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#48009086Friday, June 03, 2011 7:41 PM GMT

"Good evening fine Children,This is the school of Magic,We call it Tallisar Academy.Each one of you have a Power of your own,You all use magic in different ways,none witch or wizard or warlock have the same powers. Our aim at this school is to train you in all the diffrent ways in magic,I must vanish off now children,I declare this school open!!!!!!!!" ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Deep in the Castle,a evil force is at work,its name is Tarrocka and will seek to destroy the school,you must learn the magical arts and defeat tarrocka and his evil henchmen. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rules: DO NOT FLAME THIS OR TROLL IT OR YOUR SOCKS MAY GO MISSING (Bad Karma XD) YES I WILL GIVE 4 PEOPLE A CHANCE TO BE A TEACHER REGULER ROBLOX RULES AND RPING RULES STORY MODE PLEASE NO GMODING EG:I CAST THE MOST POWERFUL SPELL EVAH! THIS IS NOT A HARRY POTTER RP THREAD PUT:Where has that toilet gone in your bio CS: Name: A.g.e Apperance Personality Special spell you can only cast:(Eg:Can make myself fly) Bio Other The teacher cs is the same as the one above only include how long you have worked in the school Thankyou...And the rp is set in the moderen times
#48009732Friday, June 03, 2011 7:51 PM GMT

CS: Name:Braxton Davis A.g.e:14 Apperance:Green eyes,Red hair w.Bangs,and 6'8.Braxton is wearing the school uniform. Personality:Nice,Kind,Good,Charming. Special spell you can only cast:Morph(I can morph into others.) Bio:I alked in my bathroom and said,"Where has that toilet gone."Now back to the biography well he was raised a normal chiled untill ag.e 5 when his dad told his son he was a wizard so did his mother so he knew he was a wizard to now his parents are enrolling him in this school of wizards. Other:N/A
#48009879Friday, June 03, 2011 7:53 PM GMT

Top 100 Poster
#48014933Friday, June 03, 2011 9:18 PM GMT

(Aw. Morphing was already taken. :c) Name:Carly Matthewson A.g.e: 16 Apperance:Carly is thin, and her skin tone rather fair-skinned. Her skin glows with a healthy look to it, but it's rather light. Her hair is a bright white and falls in gentle waves and tangles around her ribs and lower back. Her hair (from the back) makes her seem as though she may be albino, but once someone see's her face, they can tell she's not because of the light tan. Her hair is the result of having two parents with very fine, bright blonde hair. Her hair is much longer than some may let theirs grow out. This is due to her mother being paranoid of ever letting scissor blades anywhere close to her daughter's precious locks. Her bangs are straight and cut short, to about the bridge of her nose. She's constantly pushing her bangs out of her eyes, but to no prevail. Her face is heart shaped and she's around 5'4. Her eyes are large, the color a pale, washed out blue color. They look almost grey and she often has an empty look to them, an almost sad and haunted empty look. When she's happy, her eyes gleam and have a silvery chrome look to them. Her eyebrows and eyelashes are thin. Her lips are thin, and match her light skin tone. She refuses to wear any form of lipstick, so her lips look bare and natural. Her body has a slim look to it, an almost unhealthy thinness to it because of her baggy hoodie. Once the hoodie is shed off, her body still looks very slim, but a maintained thin look that doesn't go overboard. Since she often forgets to eat and she has a hard time finding food at times, her body loses weight fast and she can/has grown dangerously thin. Her hands are small and slender, her fingernails long and have been neatly painted a shiny black. Her fingers are lightly stained with blood at the cuticles. Carly wears a grey sweatshirt/hoodie. The collar has been cut off, so the hoodie hangs off of her shoulders comfortably. It's rather baggy around the sleeves, but they cut off at the wrists with streachy cuffs. The sleeves each have two thick, white lines near the biceps. The lines cross eachother, forming a big, white 'X'. Under it, she wears a black tanktop with inch wide straps. She has grey skinny jeans that are torn just below the knees. She has a black studded bracelet on her left wrist and a black choker around her neck. The studded wristband is rusted a little, the leather part breaking off a little. She has wrapped a type of gauze-like material around the part where it clasps together so it won't fall off. The choker is just simply a ribbon that's tied in the back. She also has a long, silver cross that hangs around her neck and falls to almost her stomach. The cross is encrusted with black jewels and loocks new-even though it's many ye.ars o.ld. The jewels look like a dark purple when held in the light and Carly cherishes this peice of jewlery highly. It was given to her at a young a.ge by her mother. For footwear, she wears a pair of shoes that resemble Converse. The shoes have been worn out so much, that you can hardly read the logo that was once stitched to the side. Personality:Carly was born a naturally sweet and well mannered girl. Through the years, she has grown cold and heartless. She feels little sympathy towards anyone, and considers herself a 'loner'. She has a hard time attaching herself to anyone, but if she does, she has a hard time letting them go. She can be rather rude and sarcastic at times. She normally remains silent and calm, but is easily angered. Sometimes, she slips into a shy and sweet personality, the personality she was born with. She catches herself shen she does, however, and quickly goes back into a cold, rude manner. She only falls into the personality around those who she really cares about. Special spell you can only cast: Temperature -Can manipulate temperate to either extreme. (Cold and Hot) -This also includes being able to generate spheres of fire/ice in the palms of her hand, creating walls of fire/ice, as well as the original abiliy to manipulate temperatures in general (ie: Can make a room freezing cold/burning hot.) Bio: Where has the toilet gone? Carly was born (as the personality slot describes) a naturally sweet and well mannered girl. She was a good student, easily made friends, and was generally a very happy child. That all changed when her mother died when she was twelve. Her father fell into a deep depression, and even though Carly still lived under his roof, he ignored her completely. Carly grew cold with hatred for the world and became silent. She shunned her friends out of her life, disgusted when they said that they wanted to help her. How could anyone help her? She kept everything to herself, becoming a 'loner'. She would visit a certain forest near her house every day after school. She would wander the forest, Other: N/A
#48018151Friday, June 03, 2011 10:04 PM GMT

(YAY for deatil.)
Top 100 Poster
#48018219Friday, June 03, 2011 10:05 PM GMT

(^_^ YAY!)
#48051966Saturday, June 04, 2011 1:07 PM GMT

Carlygirl I am sorry....but you are ACCEPTED AND ADIMINIZED!
#48053511Saturday, June 04, 2011 1:54 PM GMT

CS: Name: Adelaide 'Addy' Thompson A.g.e: 15 Apperance: Addy has dark red hair that falls in curls down to her mid back. She has side-swept bangs that fall right above her electric green eyes. She is very pale, and it almost makes her look sickly. She has a medium sized face with a small nose and small coral colored lips. She has a light dusting of freckles on her cheeks and a small scar above her left eye. She is very short, standing at only 5' 2" and she has a slim. but curvy figure. Her legs and arms are long for her body size and she walks with the grace of a dancer. Most of the time she is seen wearing an over sized orange sweater and skinny jeans. She prefers to be barefoot but when she she wears shoes, she wears black flats. She has a small silver pendant that is etched with her great-great-great grandmothers initials. And those initials happen to be her own also, AET. Personality: Adelaide is very shy and prefers the company of books over the company of people. She is very caring though, and will rush to people's aid in a heartbeat. She has been like this since her mother's death eight years ago. Special spell you can only cast: She absorbs static electricity at great rates from the people around her. Her body naturally stores the electricity and when she needs it, she can summon it and use it. The massive amount of negative and positive electrons in her body make her a great conductor. Bio: Oh where oh where has the toilet gone? Adelaide was named after her great grandmother on her father's side, and her middle name 'Emily', was her mother's name. She has lived with her father since her mother's death and they live in a house thats well away from most society. Her dad had a feeling that she would be a witch, since lo and behold. her mother was one. Once her powers started to show he tried to hide them and it worked since there was no one around them, but then once when her grandmother (on her mom's side0 visited, she realized that Adelaide was a witch and urged her father to enroll her at Tallisair. He resisted for a year or two, but this year he finally relented. Other: N/A (And if this sounds anything like carlygirl's CS, I'm really sorry.. it's all unintentional..)
#48053607Saturday, June 04, 2011 1:56 PM GMT

(I didn't wanna join but then I saw carly... And I wanted to make a longer cs then her... hmm...)
#48053769Saturday, June 04, 2011 2:00 PM GMT

CS: Name: Faren Hoon A.g.e 14 Apperance: Hair is short and brown. Eyes are sky blue. Is clearly tired all the time. My left arm has numerous scratches on it and my right ear has a bit cut off at the top. I normally wear shirts with a black backround and a picture of a bear in white in center. WHich i got from Jasper in Canada. My trousers are black. All my clothers are too small for me. I often wear leather gloves. Personality: Is shy and secretive though quite intelligent. Special spell you can only cast: can manipulate others dreams whilst asleep searching surrounding area for target. Bio: My life was rather boring until the age of ten. My mother and father looked after me though my father was quite prone to agurments and breaking things. One day he hurt me with such fierceness that he broke my arm, he said i fell down the stairs. My mother was kind and tried to stop him hurting me. The next weekend my parents went to a hotel together while i was left with my cousin to look after me. They didn't return. The police say my father tried to gas my mother but he forgot about the fire in the next room. The explosion killed them both. My cousin ran away from the pressure. For some reason the note she left for me just said: "Wheres the toilet gone". She turned up dead a few months later in some public toilets. My life was boring after that too...until now.
#48054479Saturday, June 04, 2011 2:17 PM GMT

Name: Ayukiya "Ayu" Hoang A.g.e: 13 Apperance: White Snowy Hair tied into pigtails with bangs. Her height and weight is normal to a 13 year old. Ayu's eyes are Brown-like colored. She has a gir hoodie which she always put the hood down. Ayu has a Graphic shirt with a poptart kitty. She wears Denim skirts like always. She wears High Black Converses. She wears a chrome necklace and shattery earrings Personality: Cheerful, Serious, Friendly, Gentle, and Smart Special spell you can only cast: She makes the winds slow and slight or stronger and faster Bio: Ayu's life is normal until her brother told the truth. Her parents were mad at him and grounded him. All his last words are: "Where has the toilet gone? o3o" Now her parents are enrolling Ayu into the School of Magic named, Tallisair Academy. Her life starts to shatter as she was new at school. Life isn't easy for her cause she might be a terd of a derp. She now thinks that this school might be easy for her to learn about powers and history of magic.
#48054563Saturday, June 04, 2011 2:18 PM GMT

All Accepted
#48054722Saturday, June 04, 2011 2:22 PM GMT

#48055455Saturday, June 04, 2011 2:40 PM GMT

Name:Proffessor Fredoricus Merlinspear A.g.e:200 Apperance:Fredoricus MerlinSpear has grey long hair,he has a long beard and wears robes made by the finest silk,He carrys a staff and his wrinkles ,He looks jolly and wears funny shoes.His eyes are sparkling green and his mouth is hardley seen under his beard Personality:Jolly,Silly,Clever Special spell you can only cast:(Eg:Can make myself fly)Can turn into a owl Bio:Nothing is really known about him,He lives in the school and is one of the best magicians,he has a pet cat called,Gurtoola,He is the founder of the school and has no children of his own,he likes to declare "Wheres the toilet gone!" Other:None Name:Cody Likera A.g.e::12 Apperance:He is tall with brown hair,he wears the school uniform and in free time a shirt and jeans,he is pale and has a scar on his cheek from a bad encounter with a dark creature. Personality:Lonley,Kind,Sad Special spell you can only cast:(Eg:Can make myself fly)He doesnt know he has one Bio:Cody grew up with a poor family,He started showing magic one day when he acciedently cloned a cake,his family was killed when a dark creature attacked his house,he JUST escaped and found himself and tallisar,he keeps getting lost in the corridors and Declares "WHERES THE TOILET GONE!" Other :None
#48055665Saturday, June 04, 2011 2:45 PM GMT

CS: Name: Inigo Blox A.g.e 16 Apperance Skninny, weak, frail, blonde curly hair. Personality Sad, depressed, likes to hide in walls Special spell you can only cast: I can go through any material Bio Where hs dat toilet gone! >:O Other Is a guy?
#48062510Saturday, June 04, 2011 4:52 PM GMT

Not accepted More detail Please :)
#48062745Saturday, June 04, 2011 4:56 PM GMT

Name: Matthew Aid, ranging from nicknames of Matt, Matty, Aid. Rank: Senior, He IS seventeen... Even though he was held back for one tiny mistake earlier Gender: Male... duuurrr, Unless this is opposite day, then she is defiantly female. Clique: Musican, He does a range of rock to pop, But he doesn't let his Clique stop him from studying, And this basicly explains his life... Plays guitar at least two times a week, He has no band and currently no one knows about him and his music, Not that He'd like that. Sports: He's "Not good enough" For sports. But he'd love to play baseball. The best gift you can get him is a Baseball bat, and from that point on... Lets just say if you like being followed all day long your in for a treat. Clubs: Band, He wants to join chess so badly though. Average Grade: Before he got into high school he had a slip and was held back a year after getting a C in grad class, But he has learned from that mistake, And now makes an average of B's, When he's lucky he ends up With an A Appearance: Messy brownish hair. With a black tux like jacket, buttoned, yet two buttons left unbuttoned to reveal his usual T-tie (Ties that aren't normal, and are funny.) He has dark brown jeans (wtf) He has contact lenses (He can see without them fine) that change his eye color To a normal hazel, without them its a dark blue, Like looking into a river at dark. Likes: Unless you call running for your life a hobbie, not much. He likes studying math, science, and even sometimes biology, Want your homework done for you in any of those? No problem! He's on it! He also likes baseball, As you've seen. Magic, Mysterious things, He. My friend. Is not the average, Mooshy-gooshy-guy-of-romance Sweetie, You'd imagine him to be, Oh no. you're in for a bumpy ride. Dislikes: He hates almost everything, Which is the cause for loss of friendship, Moving to the state, And almost changing his name, He likes most things people should hate, He likes spiders, Even though most don't. Basicly he hates people. He is no gary-stu, For sure. Personality: As you've read from up there, You probably think he's a nice guy! ... He's not. He likes mysterious places. You know how people are afraid of going into the far dark of the forest? Thats like picking berries, To him... He likes anything different, Or even anyone different. He likes magic, For that is different, After he nearly died after tripping and falling off a building but landing on a clothes wire and then into a dumpster he's changed. And feels everything from that point has scared him, He's not scared anymore, Except of Death. Bio: What happened to the toilet? Since falling to his death and nearly dying is part of his bio, lets go with that Spell: He has a giant swiss army knife, (More of a gadget then a spell) Which is disguized as a small one, He also has magic cards. One touch of the card and depending on the picture you're affected. He only has three cards and he needs to make three more, It takes a while to just make one.
#48062852Saturday, June 04, 2011 4:57 PM GMT

Ooc; Are we allowed to give our characters strange hair or eye colors? (I noticed one CS had white hair, so I was just wondering.)
#48062898Saturday, June 04, 2011 4:58 PM GMT

Not accepted hana,sign the original char sheet
#48062942Saturday, June 04, 2011 4:59 PM GMT

Yes Yes,,Diffrent coulers of hairr are allowed :D (FLOODCHECK DIE!)
#48065287Saturday, June 04, 2011 5:37 PM GMT

(My hair in real life is dirty blonde with bright blue streaks :3)
#48065570Saturday, June 04, 2011 5:41 PM GMT

#48065715Saturday, June 04, 2011 5:44 PM GMT

Name: Matthew Aid, ranging from nicknames of Matt, Matty, Aid. A.g.e He IS seventeen... Apperance Messy brownish hair. With a black tux like jacket, buttoned, yet two buttons left unbuttoned to reveal his usual T-tie (Ties that aren't normal, and are funny.) He has dark brown jeans (wtf) He has contact lenses (He can see without them fine) that change his eye color To a normal hazel, without them its a dark blue, Like looking into a river at dark. Personality As you've read from up there, You probably think he's a nice guy! ... He's not. He likes mysterious places. You know how people are afraid of going into the far dark of the forest? Thats like picking berries, To him... He likes anything different, Or even anyone different. He likes magic, For that is different, After he nearly died after tripping and falling off a building but landing on a clothes wire and then into a dumpster he's changed. And feels everything from that point has scared him, He's not scared anymore, Except of Death. Special spell you can only cast: He has a giant swiss army knife, (More of a gadget then a spell) Which is disguized as a small one, He also has magic cards. One touch of the card and depending on the picture you're affected. He only has three cards and he needs to make three more, It takes a while to just make one. Bio Since falling to his death and nearly dying is part of his bio, lets go with that Other He Likes: Unless you call running for your life a hobbie, not much. He likes studying math, science, and even sometimes biology, Want your homework done for you in any of those? No problem! He's on it! He also likes baseball, As you've seen. Magic, Mysterious things, He. My friend. Is not the average, Mooshy-gooshy-guy-of-romance Sweetie, You'd imagine him to be, Oh no. you're in for a bumpy ride. and Dislikes: He hates almost everything, Which is the cause for loss of friendship, Moving to the state, And almost changing his name, He likes most things people should hate, He likes spiders, Even though most don't. Basicly he hates people. He is no gary-stu, For sure.
#48075539Saturday, June 04, 2011 8:26 PM GMT

Umm,include where has the toilet gone and you are auto accepted
#48076613Saturday, June 04, 2011 8:44 PM GMT

I did, in my last one but fine Bio: Where has the toilet gone?

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