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#47980455Friday, June 03, 2011 1:54 AM GMT

"Hotel, Echo, Lima, Papa!" I screamed into Corporal Lance's radio. Static came back. "Crap!" I yelled out. My company was looking at me, well what was left of my company. Second and fourth platoon had been almost entirely annihilated. Only a handful had survived. I sighed heavily, loud enough for almost everyone to hear. "Alright, let's move out. Sergeant Rickson, Sergeant Charles, over here." I said. The two sergeants calmly walked over. "Rickson, place half of your platoon in the Humvees. Charles, have of your in the Humvees. The rest walk, just save seats for us three." They nodded and jogged off to split up their men. I got into the passenger seat of the front Humvee. The sergeants placed themselves in different Humvees, so if I were to get hit we wouldn't need some Corporal to take charge. The Humvee started moving and I tensed.

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