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#49486635Tuesday, June 28, 2011 2:00 PM GMT

Now, I'm sure some people don't understand what I'm talking about at first glance, or for some other reason will flame me for no reason. So I must ask those people to please read through what I have to say before you make assumptions & judgments. Thank you. I've been thinking this over for a long time, and contrary to what I usually do, I actually haven't revised this idea at all. So I'm just going to dive into the idea. I may or may not repost a revised edition later on based on feedback. My idea is to remove the ROBLOX Browser. What do I mean by this, you ask? Well, it's straight forward, really. You see, it seems we have 2 separate applications for 3 separate tasks. You have one executable installed for the ROBLOX Browser (Which, might I add, is just a ported version of Internet Explorer. Which is the reason why it took so long to support other browsers), and you have a completely different applications for opening and editing games. So, I thought this: "Why not just condense everything into one, simpler, application?" So that gave birth to my idea. With the new HUD update, it gave us the ability to open up a menu for settings such a video capture, camera settings, a reset button, and other utilities. First of all, this should be given the key assignment of 'Esc', for easier access. Second, why not just incorporate all of ROBLOX into this one menu? Add multiple tabs at the top of the screen for all of the links currently on the ROBLOX website (My ROBLOX, Games, Catalog, etc.). In addition to that, add an extra tab, "Settings", in front of the others. This would include the already existent settings for inside a game such as the reset button and the leave game button. Above the tabs would be a dashboard displaying current number of new messages and friend requests, as well as the amount of TIX & R$ you have. Notifications for new chats, messages, and etc. will be given in game as well. Every respectable game currently out on the market uses this system of a menu for selecting servers, so you only have to have one program open at a time, and don't have to keep switching for program to program to get everything working. No body has ever complained about that setup and I would like ROBLOX to incorporate it into their game as well. TIME FOR SOME Q&A!! "Cobalt, how would switching servers work?" Simply put: Just like normal. We already have a games tab on the current layout. You click the games tab, select the game you want, then select the server to connect to. The same would apply here. "What happens if you try to join two servers at once?" You can't. Just like in every other game that uses this method, if you try to join a server while in another server, you disconnect form the current one, then join the next. ROBLOX currently uses this method too, just in a slightly different way. "How would the Catalog work?" Just as with the games, it would work exactly the same as now. Click "Catalog", click the item you want, and click 'Buy'. You would equip them just as you do now by going to My ROBLOX, Character, and selecting what you want. "What about building?" Click the "Build" button on a game page just as you would now. It will disconnect you from your current server, and open your ROBLOX place for editing. "What 'bout editing directly from a file, for us advanced builders and scripters?" Well, quite honestly I have no other idea of how to do this besides a button on the top right corner of the screen, right next to the new messages bar, that would say "Open from file". "Themes?" Themes would now change the in game UI's colors. Currently, the in game UI is mostly black. Say, for instance, you were using the normal theme. This would change the color of the UI from black (Which I assume they will key for OBC members), to Blue. "What will happen to the original website?" This is up to the admins, if they ever want to go through with this. I, personally, think they should keep it as a minimal site. Explaining copyright, and preserving the registration page, as well as the "Play as a guest" button. If I have not covered your question here, post a comment and I'll explain a resolve to the best of my ability.
#49487999Tuesday, June 28, 2011 2:42 PM GMT

This is a great suggestion, as I find no reason in the Roblox browser.
#49488603Tuesday, June 28, 2011 2:57 PM GMT

An '07er supported my idea :D Yay :D
#49488683Tuesday, June 28, 2011 2:59 PM GMT

I'm sorry but i can't agree with you. Roblox studio is annoying.... It leaves the site's resolution very small.
#49488885Tuesday, June 28, 2011 3:04 PM GMT

Roblox studio is annoying.... It leaves the site's resolution very small. -- I'm not saying to add an in-frame website view. I'm saying to create.. Eh.. More of a server list.. It's hard to explain if you haven't played major games such as Crysis or CoD.. Or even MC to an extent..
#49489065Tuesday, June 28, 2011 3:10 PM GMT

I still don't agree. I want RS(Roblox studio) and RB(Roblox browser.) to be seperated. All i like from the studio is the "Tools tab" and te "Edit mode." Which you can still use on "Build mode" See? Why merge them?
#49489177Tuesday, June 28, 2011 3:13 PM GMT

You should merge them so we don't have to manage 2 programs at once just to do one task.
#49489316Tuesday, June 28, 2011 3:16 PM GMT

This is 2011 so we have tech that can merge 2 programs. So you have 2 choices. Multi-Task or Merge.
#49489396Tuesday, June 28, 2011 3:18 PM GMT

I prefer multi tasking. I liked roblox in 08 but then it changed to what it is now. If this happens I might leave.
#49489492Tuesday, June 28, 2011 3:21 PM GMT

New message now: Guess if you have a new message. Alt+Tab. Check if you have a new message. If you don't, Alt+Tab back If you do, reply to message Alt+Tab back. New method for new message: Message tells you that a new message has arrived. Esc Type message Esc I rest my case :3
#49489758Tuesday, June 28, 2011 3:26 PM GMT

*Hypersensiteve person sits at a computer*. *roblox* AN NEW MESSAGE HAS ARRIVED!!!! BLEEEP BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP!!!!!! *guy jumps out of his seat and bangs head* No. This isnt "SocialRoblox" its, Roblox.
#49489854Tuesday, June 28, 2011 3:28 PM GMT

@SocialRoblox I meant to say A social networking site.
#49489900Tuesday, June 28, 2011 3:29 PM GMT

Well planned and a good idea,but i'm just too used to ROBLOX's old style,i'm too accustomed to it. 1/2 support if i can.
#49490309Tuesday, June 28, 2011 3:38 PM GMT

100% Support.
#49491244Tuesday, June 28, 2011 3:54 PM GMT

ROBLOX studio has edit tool, so I think it's a good idea to add it all up into one, why didn't we just have EDIT tool in normal ROBLOX anyways? I don't understand producers of ROBLOX perspective, but I'm sure they have a mind of their own.. Great idea, support all the way :) ~Schippy2 the llama farmer~
#49491405Tuesday, June 28, 2011 3:57 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#49491744Tuesday, June 28, 2011 4:04 PM GMT

I dont really think it would turn out great.
#49491883Tuesday, June 28, 2011 4:06 PM GMT

Well, there is one thing you overlooked. It would be very laggy, both internet explorer/ROBLOX browser are much more stable then some sort of in-game GUI, and if it is too laggy then it may become unusable. This is kind of a clever idea but it just would never work; I, myself, have never found much trouble with the current setup anyway.
#49493639Tuesday, June 28, 2011 4:39 PM GMT

I support this, Very well thought out.
#49494402Tuesday, June 28, 2011 4:55 PM GMT

How thoughtful of you to make ROBLOX simpler, but the solution is multi-tasking. No support. ~AoiChan~
#49542915Wednesday, June 29, 2011 11:07 AM GMT

Actualy his way looks more complex AoiChan. I can do fine with what it is now. No support.
#49626226Thursday, June 30, 2011 5:46 PM GMT

"Actualy his way looks more complex" -- If pressing the Escape button is more complex than having to manage two separate windows, then yes, it's more complex. Rule of thumb: everything is more complex when explained, than it is when used. I can explain the current method of things in the most simplistic manner, and it'd sound more hellish than this does. If it'd help you, I will create a concept image so that it's not quite as 'complex'..

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