#49840396Sunday, July 03, 2011 11:39 PM GMT

(So... Can I begin? :P)
#49840472Sunday, July 03, 2011 11:41 PM GMT

(Have the others?)
#49841041Sunday, July 03, 2011 11:50 PM GMT

(Facepalm.) I was in the war room on the Vaktovian controlled part of the planet. The other Officers had worried looks on their faces. "We need to crush their spirits NOW!" One Officer shouted, banging his fist on the table. "I agree. We merely need to show them that they will never be free. Teach them that they should just keep their faces in the dirt, where the belong. I say that we start taking the fight to this... Rebellion that the Solarins started. We shall smite them down, KILL their leaders!!!" I say. The others in the war room murmured around, debating whether my idea was achievable. Some agreed, whilst most others shook their heads, not wanting to lose their men. "We simply do not have the man power or the intelligence to launch an attack!" One argued. "What other choice do we have?! They will reclaim their planet!" Another replied. Soon, I had ended up making this meeting a feud. Sometimes I wish I didn't have such a big mouth...
#49841563Sunday, July 03, 2011 11:58 PM GMT

The leader of The Vaktovians shook his head, "We don't want to launch a large scale attack, that would upset the free Soliarains on the otherside of the planet, and it would be bad PR if we destroyed our own colonies."
#49842387Monday, July 04, 2011 12:12 AM GMT

"I do not intend to kill our people. I am just saying, if we destroy the rebellion now, before it gets to out of hand, the people of Soalris shall see that it was a false hope, a lie, and finally accept our rule. Though, perhaps we can send some men to go search for their leader. Break their soilders morale, to make them surrender. It isn't a full scale attack, and it won't involve torching our towns, so, will you give permission for me to do this? " I try to reply with a much respect as I can.
#49842451Monday, July 04, 2011 12:13 AM GMT

"I will approve of only a small squad. No more then yourself and 10 people. If it fails, then you will go down has being a traitor, is that understood?"
#49842515Monday, July 04, 2011 12:14 AM GMT

"Yes, my lord." I reply.
#49843502Monday, July 04, 2011 12:32 AM GMT

"Now then, go and do my bidding."
#49845350Monday, July 04, 2011 1:05 AM GMT

I gathered ten of my best men, and began to think of plausible hiding places of the rebel leader. Minutes turned into hours. I couldn't think of any place that a rebel would hide at. Then I began to ponder. If he was going to be leading the revolution, then he would probably be in the capital meeting place of the rebels. I decided to head out for the first camp that revolted, and suceeded.
#49847386Monday, July 04, 2011 1:44 AM GMT

The camp was empty, and deserted. The Vaktovains were going to have a hard time finding out where the rebels went, there was fresh snow on the dark side of hte planet, and thus no sign of any footprints or habitation.
#49851590Monday, July 04, 2011 2:53 AM GMT

Jinxy, I'd join if you restarted the thread.
#49852320Monday, July 04, 2011 3:06 AM GMT

(Why restart it?)
#49852693Monday, July 04, 2011 3:14 AM GMT

( I'd just rather it new.)
#49852870Monday, July 04, 2011 3:17 AM GMT

(.-. It really is still very very new... Most of the other pages are OOC)
#49866800Monday, July 04, 2011 11:29 AM GMT

(>_> I"m having trouble posting now. I'm trying to pull an all-nighter, it doesn't seem to be happening.)
#49928303Tuesday, July 05, 2011 6:31 AM GMT

(I'm working on a post, it'll explain why I havn't posted in so long. :P)
#49936181Tuesday, July 05, 2011 1:13 PM GMT

(K... o-o I hope your not planning on mentioning the Legion yet again... I want to actually finish this thread in the appriopate way.)
#49953339Tuesday, July 05, 2011 6:16 PM GMT

(Post... Texar... >:3)
#49954513Tuesday, July 05, 2011 6:33 PM GMT

(Lol, he's probably been busy with Paradox stuff)
#49994285Wednesday, July 06, 2011 4:01 AM GMT

(Don't sas me women! D:< ;P)
#49994372Wednesday, July 06, 2011 4:03 AM GMT

(Kev's a woman now @_@?)
#49994677Wednesday, July 06, 2011 4:10 AM GMT

(You ready for it? Are you ready? Can you HANDLE the truth? I didn't think so. Oh well, prepare to have your mind BLOWN... -UP... ;P) ‘Mmmm…’ * * * ‘Ugh...’ * * * ‘Ugh!...’ * * * ‘OWCH!!!’ Texar suddenly sat up, wide awake and grasping his side where a sudden and sharp bolt of pain just appeared. Wait... why is he just sitting up? Had he fallen asleep? Is he late!? Oh gawsh, he's got to get up immediately, maybe if he's lucky he can still catch the transport or maybe he could... maybe he could... he could... He froze, eyes wide open... He's not alone, and he is most definitely NOT in his quarters... “About time you woke up, must have been kicking you for half an hour.” The man said. He was a Solarian, dressed in the clothes assigned to the slave workers at mines. From the looks of his thick and rough beard and the dirt all over him, he hadn’t bathed in quite a while. He was tall and buff. To Texar, he looked like he could rip a transport in half… He continued to state at this strange man, frozen in place, for several more minutes before he finally spoke. “W-who are you? Where am I? What have you done to me?” The man stood there a second and then began laughing. “That’s a good one! Who am I? WHO AM I!?!” He continued to laugh a little longer and then finally caught his breath and continued. “You honestly don’t know? Where have you been living, under a rock? I’m Tom, Tommy Minework, the leader of this regions rebellion!” Texar just stared at him with a blank look. “Rebellion?” Tom just stared back, a little startled from the looks of it, this was obviously not what he had expected. After a few moments of thoughts he finally spoke. “Get up, I have some stew cooking in the other room, you’ve been out for over a day so you’re bound to be hungry. We’ll talk over lunch.” At the mention of food, Texar’s stomach began to rumble. He slowly got up and walked his way over to the door way, limping a little bit. How had he gotten here? Who was this man? What did he want? WHY had he taken him, of all people!? The Vaktovian guards are bound to be on the alert now… (*To be continued.*)
#49995202Wednesday, July 06, 2011 4:22 AM GMT

(I forget Texar is half breed. o-o)
#50037494Wednesday, July 06, 2011 9:14 PM GMT

(Half-Breed? Ouch. Is that like, some, Uber Overkill thing?) "Tracking the rebel leader will be harder than we thought. We should hide around here for a while. We make camp in the forest. Cold dinner tonight, I don't want them to see the smoke if they come back." I said to my men. We were going to see if they came back, if they somehow knew we were coming.
#50038842Wednesday, July 06, 2011 9:32 PM GMT

(@ Your status, JINXY: [Happy birthday, Kevor] is the correct way to type that fragment of a sentence. xD)