swept some dust off the keyboard and the monitor that outstreched itself around the whole counsel in the shape of Semi-Circle turned towards me. I started toggling a sandbox creator for blueprinting... The Sandbox I created started to build a city together itself- showing the expansion of Mars. In the year 2035 I stopped the simulation. "That's what we're heading for." Char looked over my shoulder seeing factories, full cities- and a town hall as high as 4 empire state buildings.
#47359476Saturday, May 21, 2011 8:02 PM GMT

Check out my new ROLEPLAY THREAD! Dominus Domination- a war of the elements: JOIN NAO! *AND NOW BACK TO OUR PROGRAM* LOL.
#47360133Saturday, May 21, 2011 8:12 PM GMT

as my Orion delta glider prepared for reentry i checked the GPS that the CM was still orbiting mars for my return trip to earth a few months later when i go back to earth for a week to get my other rocket plans and bring them to my mars colony. than i checked my GPS that i was on the correct course for reentry and landing on the runway my robotic probes had set up earlier. as we started entry interface i checked all the instruments and sensors. all were nominal. after reentry i took manual control of the delta glider and flew it through the Martian atmosphere till i caught sight of the runway. descended and activated flaps. as i got closer i put flaps to 45(full) and armed the air brake.
#47360230Saturday, May 21, 2011 8:14 PM GMT

then deployed the landing gear. we then touched down on the runway where i then deployed the air brake and applied brakes. after roll out and wheel stop i signaled for a robotic tug to pull my delta glider to its hanger that was prebuilt. after i was in the hanger and the hanger doors closed i disembarked the craft in my space suit and sealed up the delta glider. i then walked out of the hanger and went over to my habitation module on the way i saw someone who looked Chinese, and my boss for the R.S.A.
#47360283Saturday, May 21, 2011 8:15 PM GMT

as i passed them i stopped and introduced myself by saying what my roll was in the R.S.A., lead aerospace engineer for the entire R.S.A., i also told Darwin i was surprised to see them on Mars and that id just arrived. they then told me that they'd seen my craft land and thought it was wonderful i told Darwin thats project orion the one i built not to recently for the R.S.A. except this one is customized for me. i then invited them over to my habitation module and asked if they wanted coffee or tea or a drink
#47360325Saturday, May 21, 2011 8:16 PM GMT

*about an hour before i landed* Darwin and his troop on the rover see one of my robots going in the other direction and follow it *30 minutes later* they arrive at my complex and see the hangar and life support factuality's and a sign that says R.S.A. only all others are trespassing, so they go in and they hear the radar switch on and other stuff start beeping they are freaked out and see a shape slowly gliding down out of the sky inbound for the landing strip with the letters R.S.A. printed on the side…
#47361160Saturday, May 21, 2011 8:31 PM GMT

(Flight didn't you already post this?) OKAY. I'M GOING TO MAKE A NEW CHAPTER. CHAPTER THREE- A VISION IN TECHNICOLOR: The computer kept flashing overnight- I kept editing overnight. Char and everyone else slept behind me in the facality where Flight's glider was, as well as an editing computer, I finished it and put it on a USB, I ran to my module to get my RO-BOT compling the system and checking it, making final edits and then finally. I'll tell people on Earth to send the automatic builders and materials.
#47364106Saturday, May 21, 2011 9:30 PM GMT

*wakes up and starts moving cargo and other stuff out of my delta glider* *tells robots to move cargo to sheds abd ny habitation module* *Later back in my habitation module i send for an Saturn XIII cargo vehicle to land probes full of cargo at my base, the cargo includes technology, food, ocygen, plants and other stuff*
#47370173Saturday, May 21, 2011 11:08 PM GMT

I had since taken a shower with the limited water supply.
#47373638Sunday, May 22, 2011 12:16 AM GMT

.... Everyone isn't seeing what's going on right now, 0_0 WE ARE ALL INSIDE A ROOM THAT FLIGHT HAD BUILT UNDER THE WINGS OF R.S.A. So everyone is at that base while Darwin is on the rover heading back to the module- (which he's already done) to upload his DATA idea. His data got sent back to the MC and the supplies just arrived. Everyone is at the module where the city streets are starting to be built. - D
#47375305Sunday, May 22, 2011 12:48 AM GMT

*comess out of underground bunker and sees my robots starting to build the city* hey darwin this is starting to turn out great now i have 1 question um when are we going to make are visit to R.S.A. hq on earth than come back to mars?
#47375465Sunday, May 22, 2011 12:51 AM GMT

"I'm way ahead of ya flight" I said, I turned to see the robot building the first roads, everyone stood next to me. "R.S.A H3 is coming out here on Mars soon anyway." (SPOILER, WELL- NOT REALLY A SPOILER, BUT STILL) LOL
#47383512Sunday, May 22, 2011 3:49 AM GMT

well when is are scheduled return visit to earth?
#47385121Sunday, May 22, 2011 4:26 AM GMT
