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#55184013Thursday, September 22, 2011 8:31 PM GMT

This is the best post ever I agree 100% with cheater I have the SAME problems and they never get fixed. The new loading thing is terrible it takes longer, and the things that it says its doing like "De-Noobing skynet protocals" Most likely don't even EXIST I don't care how hard it is ITS THIER JOB TO FIX IT THEY CHOSE TO DO THAT JOB NOW THEY HAVE TO DO IT OR LEAVE. I'm not a computer geinus or anything but I KNOW there are problems. I lose connection almost everytime I play on too many games I lag. Then if it gets bad enough I get the lag of no return I've been playing since 2008 and these bugs have BEEN HERE for too long. Infact having BC is useless I have never had BC and I don't want it. My cousin who HAS BC says that they shouldn't have BC. It's the truth. ROBLOX needs help now they need PROFESSIONALS who actually KNOW WHAT THERE DOING. Thanks. ~Soldier317
#55184550Thursday, September 22, 2011 8:44 PM GMT

Haven't roblox update some good things though? I mean... I'm not saying roblox's updates are top 5, i'm just gonna to say this, THERE USELESS. Period. Discustion is over.

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