#47694807Saturday, May 28, 2011 11:56 PM GMT

(lol,I love the fact Mew is completely oblivious XD.So far all accepted,let's start?] Vaddox sighed as he stood on the front of a train,the train was an old model,but not older than some. It boasted at least a minor modern style with a stream line head and several pipes letting exhaust out.Although it was rusted and old, it still ran very,very fast. So, Vaddox simply used his gun as an armrest as the train flew across the sand.
#47695252Sunday, May 29, 2011 12:04 AM GMT

"Siiiiiiissssss." R groaned, toying with the Cylinder on his Revolver as he laid his head against a rock from where he lay on the sands of a rocky little outcrop, upon which he and Raula had made their camp. "I'm booorrrrreeed. Tell me there's a train coming..." "Oh shut up." Raula snapped, whacking the scope of her rifle to fit it back onto the attachment rails. "It'll be by in a minute."
#47695478Sunday, May 29, 2011 12:08 AM GMT

Vaddox popped his neck as he noted a outcrop, and the average scenery, he ignored his suspicions of the outcrop and put his gun over his shoulder before heading towards the cargo hold of 3 cabs. The train was relatively short,to minimize the risks, but what lied inside was an armory of weapons to be supplied to an outgoing war on another system. Vaddox and two other humans were stationed there,both were runners and wielded an assault rifle that was close to a FAMAS design. Vaddox began to walk towards the entrance of the first cab.
#47695714Sunday, May 29, 2011 12:12 AM GMT

"There it is." Raula smiled, staring down the scope. "You ready R?" she asked, waiting for an answer. An answer that did not come. "R?" Raula took her eye from the scope, and her face contorted into a scowl as she saw R sprinting madly down the small path at the side of the outcrop towards the Train to intercept it and leap on the back car. Since the duo couldn't go it alone, Raula pulled Lycan against her chest and started running after her brother.
#47695834Sunday, May 29, 2011 12:15 AM GMT

Vaddox punched the numbers into the panel to open the door. He walked inside to be greeted by the weapons swaying slowly and the lights flickering every once and awhile. He walked down the small isle to the other door,opening that door and going through it, closing it behind him. Vaddox began to open the next door
#47696283Sunday, May 29, 2011 12:23 AM GMT

(Admins do not like Photo/bucket.) R ran far ahead of Raula, who was weighed down a bit by the heavy rifle, and was getting closer to the Train tracks, which were visibly vibrating as the Train hurtled closer and closer.
#47696291Sunday, May 29, 2011 12:23 AM GMT

(Gotta hate filter eh?)
#47696490Sunday, May 29, 2011 12:26 AM GMT

Vaddox finished inputting the numbers into the panel of the second cab and entered,closign the door behind him once again,doing the same thing he had done before. he began to put the numbers into the panel before one of the GDF shouted 'JUMPERS!'. Vaddox stopped inputting the number and cleared the cache, he began to climb on top of the second cab
#47697175Sunday, May 29, 2011 12:37 AM GMT

R kept running, and as the train cars began to thunder past him, he threw himself forwards, landing heavily against one of the maintenance ladders, and clambering up, looking behind him to see Raula heaving the Sniper Rifle onto one shoulder in preparation for her own jump.
#47697528Sunday, May 29, 2011 12:42 AM GMT

Vaddox pulled down his gun and held it steady with his two hands,he let the barrel whir as he waited for his first targets. the two other GDF guards were making sure the Jumpers didn't gain hold of the head of the train
#47702535Sunday, May 29, 2011 2:15 AM GMT

John Looked around the Train Looking at all these Unfimiliar Faces. He pulled out his volcanic Pistol and Started to reload. Afterwards he Reloaded each one of his Guns.
#47710662Sunday, May 29, 2011 5:00 AM GMT

(Murderrests, I'm hoping those weapons are mercury tipped or something fancy cause those weapons won't do crap against shields and armor in the time period that is in the RP...
#47711055Sunday, May 29, 2011 5:12 AM GMT

Species: Human Name: Johnny De Vries Ag.e: 21 Gender: M Appearance: Shaggy brown hair and brown facial hair, he wears a ragged long sleeve shirt and a bulletproof vest. Along with stolen GDF armor pants. Weapons: Dual Pistols? Bio: Nah. Skills: Speed, Cunning GDF or Jumper: Jumper Specialty: Running
#47713792Sunday, May 29, 2011 7:14 AM GMT

(Their Armor Peircing Bullets...)
#47716728Sunday, May 29, 2011 10:26 AM GMT

(HV3,a lil' bit more detailpl00x?) (AP?what about the shields?those bullet's will stop dead and be vaporized by even minor might want some mass acceleration in them, so they go through the shields completely...)
#47725739Sunday, May 29, 2011 3:00 PM GMT

(Oh Blood, details Details, TOODAHLOO. Now here I go!> Shuans grasped his cane tightly as he stood directly on the tracks, watching the incoming train. He wrapped his trench coat around himself tighter to keep out the dust storm, his goggles and mask doing the rest. As the train neared, Shaun readied himself to jump aboard.
#47725900Sunday, May 29, 2011 3:04 PM GMT

As R hauled himself onto the top of the Train Car, his breath caught, as he watched his sister leap at the car. His hand shot out to grasp hers, but she had not been fast enough, and as their nails clacked past each other, Raula's eyes went wide. She fell heavily against the ladder against the side of the car, her hand wrapping around it, but it was the wrong side of the ladders, and she was flung to the side, the joint of her arm letting out a horrible crack as it collided with the corner of the train car. With a scream of pain, Raula let go, and fell between the two cars, lucky enough to land on the small, narrow path, while Lycan fell from her grip, clattering against the pathway as it threatened to topple over the edge and be crushed by the train's wheels.
#47727787Sunday, May 29, 2011 3:43 PM GMT

Suddenly, the train came speding up. Shaun grasped his cane tightly, then rolled underneith the train. Luckly, he narrowly missed the metal grate used to push away debre. Shaun laid under the train as it rolled over head. As he waited for an opening, he was hit in the head by some weapon. He rubbed his sorespot, then immediatly sprung up into an opening, grasping the possibly-useful weapon. As he hit the small platform, Shaun realized that he had also landed on a person. He scrambled to his feet, dusting himself off. She appeared to be a Jumper, the usual GDF uniform was not on her body. As the real GDF was heard charging up the train, Shaun quickly grabbed the girl and just as quickly locked himself into the next car.
#47727934Sunday, May 29, 2011 3:46 PM GMT

"Raula!" R shouted, as he watched someone grab his sister, and drag her away into a car. He breathed in through his teeth, before swearing, and banging his fist against the train car. Raula could hardly muster the strength to swear, gripping her broken arm tightly, her face contorted in pain.
#47728180Sunday, May 29, 2011 3:51 PM GMT

Shaun looked over the girl, immediatly spotting her arm. He had no medical training, being 8 and all, but he immediatly ripped up some of her shirt. Using the shirt piece and a half-smashed board, Shaun put the arm on a splint, then sat her up on a wall. After concealing her abit, Shaun ran ahead to the train's head.
#47728342Sunday, May 29, 2011 3:55 PM GMT

"Give it... back..." Raula grunted, using her good arm to grab at Shaun's leg as he tried to walk away.
#47728381Sunday, May 29, 2011 3:56 PM GMT

Feith watched the train approach the rock where she was sitting. She took her shoes off and tied then to her pants then pulled her scarf up to cover her lower face from the sand. She felt the vibrations growing stronger then stood up to her feet. As the train rushed past she jumped down aiming for the roof. Her hands grabbed onto the edge of the roof then she got a firmer hold with her feet.
#47740103Sunday, May 29, 2011 7:17 PM GMT

(Fine...Their Mercury tipped Armor Peircing Bullets...)
#47744714Sunday, May 29, 2011 8:47 PM GMT

Shuan glanced down at the girl, then with sudden realization, the weapon. He bent down, handing the rifle to her. He motioned for her to stay put and hide, then continued on.
#47746757Sunday, May 29, 2011 9:29 PM GMT

Raula took the rifle back with a grunt, clutching it close without a word. R was still on top of the train cars, slowly clambering his way towards the back cars.