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#48972949Monday, June 20, 2011 12:08 PM GMT

Pushing Redemption Hello Everyone! I thought I’d make another roleplay, and after putting a bunch of ideas together I finally have a suitable one made. Feel free to join, and please read the story as it is necessary if you would like to participate. Also, note that this is in a Sci-Fi/Futuristic Setting. Pushing Redemption It was a struggle to simply open your eyes. Your eyelids protest madly to the signals sent by your brain. Though, with a gargantuan effort, you manage to wrench your eyes open and find yourself looking at the blurred image of a small cell. A few painful blinks later, your eyesight returns to its usual focus and you examine your surroundings. You find yourself in a frayed, grubby cell. After a brief look around you see that there is a refresher in one corner of the room, and a set of blankets headed by a pillow in the other corner which, by their rumpled organisation, you conclude that you had been resting on them for the past interval of time, however long it was. There is a sizzling laser barrier blocking the door making any attempts at escape insignificant. A pain scorches through your body, interrupting your thoughts and a familiar voice in your head throws questions at you, demanding answers. You try to recall the past events but all you can see is a hideous black hole in your memory. Frustrated greatly, you rack your mind harder, and soon regret the action. A barrage of memories strikes you and you struggle against them, but are buried helpless in their power. You get whipped away into a dreamlike state where images are flashed before your eyes. At first you seem to be inside some type of small transportation ship, the red, velvet interior is comfortable. Your eyes notice familiar faces around the room and you are thrown into another memory, this one rather disturbing. You find yourself in a large foyer that is filled with people. Pain strikes you as become aware of unsuspecting bankers and customers being obscured in a flurry of laser bolts that crack at their bodies, leaving fatal wounds and causing agonising screams to echo in your mind. You realise that it is you, along with the people in the ship, firing upon these innocent people. Without time to dispute your actions, you are hurtled into yet another memory, this one of breaking into a massive, ominous vault. The hinges screamed as it was pulled open to reveal a mass of riches, beyond the vault was a seemingly endless room packed with stacks and stacks of credit chips. The next memory flash was a depressing one. It was one of you, and the people from your prior memories. You were back inside the comfortable ship when blazing holes crashed through the hull, to be followed by squads of the galactic authorities’ soldiers. You were gasping for breath in the chilling, void that is the vacuum of space when felt your eyes rolling into your head and unconsciousness enveloping you unkindly. You feel as if the contents bucket of ice-cold water had just been flung into your face. You pant and shiver uncontrollably before opening your eyes once more to the sight of the familiar cell; it was strangely comforting after the hellish memories. The flashbacks haunt you once again, could you really have assaulted the famed ‘Galactic Bank of Credits’. No one was stupid enough to do that, but you had just seen memories of yourself attempting it. After a huge sigh, and a massive effort, you stand up to further study your surroundings. Through the violent wall of blue plasma, you see rows of cells, similar to yours lining the walls, there was no sunlight and instead, a gloomy, artificial blue glow lit the room. You notice that there are people in the other cells, and recognise their faces too, the people who helped you pull of the heist. You also observe that there is one heavily armed and armoured security guard watching over the only exit to the room. Anger surged through every nerve in your body; you had to escape, to redeem your actions, or to renew your carnage, the choice was yours. Escaping would be nigh-impossible, but then again, so is robbing the ‘Galactic Bank of Credits’ and living to tell the tale. Rules: All usual Role-play and Roblox Forum rules apply Romance, if you feel needed, is to be kept at a PG level; you know what I mean by this Everyone has flaws, even me My world is Final, no arguing with the creator We start when I say so Admin requests are to be PM’ed to me if you wish to be one Most importantly, have fun and enjoy yourself! Character Sheet (Delete all brackets before posting and tell me if I’ve missed anything out so I can edit the template): N.ame: G.ender: A.ge: Species (Feel free to make your own as you see fit.): Appearance (Remember, you’re a prisoner): Skills: Position in the Assault Team (For example, were you a medic, grunt, hacker, demo man etc.): Biography (Required in true Srbstriker Role-playing tradition): Other: My Character Sheet shall be posted at a later time. I leave you with this final message for now, Enjoy.
Top 100 Poster
#48973290Monday, June 20, 2011 12:27 PM GMT

Top 100 Poster
#48973470Monday, June 20, 2011 12:35 PM GMT

N.ame: Darlkus Ohmear G.ender: Male A.ge: 27 In human years Species: Tohdar-Basically a lizard man. Bipedal creature, around 6"0 Grey scaly skin, retractable claws on hands and feet although these have been cut off by the prison guards. Large spiny ridge down the spine. Dark cat like eyes, large fangs. Appearance: Orange jumpsuit with Prisoner ID 88334, Ripped to make way for the tail, black boots and special gloves that prevent him from using the stubs of his claws as weapons. Skills: Dexterity, agility, speed, ability to think fast in a tough situation Position in the Assault Team: Scout/Mapper Biography: Born on the swampy planet of Dhedos-9, when he was around 3 in human years, his hometown was raided by ravagers (Basically terrorists) and his parents were killed, not seeing any reason to kill the child they abucted him to raise as one of their own. He was raised by the raiders and trained in hand to hand combat and use of weaponary. Upon learning what they did to his parents he escaped the camp and travelled off into the universe, using his taught skills to become a hitman, he learned to speak many different languages. He was then hired to rob the bank of galactic credits..which didnt go to plan. Other: Can speak english as well as other languages and his scaly like skin provides a natural body armour.
#48973506Monday, June 20, 2011 12:37 PM GMT

((Very good Zoozooba. Accepted and Welcome to the Roleplay!))
Top 100 Poster
#48973863Monday, June 20, 2011 12:54 PM GMT

(Do we start?)
#48973897Monday, June 20, 2011 12:56 PM GMT

((I have to leave soon and have not yet created a character so I'm going to have to answer no, I'm glad you've taken an intetest though.))
Top 100 Poster
#48974000Monday, June 20, 2011 1:01 PM GMT

( :/ Ok)
#48974010Monday, June 20, 2011 1:01 PM GMT

N.ame: Elmera Roned-lo G.ender: Female A.ge: 348 ( or 18 ) Species (Feel free to make your own as you see fit.): Shad'lor ( basically living mist taking a human form ) Appearance (Remember, you’re a prisoner): thick blue mist taking the shape of a young female human, with glowing yellow eyes, a thin figure, and wearing a prison uniform. Elmera has blue shackles on her hands which let her keep her form. Skills: Very good at infiltrating, however, she's slow when it comes to running away. Position in the Assault Team (For example, were you a medic, grunt, hacker, demo man etc ): Sabotage specialist. Biography (Required in true Srbstriker Role-playing tradition): Although most of her race is passive, Elmera prefers danger and fighting. She is reckless, and will most likely have to be watched. Other: N/A
#48974044Monday, June 20, 2011 1:02 PM GMT

((Accepted, Welcome.))
#48974061Monday, June 20, 2011 1:03 PM GMT

( Thanks. :) )
Top 25 Poster
#48974125Monday, June 20, 2011 1:05 PM GMT

(joining..hang on a sec for my CS)
#48974204Monday, June 20, 2011 1:09 PM GMT

I wasn't going to join. Then I saw you could be your own creature. I'm in. N.ame: Xarna Blackwood G.ender: Female A.ge: 200 Species: Ari'Shan (A person who controls powers through an item, in my case an earring, to give them strength, claws, fangs, and black wings. They can turn into or be accomponied by their Soul Animals, and Air'Shan have 2: Wolf and Dragon.) Appearance (Remember, you’re a prisoner):(yes, I realize :P) A plain red shirt, ripped in a few places, and gray plain pants. Cotton shoes to muffle movement. A bag that wasn't taken from me, surprisingly, holding my poison and my poison ingrediants. Though it wasn't much use without my daggers. Skills: Agile, fast, strong when using my ability. Position in the Assault Team: Hacker. I think I could fit that role quite nicely. :P Biography: I hadn't been born with my powers or the urge to be a 'bad guy', as I called them. But when I was 14, a man had made me feel the pain of 1,000 lives, turning me into a beast. I wanted to get back at him, but I couldn't, so I took my rage out on the innocent people. Which is how I ended up here. Other: I want my daggers. Soon.
#48974280Monday, June 20, 2011 1:12 PM GMT

((Accepted, just a question. Why where you not going to join?))
Top 25 Poster
#48974412Monday, June 20, 2011 1:18 PM GMT

N.ame: Angelica j. Utsman G.ender: F A.ge: 25 Species (Feel free to make your own as you see fit.): Nlacker (basically looks like humans but have a sixth sense and a greater depth in knowledge.) Appearance: (here we again...) She has on prison clothes, has lavender eyes, unevenly cut long black hair. She is pretty slim for her @ge and is about 5'3 which is shorter than normal for her race. Though the shackers are lack, they are reinforced many times. Skills: really good in the technology section, fairly okay at fighting however is still learning, Position in the Assault Team: hack.er...(duh) Biography: She's the youngest of the family of three and has two older brothers who she hasbeen trying to find for a long time. However her dad taught lots of tech stuff and can easily find info. She is known to escape easily but takes a longer time. Other: Her personality isusually kid, nice, nd responsible. However se does have a pretty high temper and is sometimes impatient. At times like this, she is rebellious and sly...
#48974442Monday, June 20, 2011 1:20 PM GMT

((Also accepted. It's good to see people being creative with their own races, just a question for you, what do you mean by sixth sense?))
#48974463Monday, June 20, 2011 1:20 PM GMT

N.ame:Mark Hyde G.ender:Male A.ge:27 Species: Human Appearance: Dark brown hair that glint in the blue light, sea green eyes that in mid-day light look pure green, Muscular, 6 Ft 8", 212 LBs, standard issue prisoner suit, bare feet at the bottom are pretty dirty with okay clean nails and caucasian skin. Skills: Combat and morale raising Position in the Assault Team: Offensive and defense for the rest of the team. Biography: Came from a poor family that lived on an all urban planet, in a alley. His clothes were made out of rags, he commited arson crimes, but he was caught on a few of them. He was from Earth, Germany everyone who saw him knew he needed more. He was the smartest one in the alley, he could read and write and easliy do math. He took part in the heist he wanted something more than a alley on cold winter nights. He wanted to be noticed, in the group he was then he was caught again, he wanted to get out. Other:
Top 25 Poster
#48974492Monday, June 20, 2011 1:21 PM GMT

(changing that around. Position in the Assault Team: medic Biography: : She's the youngest of the family of three and has two older brothers who she has been trying to find for a long time. Her dad is a doctor who taught her a lot in the medical fied. Her mother too though she is a nurse. Through her parents she knows a lot in the medical field. However she is still learning...
#48974520Monday, June 20, 2011 1:23 PM GMT

(I've done Human so many times how about cyborg and one of his eyes are robotic.)
#48974536Monday, June 20, 2011 1:23 PM GMT

((Accepted Blackberry, Welcome. Though it might be a bit greedy, but since I do not have time to make a CS, I call dibs on Combat Medic! ;).))
Top 25 Poster
#48974595Monday, June 20, 2011 1:25 PM GMT

(since each Nlacker is different, their own sixth different from each other. Hers is mainly the ability of telepathy...she doesn't use it much only when she REALLY needs it.)
#48974617Monday, June 20, 2011 1:26 PM GMT

((Late Post argggghhhhhh, Blackberry, you're other suggestion is accepted. Ilovedogs, you can be the medic.))
#48974655Monday, June 20, 2011 1:28 PM GMT

(New bio!) Bio: He never remebered he life before becoming a cybrog, but with intelligence inside of him they called him a failure. And threw him on the streets of Germany, with only knowlage on his side he commited arson crimes. He was caught on a few of them, he joined the heist so he would be noticed in the group he was. It all failed he was in a cell all he wanted was to get out and join something, he doesn't know what though.
#48974690Monday, June 20, 2011 1:29 PM GMT

((New Bio processed and Accepted. Also, what did you guys think of the story. Opinions?))
#48974737Monday, June 20, 2011 1:31 PM GMT

(Gah. Now I might not join because of so many people. Don't be surprised if I don't post, kay?)
#48974747Monday, June 20, 2011 1:31 PM GMT

(Great I like that you are evil >:3 start? I have to leave soon.)

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