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#48794311Friday, June 17, 2011 4:38 PM GMT

Arrestare Films is currently working on the next hit: Alien in 51 Check out Arrestare Films little soundtrack by searching on YT "Arrestare Films l A New Age of ROBLOX Films" Your opinion would be much obliged, good or bad.
#48816856Friday, June 17, 2011 10:44 PM GMT

What hits? Also, seems kinda cliche if you ask me. Every alien ROBLOX video I've seen was bad.
#48861264Saturday, June 18, 2011 5:39 PM GMT

Bobby, every other alien movie. ..Arrestare Films is not built on relativity, and how the world comprehends normal nowadays. We go beyond the boundaries of your imagination and sometimes even farther, trying to stretch out to the people who enjoy internet movies. Arrestare Films is in production right now, so you wouldn't know if it's cliche or not. The real editing into the film comes when we get the right equipment and the solid idea of how everything is going to fit. So keep your premature opinions of it being " just another film " or " cliche " until you've actually seen the stuff for real.
#48861324Saturday, June 18, 2011 5:40 PM GMT

This isn't an alien abduction movie. It's more in depth and very concerned on the story, not action. We're not a couple of newbs with a camera, we're people creating movie magic in the most realistic way ROBLOX would offer
#48861338Saturday, June 18, 2011 5:40 PM GMT

It is a cliche idea.
#48861513Saturday, June 18, 2011 5:43 PM GMT

Alien films aren't always cliche. Haven't you seen "E.T." or "Super 8"? You don't even know about the actualy story. You just know it involves an alien
#48861645Saturday, June 18, 2011 5:45 PM GMT

Bobby, Please, go somewhere else. Your opinion is useless here and not needed, all you're doing now is being obnoxious. Honestly, until you make one yourself, you don't know the work that goes into making these things. So making assumptions is way beyond what you are allowed to do when you know NOTHING of this area of expertise. So go wander off back under your bridge, troll.
#48861850Saturday, June 18, 2011 5:48 PM GMT

lol. I'm not trolling. Please learn what a troll is. Clearly you don't have the right crew if Koprio over here has a temper tantrum whenever someone says something he doesn't like to hear. I truly think this video will be bad and I'm probably right. Post on this thread when it is done. If you don't post or message me I'm assuming that you quit on it.
#48861920Saturday, June 18, 2011 5:50 PM GMT

I've been developing this story for 2 years. I've read books on screenwriting and about Pixar, a studio with great stories. I believe you just like watching people fail and have no trust in their abbilities.
#48862026Saturday, June 18, 2011 5:52 PM GMT

I do know what a troll is. An incessant idiot who decides he would like to rain on the parade on people he doesn't even know. Or there's the kind the forum made up for fun. Anyways, you can believe all you want. I could honestly care less. YEP -- I have temper! Along with 95% of the world! SHOCKING! It's my heritage. Live with it or don't, the {hypothetical} door is right there, and you can leave whenever you like because now I'm just laughing in the face of your immense stupidity. If you'd like to see when it's done, you can search on YT for it. We're not going to help anyone who thinks they can bash our film, get away with it, than get help from the people who made it to go to the link, not even watch it, thumbs it down, and write a comment elaborately idiotic, which is OBVIOUSLY your most boasting trait. We're not quitting on it. All I have to say that. Don't believe us? Who cares! :D
#48862116Saturday, June 18, 2011 5:53 PM GMT

Why would I like to watch a bad video? Also, Pixar, an amazing studio, wouldn't help at all with a movie like this. I don't think it will turn out the way you want it in your head. It is easier said than done. "Your opinion would be much obliged, good or bad." Your welcome. I've learned a lot about how your video will turn out just by the people working on it.
#48862286Saturday, June 18, 2011 5:57 PM GMT

I know Pixar wouldn't help with this... I'm saying a read a book about Pixar which taught about the value of story... Koprio dosen't stand for everything our video is about. I'm the director. I'm calmly explaing you have you right for an opinion, but you should at least see it before you determine your opinion
#48862334Saturday, June 18, 2011 5:57 PM GMT

Thing is: we can't work with Pixar. They're wayyyy out of our league, they're giants of the creation of films business, so it was already realized that we can't get help from them.. So you just made an entirely irrelevant, and yet again, stupid statement {though not surprising}. Sure, it might not turn out the way we'd like, but who cares? We had fun doing it, and that's ALL that counts. We give it our best, and that's all we can do. Again, your opinion is not even needed, but if you'd like to rant on your pathetic little notion of this maybe being like all others, than you can do so with no further response because I have limited time to spend on forum stupidity. :D The people working on this video are hard-working, dedicated, and want the goal same as anyone else on the cast&crew, which is to get 110% effort out of it and to simply have fun and make a great internet film.
#48862415Saturday, June 18, 2011 5:59 PM GMT

I just want what is best for my movie and to prove that films made in ROBLOX don't have to be awful or newbish, but they can be fun and enjoyable
#48862448Saturday, June 18, 2011 6:00 PM GMT

I've seen a lot of attempts of a movie. By the way it looks you are going into the video hoping that it will come out extremely better than it probably will. You aren't even showing any videos that you have made in the past. If I were you I'd be careful of Koprio. He has issues that could harm the production of your video.
#48862513Saturday, June 18, 2011 6:01 PM GMT

Bobby, who is to say we'll be like old movies. Whose to say we'll take the same road. Maybe we're different. Maybe we plan on making a good film. I've dealt with Koprio before. We've had our arguments, but he's a good guy and deserves respect as much as the next guy
#48862692Saturday, June 18, 2011 6:05 PM GMT

Sir Stupidity strikes again! :3 Anyways, congratulations on watching other movies. Let me rephrase the first comment I put to yours.. Arrestare IS NOT Like OTHER FILMERS. Got that clear? Alright than! They've already been careful of me, and if my friends would like me to leave, I've already told me I'd leave. I'm not going to ruin Alien in 51's chance of getting somewhere if they feel like I'm the problem. But guess what: No problem yet! What a happening! Also, I'm filming, editing, and producing the video. You're stepping into shoes 10x bigger than what you should be, thinking that you have the expertise to judge us on whether or not we're good enough to do this. You haven't done this ONCE. You haven't done this SUCCESFULLY. So how would you know the difference besides taking a miniscule opinion from scattered YT videos? Actually, you would have no opinion. Just a rumbling thought that you like to repeat to make others quit on themselves before they even have a chance. But, like I said, Arrestare is like no other. So we're not giving up because of your petty arguements and your OUTRAGEOUS ego.
#48862697Saturday, June 18, 2011 6:05 PM GMT

lol. You show no evidence that you are better than the rest. I just think this will be another boring video that tried to have a plot and action scenes, but falls short.
#48862841Saturday, June 18, 2011 6:07 PM GMT

Please don't judge before looking. Pixar had the same idea. Disney thought "What can these guys do?". Pixar showed them now look. 11 Film Released, 12th next week. There is alot of potential that we plan on using. Whenever you start something, you never have proof. It's your first thing that proves it to you
#48862872Saturday, June 18, 2011 6:08 PM GMT

I don't need evidence. You believe us or you don't. It's that simple. Taking the leap of faith sometimes is the best choice, and yet you seem to wallow in the doldrums of your pathetic need to put others down. Well, I feel sorry that you have to go through that because you'd have a lot better life to live if you could just open your eyes to the possibility that some things could be better than others, and all you need to do is take the leap. We're not going to fall short, we're going to exceed expectations, especially yours, by miles.
#48863087Saturday, June 18, 2011 6:12 PM GMT

I see none. Ok then. When you finish the video PM me or just post on ROBLOXiwood.
#48863183Saturday, June 18, 2011 6:13 PM GMT

Thank You Please learn not to judge something before seeing it. Alien in 51 Will Be Released This Summer
#48863231Saturday, June 18, 2011 6:14 PM GMT

Give me something to see then. You aren't showing anyone anything. So I'm going to assume you don't want us to see it.
#48863473Saturday, June 18, 2011 6:19 PM GMT

lol. Now another one of your members is messaging rude things. To me it seems like your production crew is mean to anyone who doesn't have the same vision.
#48863651Saturday, June 18, 2011 6:22 PM GMT

He's not messaging rude things. He's probably telling you to back off. And to possibly get a psychiatrist.

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