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#49856177Monday, July 04, 2011 4:25 AM GMT

(This is my fave forum.) I'm coming here to see if anyone has anymore idea's for my place, Rage of Night. Yes, I'm bringing this place back up here, because I loved the idea's everyone had. This is a Roleplay though, so NPC's, monsters, darkness script, killing weapons, and the like, are out of the question. Idea's I will take are: Buildings(like a library or something), landscapes(like an island or a small mountain), etc. I'm going to include the story as well, this might help you think of things. __________________________________________________________________________ Three months ago, Takeshi, Skiy, and Rikiran, were attacked by a group of Kira's, and the Kira general. Rikiran is firm in the belief that the Kira general, is the same Kira that devoured his parents. Wanting revenge, Rikiran tries to search for the hidden Spiritsight master, "Shinnosuke Takane". During his search, Rikiran encounters Magareru, a young Elementaldancer who controls the element of earth. The two are weary of each other at first. But are soon forced into an alliance, when they are attacked by Harusho. Rikiran's former friend and Takeshi's rival, who joined the Blood Maiden in her conquest for power. Takeshi soon follows Rikiran, and witnesses Harusho's Red flames. Knowing red fire comes from the Kira realm, Takeshi fights with Harusho. When he is almost defeated, Takeshi removes the glove from his right hand, revealing the Mark on his hand, that looks like a thorny question mark. Takeshi reveals himself to be the first "Branded one" of Kagura City, and unleashes Black lightning. Harusho appears to be killed in the assault of "Branded Takeshi" and his body vanishes. After this fight, Kiyoshi, the Espada from the Spirit realm, appears to Skiy and informs her of a new Spiritsighter, who is being targeted by the Kira Emperor. Takeshi and team head out, with Magareru in tow, to find the Spiritsighter before the Kira's do. ___________________________________________________________________________ So, that's the story so far. Anyone got idea's for area's or other stuff? Thanks in advance for your(no doubt) great idea's. I'm also recruiting people for main characters for part three of the RP. PM me if your interested. ___________________________________________________________________________ Main characters: Leodin - Takeshi [Leader: Stormdancer and Spiritsighter] marmarlar - Rikiran [Frostdancer and Spiritsighter] Akkure - Skiy [Shadowdancer and Spiritsighter] The13thHippie - Kiyoshi [Espeda warrior] funnydude119 - Harusho [Pyrodancer] mikekilla2 - Magareru [Quakedancer] ___________________________________________________________________________ Sorry, that's the RoN siggy.
#49859252Monday, July 04, 2011 5:36 AM GMT

#49863878Monday, July 04, 2011 8:26 AM GMT

I dont read that...but i think you need ideas so.. Make night :D
#49874112Monday, July 04, 2011 2:57 PM GMT

Add rage.
#49906673Monday, July 04, 2011 11:18 PM GMT

Rage of Night is the name of the game. Rage isn't a character. The game is called Rage of Night, because, the fight scenes mainly take place at night, and that's when (pardon the expression, but it IS an anime style game) blood runs, and elements fly. I already have a 24 minute day/night script.
#49914064Tuesday, July 05, 2011 1:23 AM GMT

#49919323Tuesday, July 05, 2011 3:06 AM GMT

Bump again.
#49920767Tuesday, July 05, 2011 3:31 AM GMT

Asian names= sadness
#49929802Tuesday, July 05, 2011 7:21 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#49937348Tuesday, July 05, 2011 1:47 PM GMT

Add something. I didn't even bother reading that HUGE paragraph.
#49941719Tuesday, July 05, 2011 3:12 PM GMT

You forgot a river dancer. I remember those times were the best. Sorry for that last part.
#50059029Thursday, July 07, 2011 2:31 AM GMT

People. It's based off of an anime, thus, it's Japanese.
#50059098Thursday, July 07, 2011 2:32 AM GMT

Not a real anime, but one that I hope to make someday. And please, if your going to look at this thread, read the whole thing before posting idea's. Also, If you are rude, you will be ignored.
#50077477Thursday, July 07, 2011 1:36 PM GMT

...I dont know..
#50132730Friday, July 08, 2011 5:02 AM GMT

*Facepalm* How, did I know there would be no idea's.
#50263510Sunday, July 10, 2011 3:55 AM GMT

I'm going to bump this one last time. And please, before posting on the thread, read the entire post. That way you'll have a clue of what you should suggest....Instead of instantly suggesting a McDonald's.
#50372531Monday, July 11, 2011 9:16 PM GMT


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