#47700864Sunday, May 29, 2011 1:44 AM GMT

Name:Jack Gen.der: Male Species:Griffin Appearance:A small, cute little brown griffin with a white chest and big, brown, adorable eyes. He has a short, orange beak with 2 nostrils. He has a wingspan of about a meter. He is very young and therefore a very small griffin, and is still growing his flying feathers. Skills: He can fly (awkward and slowly), bite, claw, and is very athletic. Magical Powers:None Personality: Very carefree and happy most of the time, but he can get aggressive. He is angered easily. He is also very adamant, and will almost never quit something once he starts. Armament: Claws, beak. Profession: None Biography: He comes from the south, and was separated from his mother when a large storm hit. He was brought to a desert nearby where the story is taking place. Other: The Waifus or whatever.
#47700954Sunday, May 29, 2011 1:46 AM GMT

((The Waifus huh? I like it XD. Anyway, you're accepted, thanks for joining the roleplay and good luck.))
#47701043Sunday, May 29, 2011 1:48 AM GMT

(Okay, thanks. Can I have basically what's going on at the moment?)
#47701093Sunday, May 29, 2011 1:49 AM GMT

(("We haven't started yet. If you want to know the back story..." Srbstriker points to the first post "You know where to find it"))
#47701156Sunday, May 29, 2011 1:50 AM GMT

(Just a question. So, are our characters in the city or what?)
#47701217Sunday, May 29, 2011 1:52 AM GMT

((Travelling to the village of Krayt. We can all be various distances to it but everyone has to get there eventually.))
#47701242Sunday, May 29, 2011 1:52 AM GMT

(Can I start?)
#47701288Sunday, May 29, 2011 1:53 AM GMT

((Yeah, sure kick it off if you want to.))
#47701357Sunday, May 29, 2011 1:54 AM GMT

Jack wakes up, not knowing where or who he is for a second. He realizes he's in some kind of desert. He suddenly remembers everything: The storm, his mother screaming his name, him calling to his mother. He began to cry with the memories.
#47701939Sunday, May 29, 2011 2:04 AM GMT

~Aurion~ The clattering and clumping of hooves was the only sound ringing in Aurion's ears. He could feel a light breeze around him and see the grass rippling slightly. Aurion was mounted on his horse Tu'r, a powerful,chestnut brown steed. He gave the horse a slight nudge with his heels and Tu'r took off with amazing speed and power, Aurion's felt his heart pounding in his chest and the wind pushing against his face, this is what he lived for. Aurion had passed through many forests and clearings numerous times. He could now,just barely, see the infertile sands of the deserts. Tu'r's hooves kicked up the dust as master and mount united bounded down the path into the desert. His mind was set on reaching the dry, red grounds where Kryta was set.
#47702027Sunday, May 29, 2011 2:06 AM GMT

(Wow, you're the best RP'er I've seen) Jack muffles his cries when he hears horse hooves hitting the sands. He gets up and runs towards the noise.
#47702511Sunday, May 29, 2011 2:15 AM GMT

(( Thanks for the compliment, I do try but I wouldn't consider that my best post.)) Tu'r sniffed the air and then let out a loud whinny, Aurion knew exactly what this meant and he yanked the rains back as hard as he could. Tu'r came to a skidding stop before regaining his balance. Aurion knew Tu'r. a specially trained ranger horse could pick up minute changes in the scent of the air, and that was a warning. Aurion reached back and shook the sheath of his bow and then drew the pure white forward. He subconciously drew and nocked an arrow and let his eyes scan the environment for any changes in scene. (( Come on everyone don't let me and robo finish this roleplay by ourselves ;) ))
#47702617Sunday, May 29, 2011 2:16 AM GMT

Jack, from behind a rock, observes the man on the horse. He snuck (Is that how you say it? Snuck?) snuck to a closer spot, but tripped on the way, making an "oof" sound.
#47703189Sunday, May 29, 2011 2:28 AM GMT

(I apologise.) Haere wiped the sweat off her scales, wishing more than ever to be a diplomat. Where was she supposed to be going, anyway? Krayt, was it? It wasn't a mystery, the area was well known. Why, then... something about an artifact. She'd have to find someone and ask. Even though that would be rather embarrasing. She sighed and plodded on. (But I have to go again for the night. Different time zones...)
#47703225Sunday, May 29, 2011 2:29 AM GMT

((Snuck it is, I think)) ~Aurion~ Aurion picked up the subtle change in environment with his perephiral vision, he then turned to examine the situation. He found a small griffin running to a cover spot and then tripping slightly. Aurion chuckled to himself and re-sheathed his bow. He dismounted from the brown horse and closed in for a closer look at this curious creature. ((Come on guys))
#47703291Sunday, May 29, 2011 2:30 AM GMT

Jack, seeing the man had notices him, squeaked and hid behind the rock.
#47703346Sunday, May 29, 2011 2:31 AM GMT

((No problem Rotix, we are all probably at different times of the day... or night.))
#47703488Sunday, May 29, 2011 2:33 AM GMT

(Shrug, got a last post in. I'm doing my best among such good roleplayers.) Haere sat down. This was not a good place to rest, but it would have to do. She unfolded her wings and let her supplies drop to the ground, beginning to set up the best camp she could with no tent.
#47704052Sunday, May 29, 2011 2:42 AM GMT

((That's all I ask for :). As it says, this roleplay is relativley easy going, just have fun.)) Aurion sighed. The griffin was obviously scared of his presence. He stared ahead and let mis mind work. If he were to take the griffin with him, it would definately slow him down, but he couldn't leave it behind a rock. After a while of thinking he came up with a desision. "Don't worry little buddy," Said Aurion trying to sound gentle, but accomplishing rather the opposite. "It's gonna be alright." Aurion held out a hand near the rock.
#47704255Sunday, May 29, 2011 2:45 AM GMT

Jack, curious, looked up at the man. Deciding he couldn't trust anyone else, he put his head in the man's hand, a griffin sign of trust.
#47704906Sunday, May 29, 2011 2:56 AM GMT

(Sorry, I have to go. getting late where I am. Let's start tomorrow)
#47704965Sunday, May 29, 2011 2:57 AM GMT

~Aurion~ A smile touched Aurion's face, he didn't expect this reply. Aurion peered over at the sun which was hanging low in the now violet sky, it reminded him of a lazy cat drifting off to sleep. He let out two piercing whistles aimed at his horse. The first one meant that the are was safe, the second to join Aurion. Tu'r trotted over the orange desert sand to Aurion and his master turned his head to him. "Tu'r this is my new friend," He told his horse as if he would understand, "I hope you two get along fine" He added but Tu'r's expression told him that his steed held a great dislike for the cute creature that Aurion had been so quick to trust. The griffin was only small, maybe he could fit in one of the numerous pouches that hung around his horse's saddle. Aurion took a blanket out of a pouch and lay it over his saddle and then looked back at the Griffin. "That pouch should be more than big enough for you" He said to the small griffin with a smile. ((Okay we'll continue tomorrow, looking forward to it. I just had to post this last part.))
#47706334Sunday, May 29, 2011 3:21 AM GMT

#47706718Sunday, May 29, 2011 3:28 AM GMT

Gloppington's head rung as he awoke. For a while, the young Conjurer failed to get his bearings, but eventually realized that his location was a large cardboard box. No memory of the night before remained. At first, he thought that this could be connected to his amnesia from before his schooling. Maybe he could find some answers! Alas, the realization that he had gone to a water shop yesterday dawned on him. Gloppington must have had too many bottles of water that night and his mental acuity was taking the brunt of it. His reflection was interrupted when a noise, Gloppington still too narcoticized by water to tell the direction, erupted around him. It sounded like the sound produced when two coconuts are banged together rhythmically, but with better sound effects for horses. In his delusion, Gloppington toys with the idea that everything happening to him right now is all part of some cosmic movement and that he will soon meet whoever made that noise. He quickly discards the idea as crap though as his mind clears up. "How the hell did I end up here?" Gloppington couldn't figure out how he could have gotten in the middle of a blistering desert when he was in San Francisco two days ago. This was going to be a long day.
#47706955Sunday, May 29, 2011 3:33 AM GMT

((Very interesting and well written I must say.))