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#4922462Sunday, January 11, 2009 12:47 AM GMT

The nopids are fighting agenst the humans..Take sides,Nopid or human.. CHARACTER SHEET Name: Weapon: Side:(Human,Nopid) Ship Name: Ship type: Race: SHIP SHEET Ship Name: Ship Type: Good for: SHIP TYPES Mothership:The leader of all the ships in the army. Only the first player of a faction can pilot the mothership Fighter:A basic ship. Is great use for swarming Bomber:More fire power and better sheilds,Its a better fighter. Strike Fighter:A bit more powerfull then both the bomber and fighter,Can shoot basic torpedoes. Flak Fridgate:A torpeto based attack unit. Has medium sheilds and good firepower. Heavy Fridgate:Armed with a ion cannon and torpedos this is a powerfull ship that is good for ripping through enemy defenses. Ion Fridgate:The highest class of the fridgate,This is a fear to behold. Armed Transport:A heavy sheilded many crewed ship that has a few lasers,Nothin much but it can inflict serious damage on land. X-Ion Fighter:A extremly powerfull fighter this ship can lead a small group of ships to victory. Armed with two XRay Ion cannons and torpedos it can withstand most enemys! MKO-Kopon:A strange ship. It can destroy enemys,most everything. Its a match for a mothership,Its speedy and has high sheilds. BO-90009:A ship that is like a second mothership. Only four pepole can pilot these. Mine Name:Karui Weapon(s):A sabre,Some ion thing. Side:Nopin Ship name:KFS Vengance Ship Type:MKO-Kopon Race:Katuri Ship Ship Name:KFS Vengance Ship Type:MKO-Kopon Good for:Flying into enemy groups and destroying them.
#4922509Sunday, January 11, 2009 12:49 AM GMT

*Flys around in the KFS Vengance and shoots down 5 human fighters*
#4932885Sunday, January 11, 2009 1:10 PM GMT

#4932942Sunday, January 11, 2009 1:14 PM GMT

*Keeps flying around*

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