#532075Thursday, February 28, 2008 12:16 AM GMT

but just then....nothing happened.... (simple bump even though its already near very top of page XD)
#532098Thursday, February 28, 2008 12:21 AM GMT

Hmmm....Where did that bulborb get to?They're so hard to train but it pays off when they act like a giant bodyguard and can find food if I'm out.Too bad they sleep for 13 hours a day.....(whistles)(a few adult bulbmin come over)Ok!Find that lost bulborb!(whistles the search signal)(the bulbmin march off) PERIOD
#532168Thursday, February 28, 2008 12:34 AM GMT

sandbag: watchout!!!! adult gaint bulborb: *lunges at princeyoshi* princeyoshi: *bounces above adult bulborb dodgeing its attack* sandbag: *frezes adult bulborb with magic* kirby: poyo! sandbag: no kirby! wait! dont eat it! kirby: poyo? princeyoshi: are you mad? it tried to bite me! sandbag: 2 things, 1. you wouldn't get hurt by its attack, its far too weak to damage u, besides, if it [somehow] did, i would heal u, 2. its got a tag someone owns this...thing kirby: poyo? sandbag: no you still cant eat it XD kirby: ;-; princeyoshi: XD random voice: but just then nothing happened princeyoshi, sandbag, kirby: XD princeyoshi: so what should we do? kirby: poyo sandbag: good idea kirby, lets try to find the owner kirby: ^.^ ^.^ PERIOD
#532315Thursday, February 28, 2008 1:07 AM GMT

just a recap: group #1: G nate darthnoob jeremy captain key pikmin in group #1: ?/? red pikmin 0/0 yellow pikmin 0/0 blue pikmin 0/0 purple pikmin 0/0 white pikmin ?/? green pikmin group #2: freezie trained bulborbs in group #2: 0/0 child red bulborbs 6/7 adult red bulborbs 0/0 child orange bulborbs 0/0 adult orange bulborbs 0/0 child white bulborbs 0/0 adult white bulborbs 0/0 child black bulbrobs 0/0 adult balck bulbrobs 0/0 flaming adult black bulborbs 0/0 emperor blublax 0/0 emperess bulblax 0/0 bulborb larvea group #3: princeyoshi sandbag kirby allies being carried in group #3: 1 adult trained bulborb (belongs to freezie)
#533094Thursday, February 28, 2008 3:17 AM GMT

There it is!(runs over to his lost bulborb in movie style)(LOL) Me:Thanks for finding him.If you need to you can stay at my place.Its kinda noisy at night though because I have to let by 20 bulborbs into the field.Also, the bulborb larva I found keeps crying for pikpik carrots.(starts heading home)
#533490Thursday, February 28, 2008 12:29 PM GMT

princeyoshi: well......idk sandbag: is there food there? freezie: of course! princeyoshi: why woudl ask for somthing like that? its not like you eat mr. sandbag... >.>; kirby: poyo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^.^ ^.^ ^.^ ^.^ sandbag: thats why XD princeyoshi: point taken XD freezie: well we bettre get going b4 it gvets dark >.> sandbag: ok COMMA...i mean....PERIOD XD
#533494Thursday, February 28, 2008 12:33 PM GMT

just a recap: group #1: G nate darthnoob jeremy captain key pikmin in group #1: ?/? red pikmin 0/0 yellow pikmin 0/0 blue pikmin 0/0 purple pikmin 0/0 white pikmin ?/? green pikmin group #2: freezie princeyoshi sandbag kirby trained bulborbs in group #2: 0/0 child red bulborbs 20/20 adult red bulborbs 0/0 child orange bulborbs 0/0 adult orange bulborbs 0/0 child white bulborbs 0/0 adult white bulborbs 0/0 child black bulbrobs 0/0 adult balck bulbrobs 0/0 flaming adult black bulborbs 0/0 emperor blublax 0/0 emperess bulblax 1/1 bulborb larvea
#533853Thursday, February 28, 2008 4:56 PM GMT

Nate: *plucks pikmin* YAY!!!! IZ HAZ GOTTENZ 1 Red Pikmin 2 Blue Pikmin 10 Yellow Pikmin and found one red onion!
#534487Thursday, February 28, 2008 9:47 PM GMT

just for conviniance, i will put the recap below each one of my posts, now for my part of story ^.^ ^.^ princeyoshi: do you feel that? everyone in group #2 exept kirby: earthquake!!! kirby: poyo!!! *everyone falls for about 3 minutes* sandbag: where cvant be!!!! wree doomed!!! princeyoshi: ahhhh!!! freezie: one titan dwevil was hard enough, but 3?! kirby: poyo! *inhalves 1st titan devil* *uses power on 2nd titan dwevil* *spits out 1st titan devil at the 3rd one, but somkehow keeps the powers o.0) everyone in group 2 exept kirby: hurray! kirby: ^.^ ^.^ ------------------------------recap below--------------------------- just a recap: group #1: G nate darthnoob jeremy captain key pikmin in group #1: 1/1 red pikmin 10/10 yellow pikmin 2/2 blue pikmin 0/0 purple pikmin 0/0 white pikmin ?/? green pikmin group #2: freezie princeyoshi sandbag kirby (titan dwevil powers) trained bulborbs in group #2: 0/0 child red bulborbs 20/20 adult red bulborbs 0/0 child orange bulborbs 0/0 adult orange bulborbs 0/0 child white bulborbs 0/0 adult white bulborbs 0/0 child black bulbrobs 0/0 adult balck bulbrobs 0/0 flaming adult black bulborbs 0/0 emperor blublax 0/0 emperess bulblax 1/1 bulborb larvea
#534542Thursday, February 28, 2008 10:00 PM GMT

screwed up the recap, heres the fixed one just a recap: group #1: G nate darthnoob jeremy captain key pikmin in group #1: 1/1 red pikmin (onion found) 10/10 yellow pikmin (onion not found) 2/2 blue pikmin (onion not found) 0/0 purple pikmin (onion not built) 0/0 white pikmin (onion not built) ?/? green pikmin (onion not built) 0/0 bulbmin (onion not built) 0/0 frost blue pikmin 0/0 orange pikmin 0/0 transperant pikmin 0/0 black pikmin 0/0 coverted zombie pikmin 0/0 grey pikmin 0/0 brown pikmin 0/0 rainbow pikmin group #2: freezie princeyoshi sandbag kirby (titan dwevil powers) trained bulborbs in group #2: 0/0 child red bulborbs 20/20 adult red bulborbs 0/0 child orange bulborbs 0/0 adult orange bulborbs 0/0 child white bulborbs 0/0 adult white bulborbs 0/0 child black bulbrobs 0/0 adult balck bulbrobs 0/0 flaming adult black bulborbs 0/0 emperor blublax 0/0 emperess bulblax 1/1 bulborb larvea cookies gained in group one: chocolate: 0 vannila: 0 suger: 0 iceing: 0
#534543Thursday, February 28, 2008 10:00 PM GMT

(wakes up)Looks like my bulborb larva is finally taking its color.It'll either be a emperor bulblax, a bulbear, or a magma bulbear.I'll just let the others sleep.Got the excercises to get this one through.
#534565Thursday, February 28, 2008 10:06 PM GMT

while freezie was training his larvea bulborb... kirby: poyo... freezie: what is it kirby? kirby: poyo *points at stomach* freezie: well, ill see what ive got in the fridge PERIOD (or) .
#534632Thursday, February 28, 2008 10:13 PM GMT

(walks in with the bulborb crawling in)NO KIRBY DON'T EAT THAT!!!!!!(kicks the seemingly harmless pie out of his arms)It's an untested bait for bulborbs.Who knows what it could do to your pink and round body?I've got to see about a new cave that opened up near here.Want to come?We'll be using tranquilizer guns.NO EATING.Unless its a dweevil of any kind except volatiles.That would be bad.Meet me in 20 min. in the field if you're coming.(grabs a tranqu gun and heads out the door)
#534707Thursday, February 28, 2008 10:28 PM GMT

meanwhile...some ppl are still sleeping princeyoshi and sandbag: zzz
#536604Friday, February 29, 2008 8:04 AM GMT

Nate: *found a yellow onion!* YAY I GET TO KEEP THE YELLOW PIKMIN!!!!!!!!!!! Yellow Pikmin: Kepu?
#538141Friday, February 29, 2008 9:40 PM GMT

HELLO PEOPLE IM IGNORING ALL POSTS THAT HAVE TO DO WITH FINDING ONIONS PAY ATTENTION! (big wind near ship) Hey guys I found the red onion!! (onion hovers to ship with G and green pikmin holding on to legs) well we found the onion and I get to keep the first red pikmin which I got right here (holds out arms showing a red pikmin sitting in hands)
#538514Friday, February 29, 2008 11:03 PM GMT

but just then... the planet has a realy big earthquake which is felt everywhere...
#538541Friday, February 29, 2008 11:10 PM GMT

princeyoshi: what wa that? sandbag: idk.....wha... flashman...where did u coem from? flashman: idk...flashman never die! everyone in room: XD --------------------------------------- just a recap: group #1: G nate darthnoob jeremy captain key pikmin in group #1: 1/1 red pikmin (onion found) 10/10 yellow pikmin (onion not found) 2/2 blue pikmin (onion not found) 0/0 purple pikmin (onion not built) 0/0 white pikmin (onion not built) 1/1 green pikmin (onion not built) 0/0 bulbmin (onion not built) 0/0 frost blue pikmin 0/0 orange pikmin 0/0 transperant pikmin 0/0 black pikmin 0/0 coverted zombie pikmin 0/0 grey pikmin 0/0 brown pikmin 0/0 rainbow pikmin group #2: freezie princeyoshi sandbag kirby (titan dwevil powers) flashman trained bulborbs in group #2: 0/0 child red bulborbs 20/20 adult red bulborbs 0/0 child orange bulborbs 0/0 adult orange bulborbs 0/0 child white bulborbs 0/0 adult white bulborbs 0/0 child black bulbrobs 0/0 adult balck bulbrobs 0/0 flaming adult black bulborbs 0/0 emperor blublax 0/0 emperess bulblax 1/1 bulborb larvea cookies gained in group one: chocolate: 0 vannila: 0 suger: 0 iceing: 0
#538610Friday, February 29, 2008 11:25 PM GMT

(standing up)I hope that didn't close up the cave.If they aren't here in 10 min I'm going to the cave alone. PERIOD
#538747Friday, February 29, 2008 11:52 PM GMT

kirby: poyo? freeize: oh sry kirby, i forgot u were here lolz *10 mins pass* freezie: well, kirby, looks like were going in wtihout them kirby: poyo...
#538775Friday, February 29, 2008 11:57 PM GMT

(note:PLZ DON'T TALK FOR ME!!!!!) (walks into the cave)Be very,very, careful Kirby.We're hunting Bulborbs. OMG!!!IT'S A BULBMIN!!!!!(shoots it with the tranq gun)Kirby can you suck it up but not swallow it so we can bring it home? PERIOD
#538802Saturday, March 01, 2008 12:01 AM GMT

(note: kk, lolz) kirby: poyo! *sucks up bulborb* meanwhile... princeyoshi: whered frezzie go? sandbag: and/or kirby? princeyoshi: rofl "and/or" sandbag: XD flashman: it seems they went into that cave... sandbag: how can you tell? flahsman: the footprints princeyoshi, lolz
#538812Saturday, March 01, 2008 12:02 AM GMT

anopther quack occurs
#538818Saturday, March 01, 2008 12:04 AM GMT

typo, that should be quake, as in earthquake
#538870Saturday, March 01, 2008 12:11 AM GMT

all your bump are belong to me!