#49454958Monday, June 27, 2011 11:41 PM GMT

bump :P?
#49455687Monday, June 27, 2011 11:54 PM GMT

How on earth would it detect whether or not it's the same idea?
#49460253Tuesday, June 28, 2011 1:03 AM GMT

Well it could search the title of the idea and if nothing came up it could search the 1st post and then it would show which one matched the most and which one was oldest and then you could look through those to see if you can update your idea.. if your idea is exactly the same then you could bump it... if its too old to bump then you might as well update it... I feel like im posting this over and over.... .-. o yeah this idea is kinda like a lava ball.. for some reason its bouncing but no one wants to get near it :P...
#49601419Thursday, June 30, 2011 4:44 AM GMT

#49601571Thursday, June 30, 2011 4:47 AM GMT

not sure how it could work. I guess if you could take similiar words, but this could also mean Alot of ideas wont be allowed to post that nobody has come up with but it just has alot of similiar words..for that, i can't support. Good idea though.
#49602034Thursday, June 30, 2011 4:59 AM GMT

-_- your kidding me right? I guess you don't understand what I posted.. my idea does not prevent you from posting anything except the don't post list that no longer exists (pets, bc for non bc, removing updates ect) I want this idea for updating and adding to your idea.. that and preventing newbs from posting the same thing over and over... it might stop a few, it should help a little bit with the newbs that read the idea checker and understand that their post has been posted a lot before. thanks for posting anyway though :P
#49603018Thursday, June 30, 2011 5:26 AM GMT

Too Long,Didn`t Read XD
#49605513Thursday, June 30, 2011 6:48 AM GMT

Nuh. It's impossible to detect if something has been said before, for even if it's the same idea, people's grammar, sentence structure, et cetera, is always different. There's also other reasons. Anyway, I'm gonna copy VidaFrezz's idea. It's smart. :3 ~inest flagrantia qui intelligunt catenae odio~
#49610249Thursday, June 30, 2011 10:30 AM GMT

How would they know what threads are about what unless they checked? see i DID pwn it....
#49610288Thursday, June 30, 2011 10:33 AM GMT

Wait lemme un-pwn for a sec,how WOULD it work?If you cant think of anything then please, someone, re-pwn this XD
#49695678Friday, July 01, 2011 7:31 PM GMT

Alright first of all my idea checks the title of your idea and the first post in the thread (aka starter post, aka your post) its to help people upgrade their ideas/show newbies that they are posting somthing thats been posted way too much, its the thread makers fault if they don't use grammar and most of the time people with bad grammar don't have the best ideas.. not always but bad grammar tends to mean your a newbie to the forums :/ (Im talking about the really bad grammar that you can't understand btw :/ if you have at least decent grammar a few words should match and even if your ideas not at the top of the list when it checks for already suggested ideas people should be able to understand that your idea is close to their idea.) I figure this could be a box or somthing next to your post and it would show you the most matched titles first then you could look at most matched total words(both title and post... great for finding copyed and pasted ideas that people stole) then you could check most matched first posts. You could check which one of those is the oldest for the title check I guess(I don't think it would work well with first posts :P). Its hard to post this all in one post, I will recheck and see if theres anything else that needs answering :P.
#49696382Friday, July 01, 2011 7:42 PM GMT

I see uneek's point.. you can't check if its the same idea easy...but if the idea is even a little bit close(a few of the same words in first post) to your idea it should appear in the first post match thing and I said before that people should be able to understand if the idea is close to your idea :P I think I should add a view title button to the most matched first posts section I think it would help because it might not be the same title but it might have the same meaning and would help people to understand the first post better I guess. I also think their should be another way to match up stuff.. the thread check thingamabob... it just checks the whole thread to see if their idea got updated by someone(aka shows all the other posts and shows posts that match to posts in your thread), this would only be usefull for people who want to use others ideas to update their own though I think. long posts :/ hope you guys can read them all XP... if your gona post bout one it might help to copy and past it :P.
#49766170Saturday, July 02, 2011 8:31 PM GMT

bumpercrop of bumps :P
#49766720Saturday, July 02, 2011 8:39 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#49766820Saturday, July 02, 2011 8:40 PM GMT

HA! Vida missed one of his threads to say 'Lock Replies!' And yes. This would stop plagarism. I already caught someone taking my idea for a Robloxian Stock Market I posted today T.T They copied the whole thing...
#49767092Saturday, July 02, 2011 8:44 PM GMT

Well usually if more people suggest it and they get some supporters it might get updated.
#49767218Saturday, July 02, 2011 8:46 PM GMT

@watev I already put that in the first post to see how many people it would catch that didn't read my post and understand it... that makes 2 people..I kinda forget what that point is now though.. ima reread my first post :P @an1995 ikr I saw someone copy a thread exactly with copy and paste and people supported it even though I said it was copyed .-. also my old bubble idea got stolenish (someone used the idea but not the same words to make it their own) and after mine had been flamed and destroyed when I was a pooor newb some meenie copied the idea and got 10 pages of supporters .-. he just said I got served or somthing when I said my thread was first and gave a link... :|
#49767378Saturday, July 02, 2011 8:49 PM GMT

I support if someone posts an idea you had like 1-10 minutes after.
#49767518Saturday, July 02, 2011 8:51 PM GMT

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#49767555Saturday, July 02, 2011 8:51 PM GMT

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#49767598Saturday, July 02, 2011 8:52 PM GMT

some support
#49767649Saturday, July 02, 2011 8:53 PM GMT

@rare's first post, I thought bout that too and added a whole thread checker for those who wana check a whole thread in case in doesn't get reposted with the updates. @rare's second post, that might be tough most people are too smart to repost it 1-10 minutes after if they are copying and the forums can be slow and not all the newbies find the forums all at once.. it could happen though.
#49768122Saturday, July 02, 2011 9:01 PM GMT

@watev thats your opinion some new forumers might just not know what to do and understand that they are reposting an idea... and for the ones who don't I added to my idea that you could make the what not to suggest thread a list of stuff that would prevent titles of ideas that they don't want like pets or free bc.I mostly want this for updating my idea's and finding copyers. If you don't like the idea at all then you can use the lame option thing that I put in my first post because some people hate change :P. One more thing were does it say bumping is against the rules(if your talking bout my bumps because this thread is not super non bumpable old :P ), I know you can't bump old threads but I put that you should update your idea with it if its uber old.
#49768858Saturday, July 02, 2011 9:13 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#49770269Saturday, July 02, 2011 9:38 PM GMT

im a bit bored of having to type the same stuff up again when you could just read the thread but so far im thinking it would look like a box next to your idea (if its too laggy it could be a button that checks) and it shows you a few buttons at the top I guess 1 for title checks, 1 for first post checks, 1 for both title and first post, 1 for the whole thread check to see if any post in your thread matchs up to a post in the other thread (could be used after the thread gets a few posts or it could just compare your one post to a whole thread)then there would be an oldest post button for the title check and a minimize button for those who don't want to use it (the oldest post button is easyest with the title check it could be for the others but it works best with title check). After it checks for ideas that are close to yours it would show you a list of threads that match the most (most words matching and in a row) then you could click on the thread you want to view the thread or view more of it (view title/view main post ect). If you click the view oldest button it would show you the oldest matching thread.. people say that you can't find the exact idea and thats true but as long as its even a tiny bit close to your idea it should be in the list and if the idea has not the best grammar people should be able to understand what it means even if its not at the top of the search list.Then its your choice to either update your idea with it or bump it if its not to cOLD of a thread. It would either block oversuggested ideas or warn you about them (admins would have to preset this to prevent evil stuff from happening :P) ima check the thread for more about this... its not easy remembering it all :/