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#48096158Sunday, June 05, 2011 2:18 AM GMT

June 6th, 1944. The greatest campaign of liberation has begun, the battle lies in your hands as you fight for control of Normandy, and set the stage for all future battles. It is up to you to fight in the Hedgrows of Normandy. Take the role of an Allied Airbourne soldier of the U.S 101st and 82nd Airbourne along with the British 6th Airbourne in the early hours of D-Day. Rules: 1. If your an Allies side, you are an Airbourne. If you are the Axis, your are in the towns and hedgerows of Normandy. 2. World War 2 weapons only. 3. No Gddmodding, is that not clear enough? 4. No ranks above Staff Seargent.(Ssgt.) 5. Don't get bosy. 6. Have fun! CS: Name: A.ge: Rank:(No ranks above Staff Seargent) Weapons:(WW2 only, 1 primary, secondary, knife.) Inventory:(Grenades, Maps, Radios, ETC) Side:(U.S and U.K or Germany) Unit:(Division, Regiment, Company, Plattoon, and Squad.) Objective:(Secure a town, causway, bridge, Artillery guns etc.) Role:(Demolitions, Medic, Support Gunner, Rifleman etc.) Bio: (No N/As)
#48096620Sunday, June 05, 2011 2:27 AM GMT

Name: Jarod Horne. A.ge: 28. Rank: Captain. Weapons: M1 Garand, M1911A1 Pistol, M1 Bayonet. Inventory: 3 Grenades, 2 smoke Grenades, 2 Gamon Greandes, Map, 3 Rifle Grenades. Side: U.S Unit: 82nd Airbourne, 504 Regiment, Fox Company, 1st Plattoon, 1st Squad. Objective: Take a small town with AA guns and 4 88mm Guns and secure its 3 roads. Role: Company Commander. Bio: I was a 1st LT with the 29th Infantry before I enroled for the Airbourne, I was fresh out of Seattle and ready for what ever lied ahead.
#48097719Sunday, June 05, 2011 2:46 AM GMT

N@me:James Watson A.ge:21 Rank:(No ranks above Staff Seargent):Corpral Weapons:(WW2 only, 1 primary, secondary, knife.): M.95, M1911 pistol,knife Inventory:(Grenades, Maps, Radios, ETC):Ham Radio,(2) "Tank stoppers"Light wight pressure mines used to take out the tank wheels),Map of the battlefield Side:(U.S and U.K or Germany)U.S Unit:(Division, Regiment, Company, Plattoon, and Squad.) Division 4, Rigiment 9, Company Bravo, Platton Snake, Squad 1 Objective:(Secure a town, causway, bridge, Artillery guns etc.)Blow up squad of tanks, Take out a Artillery team, Support Tanks taking a town(In that order) Role:(Demolitions, Medic, Support Gunner, Rifle man etc.) Squad leader Bio: (No N/As):Was sent back to the states when a group of Japs took his squad leaving him for dead. Now back to liberate France James is dentermined to take revenge on the Axis.(Took training a 5 months before the invasion)
#48097993Sunday, June 05, 2011 2:52 AM GMT

(Acepted, but your division must be 101st or 82nd Airbourne.)
#48098225Sunday, June 05, 2011 2:56 AM GMT

(101st) "Ready!" the pilot yells turning on the yellow light "Ok men, after we get on the ground meet me at the arm house 30 yards from the farm!" I yell as the light turns green "GO GO GO!" The pilot yells. Im the first to go. With a deep breath I jump
#48098264Sunday, June 05, 2011 2:56 AM GMT

Name: Cole Houlin Age: Twenty-Three Rank: Private First Class Weapons: A Browning Automatic Rifle, Colt M1911A1, and brass knuckles. Inventory: 2 "Pineapple" Fragmentation grenades, a canteen, a combat knife sheathed at the side of Cole's combat boot, and a ration pack. Side: United States Unit: 101st Airborne Division, 3rd Regiment, B Company, Fox Platoon, 2nd squad. Objective: Secure the central roads leading from the Atlantic Wall to nearby towns to prevent the Germans from getting reinforcements. Role: Support Gunner Bio: Cole was born in Nebraska as a farmer in 1921. He farmed for most of his life until the Peace-time Draft, where most able bodied men were drafted into the armed forces. Cole was assigned to the 101st Airborne Division, where they trained to jump out of planes behind enemy lines. When Cole's whole Division was declared combat ready and they were flown over to England, Cole had Brass Knuckles mad there for when he would go into combat.
#48098434Sunday, June 05, 2011 3:00 AM GMT

I see the artillery we are going to take out shooting at us. Men are screaming as bullets fly past us. I hear a boom! but I keep on going
#48098480Sunday, June 05, 2011 3:01 AM GMT

(Aceped, and were not starting yet)
#48098519Sunday, June 05, 2011 3:01 AM GMT

( Thank you. )
#48098607Sunday, June 05, 2011 3:03 AM GMT

(Waiting for more people.)
#48098928Sunday, June 05, 2011 3:09 AM GMT

Name: Devin D'amour A.ge: 19 Rank: Private First Class Weapons: Browning Assault Rifle, 178-grain jacketed Mk. 2, Combat Knife. Inventory: Walkie Talkie (:3), 2 Frags, one Molotov, canteen. Side: US and UK. Unit: 89th Airborne Objective: Return info to Main Base, with 2 other soldiers. Role: Support Gunner Bio: Devin was drafted into the US Army. He hoped he would be drafted, he wanted to join but his parents said no. He became quite afraid at first and is developing his bravery as the war goes on.
#48098961Sunday, June 05, 2011 3:09 AM GMT

Name: Barred Gravides A.ge: 21 Rank:(No ranks above Staff Seargent) SGT Weapons:(WW2 only, 1 primary, secondary, knife.) M1 thompson , M1911 pistol Inventory:(Grenades, Maps, Radios, ETC) radio and 3 grenades Side:(U.S and U.K or Germany) US and UK Unit:(Division, Regiment, Company, Plattoon, and Squad.) 101st airbourne, 6th Regiment, Colt Company, Red Platoon, 3rd squad Objective:(Secure a town, causway, bridge, Artillery guns etc.) Raid Stronghold to make way for ground troops Role:(Demolitions, Medic, Support Gunner, Rifleman etc.) Rifleman Bio: Inspired by his uncle's service in WWI he wanted to join this war. he was always an adventerous type not one to stay in one place.
#48099333Sunday, June 05, 2011 3:16 AM GMT

(Both excepted, but HV3, you are either 82nd or 101st Airbourne.)
#48099634Sunday, June 05, 2011 3:22 AM GMT

(Accepted. And i meant 82nd)
#48099839Sunday, June 05, 2011 3:26 AM GMT

( Start? )
#48100621Sunday, June 05, 2011 3:41 AM GMT

(Just a few more.)
#48101101Sunday, June 05, 2011 3:50 AM GMT

Name: Brendon Wallace A.ge: 21 Rank: SGT Weapons: BAR, Colt M1911, combat knife. Inventory: M67 frag grenades, silencers, Radio Side: U.S Unit:(Division, Regiment, Company, Plattoon, and Squad.) 101st, 22nd Regiment, 2nd Platoon ,able Company, Objective: Destroy the "Point Du Hock" Guns behind the La Fiere Causeway. Role: Support gunner. Bio: Born in California, enlisted at the beggining of the war to be with some old friends. Has an engineer, two support gunners, a rifleman, a Marksman, and a Medic in the squad. (Me included, typical squad of 6.)
#48101699Sunday, June 05, 2011 4:03 AM GMT

(Acepted, we now start in England preparing for the jump.)
#48101834Sunday, June 05, 2011 4:05 AM GMT

Cole wiped his eyes groggily as he stood in formation with his company near the runway as he watched the transport planes taking him to France forming up.
#48102033Sunday, June 05, 2011 4:09 AM GMT

I sat back and checked my ammo. I've done it like 11 times already but i was afraid. The light went green and i stood up, i was 2nd to last in line.
#48102167Sunday, June 05, 2011 4:12 AM GMT

I Strap on my chute as i put my M1 in the bag.
#48102306Sunday, June 05, 2011 4:14 AM GMT

Cole watch as a plane rumbled up and stopped right next to him before a whistle was blown. The next thing Cole heard was a Captain shouting before he began to board the plane with his comrades.
#48102441Sunday, June 05, 2011 4:17 AM GMT

I board the plane on the taxiway in Dover. My squad is fallowing me. Baker company sqaud 3 boards too. We both have the same objective, just Baker has some Recoiless rifles (AT Weapons). My engineer has a few mines, just in case. We sat down waiting for the pilot to take off.
#48102778Sunday, June 05, 2011 4:24 AM GMT

I jumped out after someone i met on the plane. He was some Sgt. Maxfield. As i soared down i pulled my parachute. I saw a man on the right get shot right in his crotch area as the bullet went through his shoulder. I cringed and hit the ground, my palms torn up a bit. I took out my BAR and advanced through a tunnel.
#48102893Sunday, June 05, 2011 4:27 AM GMT

Cole was offered a hand from his captain, as he took it and climbed in. Red lights lit the cabin as Cole sat down. Cole then got the cord for his parachute out, holding it as he waited for take off.

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