#52025752Thursday, August 04, 2011 7:20 AM GMT

I already answered all your points. If you're too stupid to read them, that's your issue.
#52026859Thursday, August 04, 2011 8:07 AM GMT

You guys are still here?Dont tell me you are....
#52026864Thursday, August 04, 2011 8:07 AM GMT

No, you didn't. fool.
#52027309Thursday, August 04, 2011 8:25 AM GMT

"Woah you're retarded. I didn't prove your point anywhere. *claps* You must be a VERY special person." Heres my proof: "Okay, you just helped me here. You basically admitted it's abusable." as i said before, that is the point of was trying to make. by agreeing with me. you proved my point. only "special" person i can see here is you. "Well done, you appear to be getting your maths straight. However, if they hadn't foxguarded you for 5 minutes, they'd have got more kills." not 100% true, what if they are VERY unskilled and can't get a single kill because everyone has better gear and more skill then them. waiting 5 minutes for that kill is worth it for a noob that keeps dieing. especially if they can do it repeadly. even quicker the next time. Me: "I've already told you. spawnkillers. and yes. 1) you havn't given me a reason WHY 2 minutes was the amount of time you made. why not 1 minute? why not 1.5 minutes? why not 2.5 minutes? why 2 minutes? you havn't given any logical proof or evidence of your thoughts or theories. until you do. I'll mark all your pathetic comments are irrelivent. hope that clears up everything for you." you: "I've already told you. Spawnkillers die quickly. You've given NO evidence or proof of ANY of you theories either. So you can just sort of shut up about that. Also, I HAVE done, but you replied to it in the other post. So I'll reply to it in that one too." i see nothing in there about why you came up with the time you did. so as far as i see that post is irrelivent. have a good day. "if they were ingame, they'd know you were AFK. If they weren't, they wouldn't be able to tell that you died." no they wouldn't they have better things to do then wait over you and see if you are AFK or not. if you don't tell them. its none of there business. especially during a raid. you're in VS you should know. they are the crappiest most TK'ing clan I've ever met. "The whole "umg it r 6000*2*12 tiemz u r dedz" part." im afraid i missed that part. when did i talk like that? "They cannot kill everybody on your team instantly as soon as they spawn. Do you not realise that?" what are you going on about? the other members of ur team are fighting there own somewhere AWAY from spawn. "Okay, even if it is a minute, that's one death. Nobody's going to kill you again in that one minute of AFKness you have left." Spawnkillers. though we wen't over this. P.S: Read it carefully and you'll see where you didn't answer a point. wan't proof? tell me what u want evidence on and I'll give you some.
#52028212Thursday, August 04, 2011 9:01 AM GMT

look vida just stop it what server would go with all players afk and guys it may be scriptable but some people dont know how to script and the wiki is bad i dont understand nothin just a little they should make it simpler like for total newbies on scripting.look just dont post anymore and stop it its a good idea.Your just talking of the possibilites not bout the reality!
#52028459Thursday, August 04, 2011 9:12 AM GMT

uuum. you mean fredfishy? vida hasn't done anything in a long time.
#52028815Thursday, August 04, 2011 9:24 AM GMT

@Marshall I hope im not flaming but Marshall! The uninvolved are uninvolved Vida hasnt posted in a long time And i have to agree with imnota You've shot your own ship down now,marshall You have mistaken an innocent person Know what i mean,bro?
#52029135Thursday, August 04, 2011 9:34 AM GMT

thats a more... complicated version =P
#52029523Thursday, August 04, 2011 9:47 AM GMT

This is an old thread that was brouht back, Admins do not like that.
#52029658Thursday, August 04, 2011 9:51 AM GMT

what do u mean "brought back" it never died
#52029863Thursday, August 04, 2011 9:59 AM GMT

@ThePilot You have lied Admins do not like that How wonderful and you didnt notice this wasn't dead *claps* Bravo,bravo Now,go
#52030186Thursday, August 04, 2011 10:10 AM GMT

Well i have made a thread like this but i think it would be better if you had to wait about 30 seconds, then it makes you AFK but it doesn't give you ff it sort of punishes you...
#52030235Thursday, August 04, 2011 10:11 AM GMT

but you still dont take damage right?
#52031190Thursday, August 04, 2011 10:50 AM GMT

"Heres my proof: "Okay, you just helped me here. You basically admitted it's abusable."" No, but that isn't your point. If you think it's abusable, you wouldn't be arguing. "not 100% true, what if they are VERY unskilled and can't get a single kill because everyone has better gear and more skill then them. waiting 5 minutes for that kill is worth it for a noob that keeps dieing. especially if they can do it repeadly. even quicker the next time." Okay, that's going to affect about 2 players. In the whole of ROBLOX. Less than half the time. "i see nothing in there about why you came up with the time you did. so as far as i see that post is irrelivent. have a good day." Okay, prove spawnkillers are ultra effective and kill absolutly everybody in your team instantly as soon as they spawn and never die. Good day. "no they wouldn't they have better things to do then wait over you and see if you are AFK or not. if you don't tell them. its none of there business. especially during a raid. you're in VS you should know. they are the crappiest most TK'ing clan I've ever met." No they wouldn't. It's pretty obvious if they can't see you anywhere, and if they die at all they come back to the spawn and see you standing there. Infact, if anything, they're more likley to demote you for being AFK full stop. You only hate VS because you're inferior to them. Then again, haters gunna hate. "im afraid i missed that part. when did i talk like that?" You appear to be even MORE special than I thought. Good day. "what are you going on about? the other members of ur team are fighting there own somewhere AWAY from spawn." Because none of them will ever die. Ever. "Spawnkillers. though we wen't over this." And I went over this with you. Spawnkillers die quickly, so are not a factor. I answered all your points. If not, point it out. Or are you too scared? Yah know, especially since you're losing this argument horribly. Don't want to lose it any more?
#52031248Thursday, August 04, 2011 10:53 AM GMT

FLTFTFD. >:O ⌠Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.⌡
#52031915Thursday, August 04, 2011 11:19 AM GMT

"No, but that isn't your point. If you think it's abusable, you wouldn't be arguing." im not aguring about that part. when did i ever go against that part? "Okay, that's going to affect about 2 players. In the whole of ROBLOX. Less than half the time." not really, i can think of alot of people that have no skill. VS members for example. "Okay, prove spawnkillers are ultra effective and kill absolutly everybody in your team instantly as soon as they spawn and never die. Good day." Once again, never said the WHOLE team. where did you get the WHOLE team thing? "No they wouldn't. It's pretty obvious if they can't see you anywhere, and if they die at all they come back to the spawn and see you standing there. Infact, if anything, they're more likley to demote you for being AFK full stop. You only hate VS because you're inferior to them. Then again, haters gunna hate." if they die there not gonna stand there for 2 minutes seeing if you'll move. they'll kill the spawnkiller. then go on to the fight again. no waiting to see if you are moving or not. I see how many raids/defenses YOU'VE been in <_< "You appear to be even MORE special than I thought. Good day." nice way of backing out of the question. "Because none of them will ever die. Ever." they will, they'll kill the spawn killer then go on with there lives, the spawnkiller will come back. and start killing you again. "And I went over this with you. Spawnkillers die quickly, so are not a factor." explained why that is a lie. next. "I answered all your points. If not, point it out. Or are you too scared? Yah know, especially since you're losing this argument horribly. Don't want to lose it any more?" Already pointed out one. and u still havn't answered it. you never answered why you choose 2 minutes out of any amount of time. and no one is winning or losing this argument. all i see is a flamer/troll getting in my way.
#52032275Thursday, August 04, 2011 11:35 AM GMT

#52032360Thursday, August 04, 2011 11:38 AM GMT

YAH. FLTFTFD. Seriously. I thought VidaFrezz concluded this. ⌠Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.⌡
#52032459Thursday, August 04, 2011 11:42 AM GMT

lol? what part of "we came to an agreement" don't you understand? neither of us "concluded it"
#52033332Thursday, August 04, 2011 12:15 PM GMT

@imnot, lol? What part of "intelligence" do you not have? Oh wait....all of it. "im not aguring about that part. when did i ever go against that part?" You're so retarded on this subject I'm going to leave it here to rot. Just like your brain has already do-oh wait. That's right. You don't have one. "not really, i can think of alot of people that have no skill. VS members for example." trolololol Obviously the WHOLE of VS has absolutley no skill. Also, all VS members could get 2 KOs in 5 minutes in a full server of a Blox Battle. "Once again, never said the WHOLE team. where did you get the WHOLE team thing?" Logic. If he can't kill your whole team, the rest of your team can shoot him, i.e, kill him. "if they die there not gonna stand there for 2 minutes seeing if you'll move. they'll kill the spawnkiller. then go on to the fight again. no waiting to see if you are moving or not. I see how many raids/defenses YOU'VE been in <_<" It's pretty obvious if somebody's not moving at all that their AFK. I see how many brain cells YOU possess. "nice way of backing out of the question." The only reason I "backed out" was because your answer to it was so retarded I don't think even Mr Hawking could have replied to it. "they will, they'll kill the spawn killer then go on with there lives, the spawnkiller will come back. and start killing you again." Oh of course. You cannot spawnkill effectivley. Your team just shreds them. Also, if they have half a brain, they'll actually leave somebody to defend the base. Also, if they have ANY skill, they'll actually kill the spawnkiller mid-way in the field. "explained why that is a lie. next." Explained why it is not. Next. "Already pointed out one. and u still havn't answered it. you never answered why you choose 2 minutes out of any amount of time." I did answer that. I said it was because that's the maximum amount of time you should AFK for before you're basically hogging a server slot. "and no one is winning or losing this argument. all i see is a flamer/troll getting in my way." I'm winning. Just incase you lacked the brain cells to work it out. I'm not a flamer or a troll, and saying that just proved that you lack ANY sort of intelligence.
#52035156Thursday, August 04, 2011 1:06 PM GMT

"Obviously the WHOLE of VS has absolutley no skill. Also, all VS members could get 2 KOs in 5 minutes in a full server of a Blox Battle." do VS members tell you thats GOOD? thats terrible. I can get 10 KO's in 3 minutes. depending on what wepaons you are using. And also, since you have resorted to name calling and trolling. im not aruging with you. atleast vidafrezz was a nicely tempered debaters. you're just a troll. so now im treating anything you say as irrelivent. and im also gonna ignore you. g'day
#52035195Thursday, August 04, 2011 1:07 PM GMT

imnota10, What was the agreement? ⌠Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.⌡
#52036255Thursday, August 04, 2011 1:33 PM GMT

"do VS members tell you thats GOOD? thats terrible. I can get 10 KO's in 3 minutes. depending on what wepaons you are using." I never said it was good. I just said it was possible for all of them. "And also, since you have resorted to name calling and trolling. im not aruging with you. atleast vidafrezz was a nicely tempered debaters. you're just a troll. so now im treating anything you say as irrelivent. and im also gonna ignore you. g'day"" Even though I was actually "name calling" (as you put it) before. You clearly just know you've lost the argument and are trying to think of legit ways you can back out. So good day to you good Sir. AFK system is a bad idea.
#52098144Friday, August 05, 2011 4:13 AM GMT

"Obviously the WHOLE of VS has absolutley no skill. Also, all VS members could get 2 KOs in 5 minutes in a full server of a Blox Battle." Excuse,but that is offensive to my Primary group
#52098298Friday, August 05, 2011 4:16 AM GMT

You must have a daylife of troll hmmmm Fred? Well,i have you know,I HAVE LOTS OF SKILL in fighting If you have the time,then lets duke it out in a VS game eh? We will see who has the NO SKILL