#5880652Tuesday, February 24, 2009 8:19 PM GMT

2 late 4 me 2 join??
#5888996Wednesday, February 25, 2009 12:52 AM GMT

(Yes, It's to late. Unless you want to act as some of the camper's, BUT stick whith the episode)
#5889037Wednesday, February 25, 2009 12:54 AM GMT

Tell me when you start a new season k
#5889077Wednesday, February 25, 2009 12:55 AM GMT

hey guys, dont mean to be mean but Teletoon made the first 6 episodes of TDA already! plus i know what season 3 is called.
#5889142Wednesday, February 25, 2009 12:57 AM GMT

its called Total Drama The Musical with only newcomers and no old characters, but Chris is still Chris and Chef is still Chef.
Top 100 Poster
#5889415Wednesday, February 25, 2009 1:04 AM GMT

Ohforf: Ok I think Heather is evil :P
#5891676Wednesday, February 25, 2009 2:10 AM GMT

Banana:CHCOMAN STAY OFF OF HERE, YOU RUIN THIS EVERY TIME YOU COME HERE *Blows head off* Banana:Oh, your late also Ohforf *Blows his head off to* Chris:These people are mesing things up Getan:THATS IT *Destrois boat whith random people* Now they wont try to be on the show =D, NOW LETS GET MOVING, THE LAVA BUNED MAH SUBWAY
#5898005Wednesday, February 25, 2009 2:15 PM GMT

Banana:Look, A tube? Getan:DA-DAAAA!!! Banana:HEY, this tube is not made of glass? Getan:It's made of PLAY-DO'H? Zetos:XD XD XD XD Chris:XD XD XD XD *Zetos pokes hole* Zetos:That didint work?*Grabs chain gun*NOW IT'S-A GONA WORK XD*BOOM* Banana:AGAIN?
#5928950Thursday, February 26, 2009 11:07 PM GMT

Getan:since when did zetos have a freaking chaingun?????? Banana:WHO CARES!!! Zetos:wait...whasnt that tube full of water? Banana:oh right...wait we forgot to OMPH----*holds breath* *getan has an aqua suit on* Getan:hehehehe XD *banana grabs a air tank and starts filling himself with air and hes goes up to the surface and getan jumps onto him* Banana:MPPH!!! Getan:HEY A BANANABOAT XD *Getan grabs an oar and starts paddling to isle*
#5935004Friday, February 27, 2009 1:55 AM GMT

Banana:IM NOT A BOA-*Makes boat noise*WADA-WADA-WADA Getan:XD Zetos:Ooooh s- Chris:XD Zetos:I GODA GET TO THE FINISH Hijju:WAIT, IM GETING FIRST
#5958929Saturday, February 28, 2009 3:01 AM GMT

Getan:AAAAR OH RLY???? *grabs a tank gun* Hijju:O_O oh crap Bananamario:WADA-WADA-WADA (isnt that thing heavy?) *the boat sinks* Getan:OH SNAP *fires tank gun and it hits hijju* Hijju:SWIM RACE!!! *the two swim to the isle*
#5960834Saturday, February 28, 2009 4:01 AM GMT

Banana:*under wacer*WAALDDALL BLWADAWL (He's not on me is he?) Getan:WHERES BANANA? Hijju:*Swims so fast he's like a speed boat*HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *Banana leaps out of water whith hammer* Banana:DIE Hijju:O_O Getan:XD Chris:...ok? Zetos:*looks back*O_o? Banana:AAAAAAAAAAAALALALALALALALALAHAHAHAHEHEHEHEOHOHOHO
#5980159Saturday, February 28, 2009 9:10 PM GMT

*getan grabs a gas tank and grabs banana* Getan:IMAH FIRIN MAH FART!!!! *POOOOOOOOT* *turns on gas tank and it lights and it acts like a rocket and flys into the air* Zetos:i didnt know you could fly wid fart power O_o Chris:ditto dude *the 2 hit the shore and go throguh the finish line and there heads get stuck in Rocks* Zetos:ehehehehehe Chef:uh...the winners? *the carts comes out of the water and hits getan in the KIWI'S Getan:MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF(SUN OF A GUN!!!!!) Zetos:OH CRAP THATS PRICELESS XD
#6003514Sunday, March 01, 2009 3:10 PM GMT

#6004240Sunday, March 01, 2009 3:36 PM GMT

Getan:Did we win?
#6004357Sunday, March 01, 2009 3:40 PM GMT

Chris:I think banana, zetos, & Getan are out the three:WHAT? Banana:THERE HAS TO BE A MESUP IN THAT? Chris:Ok then, turn on your cart and see if it still run's? Getan:*Turns it on*IT WORKS! Zetos:DX Chris:AND SO ZETOS GETS OUT OF THE RACE *Confesion cam* Getan:In total, I was the newcomer of the HQ, "The rookie" and now im the only one of the Hq people to stay in the next to races =D Zetos:Now I cant get invicibility XP Zetas:......GETAN'S THE ROOKIE OF THE 3 OF US AND HE SUVIVED THAT RACE? *Static* Getan & Banana:*Chanting*WE ARE IN RACE THREE!!!*high five*HAW-HAW Chris:Ok, when the other racers cross we'll go to the next race. BUT I'll show you a map of it. *Opens map* Banana:O_O Getan:a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a? Hijju:RADICAL! Banana:ok, iv'e never raced in A VOLCANO BEFORE?!
#6017752Sunday, March 01, 2009 10:09 PM GMT

Getan:well banana i added a rock raft....a parachute...and minifans from those M&M thingys are attached... Banana:ok... *at the volcano* Chris:you will all start at the bottom where there is lava...this is where you get to trick out your ride with different shaped rocks we found... and make the wheel of your cars made of ROCK Getan:your kiddin me... Banana:eh... *at the bottom* Chris:ready....set.....GO!!! *Getan drives off the ledge and turns on the Rock raft and they land on the lava* Getan:woop :P
#6027501Monday, March 02, 2009 2:15 AM GMT

Banana:We shold get beter whells... Getan:>_< Hijju:*Drives right by* Getan:WHAT WAS THAT? Banana:It's hijju, GET HIM *The both try to move there cart* Both:*Strugiling*XP Hijju:I cant belive it, because of these rock tires my best speed is 10 MILES PH Banana:PUSH GETAN, AS HARD AS YOU CAN!!! Getan:------WHAT YOU SED BACK TO YOU Banana:??? Chris:(since the cant go up to speed, I'll SCARE them up to speed)*Activates volcaino* The racers:O_o*Go faster* Getan:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABLAPHALALALALALALAAAAAAAAAAAAA Cody:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOH Jeff:*zooms by*WHOOOOOA-DUDE!!! Getan:WAIT-WAIT AHG Banana:Fire rocket #3? Getan:O_o? (I forgot about that) *Meanwhile whith chris further in the corse* Chris:The campers are not here yet so im ading EXPLOSIVE BOXES, CANNONS, and my favorate ^_^ THE VOLCAINO, DUDE! *Back to the racers* Banana:*Fires rocket*BWOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAHG Getan:BOOOOOOOOHYAH!!!
#6027581Monday, March 02, 2009 2:18 AM GMT

srry cant help it, i just always get rlly excited....
#6061681Tuesday, March 03, 2009 1:36 PM GMT

Banana:WHATS THAT GETAN? Getan:A box? *Picks up box* Banana:nah, nothing important, just gun powder...O_O *Toses it back* Cody:huh, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *BOOM* Chris:XD XD XD, Cody's out of the race dude XD Getan:Wow, imajine if we hit one of tho-CRATE AT 12:00 Banana:DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH Hijju:HAH, idiots behind meh! XD Jeff:NOT SO FAST DUDE! Getan:WE GOT JEFF BEHIND US
#6066592Tuesday, March 03, 2009 9:00 PM GMT

*Getan takes out a tank gun* Banana:GETAN NO! *the tank gun catches fire and turns into a rocket* and they start flying up the volcano with getan and bannana in he cart holding on* Getan:OMG! *the tank gun changes direction and the cart made of two hits jeffs and our cart becomes 3 combined carts!* Jeff:O_O Getan:geese enough of the combining zetos Real life zetos:OH PLZ BANANAMARIO LIKES DIS MADNESS! right? Real life bananamario:MMMHMMM..maybe Bananamario:ok wut now Getan:WE WIN THE RACE WHO CARES IF JEFF WINS TOO!!! *getan starts he car and the catch up to hiju
#6077266Wednesday, March 04, 2009 1:29 AM GMT

Banana:I got's an idea!*picks up crate*>=D Getan:WTF?! Banana:*sprays marshmelow smell all over it*HIJJU, THIS BOX HAS THE MARSHMELOW, I CAN TASTE IT!!! Hijju:WHAT, GIME!!!*Takes box* *Firework string from box drops out near a fire* Hijju:Come to papa!*opens box*??? *String chaches fire* Hijju:*sees the firework string on fire*O_O, YOU CAN HAVE IT BACK GETAN AND BANANA Getan:NO-NO-NO, KEEP IT Hijju:*Toses box but blows up the moment he toses it*O_<*Sits there like it hapened "looney-toons" stile* Getan & Banana:XD Jeff:WOAH DUDE, look at thoe cannons up ahead! Getan & Banana:*Pause there lagthing*O_O cannons? Chris:CHEF, GET THE CAMERA XD Banana:ALL THOSE CANNONS ARE FIREING AT US Getan:How many times will chris torture us in these races? Banana:...OVER 9-THOUSAND Chris:FIRE THE STEAM HOLES *Steam holes apear* *Steam hole shoots steam and rases hijju* Hijju:Hey! HERE I COME MARSHMELOW!
#6086183Wednesday, March 04, 2009 2:17 PM GMT

Banana:OH NOEZ, HIJJU'S FLYING FROM.....Steam? Getan:Then WE WILL FLY WHITH STEAM! *Getan drives to a steam hole* *Steam just slows the cart down* Jeff:>_< Getan:THIS IS A RIP-OFF Chris:XD
#6086356Wednesday, March 04, 2009 2:44 PM GMT

Getan:woop idea *opens up a parachute and clicks a button and a rocket coems out of bottom *the steam hole blwos and the rocket fires and the 3 jet straight out of the volcano and land on the finishl ine* Bananamario:woop.... Getan:THATS MY LINE! *punch!* Bananamario: o_<
#6090722Wednesday, March 04, 2009 8:33 PM GMT

Banana:We won! Hijju:*slow motion*NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Chris:Where sory hijju, you just need to learn to drive XD Hijju:*Head turns red*>=P Chris:EVERYBODY FLOW ME TO THE NEXT CORSE! *at the next corse* Banana:O_O Getan:uuuh...O_O Chris:I give you... THE SUPER AWSOME ACTION RACE CORSE! Banana:*Faints* Chris:Oh, I aded a bonus prize for the winer(s) Getan:??? Chris:The first placer's get THE BUFFET OF THERE DREAMS! Banana:*Wakes back up because of what chris sed*=D Hijju:*sneaks behond getan, banana, jeff's cart* Lets see hwo gets that buffet now >=D *Stuffs anything up there egxsauhst pipe* Chris:RACERS TO YOUR PLACES Getan:arent you gona tell us the traps? Chris:Nope!