#51207566Sunday, July 24, 2011 4:26 AM GMT

"Survival" isn't a genre. And it shouldn't be." irrelivent "I used your answer? No. I didn't." yes you did. "I knew you would of said that. But it'll matter ESPECIALLY when players help each other. Some players will go down,quickly use the afk system, Zombies chase them, And other players goes across." the owner can disable it from his obstacle course if he wants to. it's his decision. "Did I say that it can be scripted (in that paragraph)?" heres what you said:(SCRIPTING) THIS EASILY (SCRIPTABLE) FUNCTION IS SO EASY THAT IT CAN ALREADY BE A FUNCTION. ITS WHETHER OR NOT YOU WANT TO ADD THIS (SCRIPT.) IF YOU WANT,GO TO FREE MODELS,INSERT THE (SCRIPT.) P.S: i added the curved brackets around the "script" parts so they stand out =P
#51207620Sunday, July 24, 2011 4:27 AM GMT

~~ is life a glass half full or half empty ~~ imnota10
#51207703Sunday, July 24, 2011 4:28 AM GMT

Oh and one more thing I... DON'T... BACK... DOWN!!! ~~ is life a glass half full or half empty ~~ imnota10
#51207785Sunday, July 24, 2011 4:30 AM GMT

"irrelivent" It isn't irrelevant. I'm replying to your points. Learn to use common sense. "yes you did." No. "the owner can disable it from his obstacle course if he wants to. it's his decision." What about those owner, WHICH DOESN'T WANT IT TO BE DISABLED? Such as, Those L4D games. "heres what you said:(SCRIPTING) THIS EASILY (SCRIPTABLE) FUNCTION IS SO EASY THAT IT CAN ALREADY BE A FUNCTION. ITS WHETHER OR NOT YOU WANT TO ADD THIS (SCRIPT.) IF YOU WANT,GO TO FREE MODELS,INSERT THE (SCRIPT.)" Again, Learn to use common sense. I didn't say that "I DIDN'T USED THE WORD SCRIPT." I said that,"I DIDN'T SAID IT WAS SCRIPTABLE." Oh by the way, Scriptable is also a reason that you lost to.
#51207812Sunday, July 24, 2011 4:30 AM GMT

imnota10,you don't back down because you're a troll.
#51207902Sunday, July 24, 2011 4:32 AM GMT

Lol, i copy and pasted the whole thing about the scripting it dude, you can't worm your way out of it. If the owner doesn't wanna disable it. thats his fault. he loses publicity to this obstacle course. no skin of anyone elses bones. "no" Yes.
#51207980Sunday, July 24, 2011 4:33 AM GMT

An no. you aren't i never said anything about survivor being a genre. i said that if the owner of a survival game wants to disable it. he can. when did i mention suvival being a genre? ~~ is life a cup half full or half empty ~~ imnota10
#51208034Sunday, July 24, 2011 4:34 AM GMT

"Lol, i copy and pasted the whole thing about the scripting it dude, you can't worm your way out of it." As I said, Learn to use common sense. Did I say that the person had to script it? I said,"IF THE PERSON WANTS IT,HE CAN INSERT THE SCRIPT FROM FREE MODELS." And here you are, Saying that I said "Scriptable." "If the owner doesn't wanna disable it. thats his fault. he loses publicity to this obstacle course. no skin of anyone elses bones." His fault? You can see from the front page, Alot of zombie survival games are top. If they are forced to be removed, Thousands of people who play those games would quit. Together with the creators.
#51208055Sunday, July 24, 2011 4:35 AM GMT

Great idea.
#51208135Sunday, July 24, 2011 4:36 AM GMT

imnota10,Seriously,learn how to read properly
#51208182Sunday, July 24, 2011 4:37 AM GMT

"An no. you aren't i never said anything about survivor being a genre. i said that if the owner of a survival game wants to disable it. he can. when did i mention suvival being a genre?" Did I say that you said survival was a genre? I merely said that Survival wasn't a genre.
#51208262Sunday, July 24, 2011 4:39 AM GMT

Ok, This is getting way out of hand This thread is starting flame wars This is kinda getting annoying This calls for this thread to be locked Look imnota, I havent read some of your posts But why are you having an argument (i think) With Vida? I mean really,we dont need this I just dont see why most of the suggestion threads Start having flame wars (excluding new ones) So just please Lets just roll out and lets continue on with our lives Kthxbai ({The guy who pwned a zombie with his own bare hands})
#51208323Sunday, July 24, 2011 4:40 AM GMT

"As I said, Learn to use common sense." you first "And here you are, Saying that I said "Scriptable." SCRIPTING THIS EASILY SCRIPTABLE FUNCTION that seems good enough to me "His fault? You can see from the front page, Alot of zombie survival games are top. If they are forced to be removed, Thousands of people who play those games would quit. Together with the creators." once again irrelivent, what does that have to do with him disabling it and not disabling it, i don't mean the game i mean the AFK system, smart one.
#51208418Sunday, July 24, 2011 4:42 AM GMT

Did I say that you said survival was a genre? I merely said that Survival wasn't a genre. You just said it had to do with a point i was making. now ur saying it had nothing to do with was i was saying? like i said irreivent. and you're saying I need to use common sense? what about you.
#51208473Sunday, July 24, 2011 4:43 AM GMT

This calls for a mod to lock this thread...
#51208518Sunday, July 24, 2011 4:44 AM GMT

Dude were having a debate, what are you talking about.
#51208610Sunday, July 24, 2011 4:45 AM GMT

"SCRIPTING THIS EASILY SCRIPTABLE FUNCTION that seems good enough to me" Are you only targetting that one line? Foolish. "once again irrelivent, what does that have to do with him disabling it and not disabling it, i don't mean the game i mean the AFK system, smart one." Irrelevant? No it isnt. You're the one who is irrelevant. Why? As I had already said. This doesn't even need to be an option. Players could just insert it from the free models if they wanted this function. If not, They wouldn't add it.
#51208630Sunday, July 24, 2011 4:45 AM GMT

Well,i think its starting to go a little,a LITTLE,out of hand So,im starting to think this thread should be locked
#51208643Sunday, July 24, 2011 4:46 AM GMT

imnota10,it doesn't look like a debate to me.Just you trolling.
#51208683Sunday, July 24, 2011 4:46 AM GMT

imnota doesnt troll (i hope).I have to agree with that
#51208731Sunday, July 24, 2011 4:47 AM GMT

This thread should die.
#51208754Sunday, July 24, 2011 4:48 AM GMT

"Are you only targetting that one line? Foolish." Yes, is there a problem with that? you said when did i say it had to be scriptable. there it is. simple as that. It doesn't matter if you can get it from free-models once again. theres people who Don't DARE touch the free-models in case of viruses. all those POPULAR games you are bragging about. don't use free-models and instead of wasting server space with a AFK tool. why not offically add it to the game and free up space. it might be VERY LITTLE space. but space all the same.
#51208859Sunday, July 24, 2011 4:50 AM GMT

@ newsword "imnota10,it doesn't look like a debate to me.Just you trolling." "imnota10,Seriously,learn how to read properly" it seems to me all you're doing it irrelivent flaming. good day sir.
#51208891Sunday, July 24, 2011 4:50 AM GMT

"Yes, is there a problem with that? you said when did i say it had to be scriptable. there it is. simple as that." Yes. Simple as that. But did you ever replied to the other lines just now? No. Sense of copping out. "It doesn't matter if you can get it from free-models once again. theres people who Don't DARE touch the free-models in case of viruses. all those POPULAR games you are bragging about. don't use free-models and instead of wasting server space with a AFK tool. why not offically add it to the game and free up space. it might be VERY LITTLE space. but space all the same." Most of those people who doesn't DARE touch free-models are those who know how to script. IF THEY WANTED TO ADD THIS. THEY WOULD OF SCRIPT IT THEMSELVES. LIKE MOST OF THE FUNCTIONS THAT OTHERS HAD ALREADY SCRIPTED FOR THEIR OWNSELF.
#51208902Sunday, July 24, 2011 4:50 AM GMT

Let me put this flatly. Do we want this awesome idea, or are we going to ignore it and wait until "the perfect afk idea" pops out of the heavens? Look I think we should support what this guy says.