#48053375Saturday, June 04, 2011 1:51 PM GMT

Joe I kept watch at the tower. So far, nothing.
#48060361Saturday, June 04, 2011 4:16 PM GMT

the sun sets over the horizon. "alright everyone to bed. we get a big day ahead of us tommorow." i say. i lay in bed thinking i could really go for i sandwich as i drift off.
#48063224Saturday, June 04, 2011 5:03 PM GMT

( so many blues, back us up and join the reds!)
#48063427Saturday, June 04, 2011 5:06 PM GMT

"alright everyone wake up its time to visit the red fort. Adam im leaving you in charge."
#48063666Saturday, June 04, 2011 5:10 PM GMT

I go to a blue base 2 gardens south 5 blocks east. I pull out my NERF rifle, and pull out a radio and play Fight with Seymour...... then I hide in a bush so the noise attracts them and they dance and I take them out.
#48063802Saturday, June 04, 2011 5:12 PM GMT

we arrive at the red leaders base when i see a at 'b-3' sticky note and say "we are now entering battle"
#48064091Saturday, June 04, 2011 5:17 PM GMT

Of course, not all Blues are stupid, ignorant, or just plain silly. And these Blues remained in their base to see what happened to those who went to see what had happened. Watching one person take out a large number of Soldier Recruits was an amusing, but shocking, thing to watch. The base captain immediately got on the line to C2 to ensure that the next group of SRs sent to him would be properly trained. Meanwhile, the other sensible Blues were opening fire on the newcomer from behind cover. Kale typed in the code, slotted his key into the hefty lock, and the hatch slowly swung open on its hydraulics. "Ok, everyone in." and slowly everyone began to dissapear from the summerhouse. The hatch closed behind them. Kale switched on the lights, which were fluerescant strips, and led the soldier recruits along the passageway. "It gets steeper in a minute, watch your step." he told them, as the passageway suddenly gave way to stairs.
#48064135Saturday, June 04, 2011 5:18 PM GMT

(And Army, C4 isn't a team, it's a Blue base.)
#48064317Saturday, June 04, 2011 5:21 PM GMT

"some one hand me a sliongshot" i say climbing a tower with alot of water balloons. when i get to the top i grab the slingshot a recruit threw to me and say ;thankyou noq take positions" i wait and wait and wait. finnaly i count bacwards from 5 and say "CHARGE"
Top 100 Poster
#48065785Saturday, June 04, 2011 5:45 PM GMT

I noticed a red patrol turn the man, Modded nerf vulcan. Should i let him pass....I waited for a moment
#48065979Saturday, June 04, 2011 5:49 PM GMT

i shot a water balloon at the first blue and yelled "FOR THE RED TEAM!" i climbed off the watch tower and ran inside the base doing my best to dodge all attacks (not every attack but alot)
#48073033Saturday, June 04, 2011 7:41 PM GMT

Kale was always faintly amused that the leader of the Blues was both younger than him and had chosen a less secure base as HQ. But still, it meant that Kale had more privacy, and more time to be working. The group passed several rooms, in which were boxes upon boxes of halogen lights, timers, electronics, deoderant cans and lighters. There were other things, but comparitively few of them. The corridor turned at a 45* angle to the left, with two rooms to either side. The smallest of these, which had an angled wall, was Kale's bedsit. The room next to it, which Kale had made an internal door to his room with, contained multiple banks of computers. Several were showing schematics for new weapons, one had the desktop screen showing, one had a games website running, and two other screens had screensavers. They were both of pipes. On the right, the generator room, which held a generator normally seen in lighthouses, and an extra one which acted as backup. The backup genny powered the lights and the stand-alone file back-up computer. The room next to it held a toilet and bathroom, including powershower. At the end of the corridor, it widened up. There was a small canteen, living area, and a workshop where Kale built his things. On it were about fifty halogen flashbangs, sixty deoderant and air freshener flamethrowers, cans of flyspray, and some prototype weapons. One of which was nearly complete.
Top 100 Poster
#48073563Saturday, June 04, 2011 7:51 PM GMT

It was getting dark so i decided to pack up my things and go home but just as i stood up a painball flung my way and slammed into a wooden strut behind me, i dived backwards as more flung their way into the window. I skidded down one stairset and hopped down another. I heard people shouting orders outside...most likley reds. I ducked under a fallen beam and slammed myself into the emergency handle of the fire escape.
#48076461Saturday, June 04, 2011 8:41 PM GMT

Jason I had cleaned the PDA off with a Clorox wipe, (They turnd out to be water resistant.) and it was working fine. I then walked causuall towards B 13, where some guards let me in. "Thanks, guys." I murmur, then enter the main room, which was a garage filled with numerous vehicles and weapons. I walked to an empty area, next to a small pile of water and NERF pistols, and shoved a paint grenade in the bottom, from which I pulled off the clip. (By the way, my paint grenades are soda cans filled with vinegar and baking soda, and when I pulled the tab, it released the metal slit between the two. I had dyed each substace with blue die.) Anyway, I left it there, then speedwalked to the entrance. After I was out of the guards' sights, I started running. The grenades look 5 - 30 seconds to detonate. They were still prototypes, so we never could make a stable detonation time.
#48077124Saturday, June 04, 2011 8:53 PM GMT

Name: John Mackehan(Scottish) Team:Purple Items:Nerf Specter,2 Nerf Klaw Hachets,Firecrackers(Small ones, They won't kill but they will hurt alot.) Favorite weaponry:Nerf Specter. Rank: Special Operator. Base of operations: T-16 Bio:John was Neutral,But when the war happend he chose Purple(I am too lazy to come up with somthing deeper)
#48077652Saturday, June 04, 2011 9:02 PM GMT

John was on a misson, He had Intell on where the blue leader was John was to kidnap him therefore taking blue out of the war, he saw the base where the leader is supposed to be, there were lots of guards but John had other opratives with him all of them had Specters(Note, Specters come with silencers)John called a RC Firecracker strike 7 came Purple was going to do its best to take the leader, Soon the firecrackes came down it was LOUD(I am going to let this play out a bit.)
#48077803Saturday, June 04, 2011 9:05 PM GMT

Kale sat down at the radio. The SRs were chatting again. Very few Blues were ever allowed into the Research Centre, even if it was very cramped, and it was the heart of the Blue special weapons production. If any other faction were to take it, Blue would likely fall. However, it was a nuclear shelter. It would be practically impossible for them to get in. Especially if he cut power to the hydraulics. Next to the radio was a little screen showing the image feed from the CCTV camera in the summerhouse. He checked it. No one had followed them. He picked up the radio transciever, which was already set to the right frequency "Commander Skua calling HQ, come in." There was a moment of whining before there was a reply. "This is HQ, Research Centre, what is your staus?" the operator at the other end asked. "Domination 3 was successful, we have all of the ranged weapons from the Red camp." he replied. "Good work. Process the weapons, then get them to us. Let us know if you find anything interesting. Once that's done, you can set on Domination 4 when ready. But make it an important base this time. Leader's getting worried about our losses. HQ out."
#48081425Saturday, June 04, 2011 10:03 PM GMT

Jason It was abut 16 seconds this time. I checked in after the paint fumes cleared. Nearly everything was caked in paint. Before I knew it, I saw paint balls whizz pat my head. I dived behind a motorcycle and peered up a bit. Two guys, both weak and injured, with paintball sub machine gun turrets. I closed my eyes and sighed, before jumping up and shooting the solider further to the left, then got down again. I moved to the side just in time to see a girl with a small paintball pistol shoot me in the ear. I automatically closed my hand on my ear to feel sticky paint. None had gotten farther than just inside my ear, so I was safe. I creeped to the side and saw her aiming above the motorcycle, where I had put my head first. I quietly snuck out and came right to her side. I then grabbed her shoulder and squeezed until she closed her eyes. Thank God for pressure points.
#48082870Saturday, June 04, 2011 10:29 PM GMT

The airstrike came out it quickly dispatched all the Blue guards,They moved in as quickly as possible.... It was just a base, However there were some strange blue prints.
#48083191Saturday, June 04, 2011 10:35 PM GMT

The blueprints were of circuit diagrams for the PDAs. Nothing particularly interesting. Though there might be at the bottom of the pile. (I don't know where you are going with this, so I'll give you a chance to say what's strange.) Domination was the code name for Kale's attackes on the Red bases. Get in, get weapons, get out, torch it. So far, they had destroyed Red's three smallest bases with this method. The SRs began taking the Red weapons from their packs. Kale anticipated that several of them would have been modded, to get batter range or if electrical, faster firing rate.
#48084111Saturday, June 04, 2011 10:50 PM GMT

The blueprints showed a base named "C-4 Experimental Weapons Facility" John took a picture and uploaded it using the computer,(Is this okay to do?) After further searching they found a map to "C-4" they also uploaded this, The orders now said to take this facility at all costs.(I am hoping you will allow this)
#48084352Saturday, June 04, 2011 10:54 PM GMT

Jason I put her in some handcuffs a spy had slipped me before I left A6. I laid her on the ground and searched through some technology. I used the red PDA to send a message to C4. It was a voice message that went like this. "I am Pvt. Jason Mendez, I have captured base B 13. This is coming from a captured red PDA. Please send a small group of troops to secure the base."
#48084363Saturday, June 04, 2011 10:55 PM GMT

Evan With the newly arrived Paintball machine guns, I started out for the barracks. We were going to raize a Red base to the ground, and then take it for Blue.
#48085253Saturday, June 04, 2011 11:07 PM GMT

(No. I thought I'd made this clear. C4 is top secret among Blues. The leader of C3 knows as little about C4 as Kale knows of C3. There are no maps lying around showing its position or its design.)
#48085417Saturday, June 04, 2011 11:10 PM GMT

With Kale now underground, he would not recieve the message. Blue HQ was a large camp, in one of the largest back gardens, which belonged to the leader. The main part was the house itself, where the radio rooms and canteen were held, along with the leader's rooms and office. The attic was used for heavy weapons storage. At the back of the house was an outbuilding, where the toilet facilities and weapons handout desk were. In the back garden itself were three gazebos next to each other, one attched to the outhouse, in an L shape. A tunnel made of metal and bedsheets went between one of the gazebos and the kitchen of the house where the canteen was. Around the gazebos were thirteen tents, most of which were different, and seven of which were around half the size of the gazebos. The rest were small. All of the tents acted as barracks.