#49166365Thursday, June 23, 2011 9:58 AM GMT

forcefielded Roflcopter auto self-destructs I'm in your computer stealin' your games
#49176865Thursday, June 23, 2011 4:05 PM GMT

and my dad shoots you. I'm skateboarding...
#49177785Thursday, June 23, 2011 4:22 PM GMT

You get run over by a truck. _______________________________ I am tuning my go-kart.
#49179481Thursday, June 23, 2011 4:53 PM GMT

Go-kart explodes. I am doing homework.
#49180661Thursday, June 23, 2011 5:15 PM GMT

Your teacher shows up and you get MILLIONS of homework and you die from sheer being overworked. - I'm standing in a nuke bunker, taking pictures of your dead body.
#49200317Thursday, June 23, 2011 10:04 PM GMT

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#49200413Thursday, June 23, 2011 10:05 PM GMT

You get killed by the sniper who was behind you I am eating a cookie while listening to music
#49200736Thursday, June 23, 2011 10:10 PM GMT

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#49212618Friday, June 24, 2011 1:19 AM GMT

Yeah but the groceries are poison so you die once you eat them! I am sitting in a chair where NOTHONG AT ALL can happen. And SOMETHNG CAN NOT HAPPEN!
#49213073Friday, June 24, 2011 1:25 AM GMT

@Marma But something does happen. The chair breaks, and you fall through the flloor. I'm hanging up posters in my room. With TAPE.
#49214358Friday, June 24, 2011 1:44 AM GMT

A wrecking ball smashes into your room. Bai bai.
#49226777Friday, June 24, 2011 6:11 AM GMT

I'm playing Halo Reach Forge Mode.
#49227236Friday, June 24, 2011 6:28 AM GMT

Suddenly, a dozen elites show up and blow you, your Xbox, and your level up with airstrike. - I'm sitting on a carpet.
#49232232Friday, June 24, 2011 11:41 AM GMT

But the fur on the carpet turns to sharp needles and you die! I AM HAVING FUN WITH CHEEESE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#49242527Friday, June 24, 2011 4:31 PM GMT

It is blue cheese. I throw companion cube into the incinerator and look for cake.(Someone please use a portal reference here.)
#49243504Friday, June 24, 2011 4:50 PM GMT

You fall offf the edge. I can't die.
#49264971Friday, June 24, 2011 10:40 PM GMT

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#49274374Saturday, June 25, 2011 1:07 AM GMT

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#49274766Saturday, June 25, 2011 1:14 AM GMT

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#49276703Saturday, June 25, 2011 1:46 AM GMT

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#49277834Saturday, June 25, 2011 2:05 AM GMT

The red wood tree falls and lands on your head. ------------------------------------------------------- I'm in my house with nothing dangerous or anything that will harm me and I have no defective items while I'm playing my computer.
#49279749Saturday, June 25, 2011 2:32 AM GMT

Chuck Norris... Do I even have to explain? Im in the room full of people who care.
#49280223Saturday, June 25, 2011 2:39 AM GMT

The people explode and your caught in it. ------------------------------------------------ I'm doing abosolutely nothing. In nothing, with nothing.
#49280299Saturday, June 25, 2011 2:41 AM GMT

Weegee kills you. Im at Wuhu Island (Wii Sports Resort) living the life!
#49280530Saturday, June 25, 2011 2:45 AM GMT

You are struck in the face by a parasailing idiot and you fall off a cliff. --- I am eating Fritos in a soap factory.