#48468451Saturday, June 11, 2011 10:38 PM GMT

@eliie false quote is false
#48468565Saturday, June 11, 2011 10:41 PM GMT

Umm. working at roblox IS their job. They need the money to pay for bandwidth, database, server space for literally tens of millions of XML assets, and general servers, and more.
#48469179Saturday, June 11, 2011 10:53 PM GMT

People who pay get extras thats like saying xbox is cheap for xbox live costing money.
#48470270Saturday, June 11, 2011 11:16 PM GMT

Roblox is free. You just get more with BC. Every single Popular MMO needs money.
#48470474Saturday, June 11, 2011 11:21 PM GMT

Charizard is right. The original post is mostly about website features. You have completely forgotten the fact that you can BUILD and SCRIPT virtually anything with very little limitations. Yes, it will lag if you do not design your game efficiently but other that, ROBLOX's building aspect is great. Seriously, try to think of something you can't make with ROBLOX.
#48471311Saturday, June 11, 2011 11:37 PM GMT

@Punkster12345 You forgot about this. ~~~~~~~Punster creative lazor~~~~~~~
#48520292Sunday, June 12, 2011 8:56 PM GMT

Look.All of the flamers are BC members. Woohoo,I'm a physicic! I was BC once too,I'm not whining,get your nerdy butt off of this site and go to school.
#48528719Sunday, June 12, 2011 11:31 PM GMT

Ok, punkster1234567 had a post with some answers. Most of his answers were, Save up for BC, or Get BC, or our parents got us BC. If you gonna critisize, dont have all your answers be, Get Bc...
#48611511Tuesday, June 14, 2011 2:07 PM GMT

oh yeah,punkster's in FEAR. trololol,a terrible group.
#48611579Tuesday, June 14, 2011 2:09 PM GMT

*plays the drums* i'm getting bored shuddap. *takes out a pipe bomb* *takes out pills* OMGUH LOUIS RUN!!!
#48611770Tuesday, June 14, 2011 2:15 PM GMT

*Peter appears with a pistol* Peter: I WONT LET U RUN!
#48612552Tuesday, June 14, 2011 2:39 PM GMT

Not all of the f"lamers" are BC members, like me. And if you make a thread like this, you better expect someone to disagree with you. Most MMOs are made to make money, in return, the payers get more features for more fun by showing their support. Why would they make Roblox if they didn't want profit? it's not like a kid laughing and having fun would keep their office and updates running, it's for currency and fun's currently not a currency and it'll probably never be.
#48614485Tuesday, June 14, 2011 3:30 PM GMT

If you all know,most websites and games weren't made for money.It was made for fun and popularity. -- Already you have developed a reputation as a presumptious person. ROBLOX is a business. Finance comes flat-out FIRST in business, population loyalty comes second. -- If you want money,get a life and a job. -- They have a life and a job. Jesus Christ, you're the one complaining about a virtual game, isn't that a sign that you're the one in need of a life? ROBLOX Staff don't have ROBLOX as their "job," it's more their secondary, for-fun job. They don't need money to get it, they need money to keep the site stabilized. -- Roblox should be for kids ages 10 and up,and shouldn't be just for CHEAP people to force poorer people to waste their money on pixels. -- ROBLOX is for humans 4-104. Sorry for you 105 people. Your second statement I didn't get. -- You see almost every single website/game that I've played on was made for people having fun on the computer. -- What types of games were you playing, then? Ourcompanyhasagazilliondollarssononeedformembershiptrololol? The world isn't free, you know. -- Roblox shouldn't be some kind of....fundraiser. -- It isn't. -- You shouldn't make almost everything Builder's Club. Like others said,making most things builder's club doesn't make people want to BUY it,it would make them think "Hey,I'm not giving any money to these CHEAP people!" -- The majority of people on ROBLOX don't think like that, they lack intelligence to think like that. They look at BC features being rubbed in their faces, and say, "Hey! Look! If I get BC I can go to those places! And look! It's only six dollars!" This is exactly what ROBLOX wants. -- or maybe even "WHAT? when i was a guest it said everything is free and the video said 'did i hear it's all free'?I'm not paying for anything! they lied to me." -- The only thing that lied in the video was the ability to make shirts and pants for free. Everything else they said in the video was true for a free site. -- I know that builder's club members would start to flame me saying "we paid and you didn't nub now get off of this your presence makes us die." ACTUALLY,their presence does. people saying that JUNK makes people wan't to stop being on this website. -- Only the ones who can't take that "junk" will leave the website. This probably includes you. -- Since when was this a social network. -- Trailer on homepage - "ROBLOX - Online Social Hangout" -- It was a building game. Not something like facebook.Not-a fundraiser. -- The building game style didn't work out. It didn't bring in enough people or money. Social networking is a smart business tactic because it solves both finance and population loyalty. You assume the whole community is siding with you, but a very small amount of it actually is, the rest is happy. I would post more, but I have to go. Take into effect what I said.
#48615268Tuesday, June 14, 2011 3:49 PM GMT

Apparently, there has been too many rants about the ROBLOX updates these days, and I'm too lazy to argue on every single one. ._. ~inest flagrantia qui intelligunt catenae odio~
#48615589Tuesday, June 14, 2011 3:58 PM GMT

Here's a answer to your problems. BUY BC! And we should be rewarded for buying BC and keeping ROBLOX up and running. So you should not be complaining ,infact you should be saying Thank you to us! I rest my case.
#48616153Tuesday, June 14, 2011 4:13 PM GMT

Title fix
#48616934Tuesday, June 14, 2011 4:35 PM GMT

Lets ban the jerk that made this thread. Everything we do is for money you moron.
#48617710Tuesday, June 14, 2011 4:51 PM GMT

Tim, your being unrealistic, grown adult mods/admins arent going to volunteer their unpayed time to a bunch of snot nosed brats unless somethings in it for them. Would you volunteer your time instead of getting a job? Theres no such thing as a good game without preminium features and heavy funding to make it great. I hate these sort of posts, there just troll bait. People like you just need to stop whining.
#48670968Wednesday, June 15, 2011 3:36 PM GMT

All admins are over 18 on ROBLOX and it is their job to work here and earn money. The creator leaves some leftovers for servers.
#48671159Wednesday, June 15, 2011 3:41 PM GMT

we paid and you didn't nub now get off of this your presence makes us die.
#48671248Wednesday, June 15, 2011 3:43 PM GMT

I'm with Lex.
#48672816Wednesday, June 15, 2011 4:20 PM GMT

#48674059Wednesday, June 15, 2011 4:48 PM GMT

It was made for money boi.
#48675372Wednesday, June 15, 2011 5:14 PM GMT

@OP *place brofist here* I like your idea to stop all the BC only junk. They have gone too far. Enough is enough. Listen to the majority, then hard earned money rolls in fast.
#48725653Thursday, June 16, 2011 12:32 PM GMT

we paid and you didn't nub now get off of this your presence makes us die.