#49991249Wednesday, July 06, 2011 3:08 AM GMT

(All 3 of you adminized, you can accept, kick people(not other admins) etc. etc.)
#49991283Wednesday, July 06, 2011 3:09 AM GMT

Moving to slow the large ships, I fired at some dropship moving towards them, my men fired at them to stop the invasion of the planet, many were able to be shot down, few escapred but were soon destroyed as the Repblic's Cruisers arrived.
#49991440Wednesday, July 06, 2011 3:12 AM GMT

Planet CS- Planet Name- Mandalore Planet Capital- Mandaloria Planet Ruler- Mandalore X Planet Side- Outer Rim Is there Foreign presence on your planet?- Bounty Hunters What kind of terrain- Heavily Forested. Wide open plains. Crystal Caves. What kind of government- Dictatorship Species- Mandalorians. Former Republic Clones. Wookies. Rodians. Other-
#50018348Wednesday, July 06, 2011 4:30 PM GMT

(Am I adminized? and I just got a warning. The reason was "Don't give out personal information" and the example was both of my character sheets.)
#50019572Wednesday, July 06, 2011 4:50 PM GMT

(Yes your adminized)
#50020417Wednesday, July 06, 2011 5:02 PM GMT

(Can I control the Republic fleet that just arrived?)
#50043100Wednesday, July 06, 2011 10:33 PM GMT

#50043557Wednesday, July 06, 2011 10:41 PM GMT

Brand I sit down in a Republic Cruiser taking us to Mustafar, trying to raid one of the Bases they stole. We landed and I took point andd led them inside. Soon after we ran out. An army of 1,000,000 Droids chased us. Only I survived, taking my Starfighter as far away as possible.
#50044369Wednesday, July 06, 2011 10:55 PM GMT

(Accepted) Brand I recieved a message on my comlink "A Sepratist invasion is starting on Manomat! We need your assistance." the clone said Brand replied "Many of my clones were just killed. I'll send in the only ones left, the Elite Ones. I'll be right there."
#50045011Wednesday, July 06, 2011 11:05 PM GMT

Brand The rest of the squad and I landed in a Sepratist Base. We were attacked right when we got out of the vechicles but we shot our way through. "Number 2153532, I need a few grenades." I said "Here you go" he replied. I threw the grenades at the following droids and defused a large bomb they were going to transport to the capital. We then took the base and claimed it for the Republic.
#50046452Wednesday, July 06, 2011 11:28 PM GMT

Eango My fleet warped up in the orbit of Manomat, the separatists quickly opening fire on us. Admiral Wakara activated the holo-communicator in the center of the communications room. "We have arrived with reinforcements for the fleet and more clones." I said to the officer in charge of the rest of the fleet. "I will be leaving Admiral Wakara in command of the fleet, I will be taking reinforcements to the forces on Manomat." I continued. "More forces will be arriving soon, good luck." I finished as I ran off to the hangar bay.
#50046579Wednesday, July 06, 2011 11:30 PM GMT

Droid Stealth units appeared in the streets, as Led was running off to warn some off duty clones. They followed him, and as he entered the room, he turned arround to make sure noone had followed. He saw the Droids. He shot two of the five with his pistol, and a clone threw a thermal Detonator and killed the rest.
#50046752Wednesday, July 06, 2011 11:32 PM GMT

I had gunned down a lot of fighters with my men. I decided to see how things were going on land. I landed with my guns ready.
#50047005Wednesday, July 06, 2011 11:36 PM GMT

I led the 20 Clones who were slacking out to the airfield. 2 of them man each Turret. There were only two turrets, because Manomat wasn't used to such warlike moments.
#50047085Wednesday, July 06, 2011 11:37 PM GMT

I exit my ship and see an assasain droid on a rooftop. I shoot it in the head rapidly with both guns.
#50047191Wednesday, July 06, 2011 11:39 PM GMT

Eango A gunship hovered 3000 feet above the capital city of Manomat, my men equipped with jetpacks. "You ready, Reaver?" I asked the commander. "Always." The clone responded, pulling his visor down, over his eyes. I jumped out of the gunship, falling towards the ground. 20 clones behind me. We fell towards the ground. "NOW!" reaver yelled, he and his men activated their jetpacks, bringing them to a halt just before the ground. I stuck my hand out, forming an invisible wall, made of the force. This wall broke my landing. I stood up, activating my light saber as several droids pointed blasters at us.
#50047519Wednesday, July 06, 2011 11:43 PM GMT

Brand I came with the rest of my troopers in a hidden area in the palace airfield. I looked around the area and saw a tunnel. When I reached the end I was in a Sepratist Base, right under the palace. When the 100 Droids came in I decided to go out there. My men and I took down 80 of them but the last ones were advanced. They had tough armor and could escape any attack. i chose to throw a punch straight at the leader. This surprisingly destroyed this one. The engineer reprogramed the rest. I came out and we were completley surrounded by more advanced droids.
#50047564Wednesday, July 06, 2011 11:44 PM GMT

The turrets shot any ships coming towards the ground. It seems the invasion was almost over. I don;t believe the droids knew the clones were coming.
#50047951Wednesday, July 06, 2011 11:50 PM GMT

Eango Me and my men quickly entered the palace, weapons ready. After a few minutes of blasting droids, we arrived at the power core. "We shutdown the power. The droids will have no communications. They'll be uncoordinated." I said. "Take out the power, the whole thing goes down." A clone said. We were about to enter the power core, when the doors to the core slid open. A figure in a black robe stepped out. "Go, find the command room and arrest the commander of this invasion. I'll take care of this... thing." I said to my men as I activated my light-saber. The clones ran off. The figure removed his cloak and activated his red light-saber.
#50049662Thursday, July 07, 2011 12:14 AM GMT

Brand One of my men slipped me a smoke grenade and gave the rest grappling hooks. I threw the grenade on the ground and we escaped. I also called in a Republic Venator Class Star Destroyer to get us. When they arrived, I told them to fire at the group of droids we just escaped from. We then got in, then I was called to a meeting room. "You are no longer a clone. You have been practicing the arts of the Force. I hearby promote you to Jedi Knight." the Jedi Master said. "You keep the starfighter and the squad, but now you wear Jedi Robes and use a light saber. you also recieve a larger amount of clones in your squad, The Firebrand. (Is this all right?? If not, he's just promoted to a higher clone rank.)
#50050445Thursday, July 07, 2011 12:26 AM GMT

(Erm, no.)
#50050576Thursday, July 07, 2011 12:28 AM GMT

Eango Me and the Sith quickly entered combat. The Sith struck first, leaping towards me. I rolled out of the way of his attack and swung at his unguarded back, but he managed to turn around and block the strike. The two of us continued clashing sabers, as I lured him into the power core.
#50053282Thursday, July 07, 2011 1:05 AM GMT

Planet CS- Planet Name- Milence Planet Capital- Rotobayna Planet Ruler- Olivia Vanrest Planet Side- Republic Is there Foreign presence on your planet?- Nope (Not yet anyways) What kind of terrain- 70 percent is mainly rainforest with tons of beautiful waterfalls and thousands of acres of dark green grass, a small pebble road that leads into the heat of the rainforest off to the right is a huge castle resting in the middle of 2 giant trees, on the left is a small fishing pond, A smal dirt road slowly leaves out of the rainforest through wild twists and turns, into the 10% desert, and to the right of the desert is 20% ocean (very small right) What kind of government- Senate (I guess) Species- Humans, Gungans, Bith, Twi'lek. Other- Person CS- Name- Gencianjel(Gen-see-angel) Topard Aje- 24 Gender- Female Personality- nice, smart, hot-head, persistant. Appearence- Long brown hair that reaches waist two strands in front are braided into a circle on her head the braid continues down the middle of her hair to the waist, colcasion, a long deep purple dress, a bright purple robe that covers dress trim is white, white sandels with straps that go up to knees, dark blue eyes, full lips painted purple, white eyeshadow, white crystals in between eyelashes. Job- Senator Items/Weapons- A small emergency pistol. Ship- Polished white/silver starfighter Bio/Other
#50054714Thursday, July 07, 2011 1:27 AM GMT

#50055045Thursday, July 07, 2011 1:32 AM GMT

(We need a Bio. It doesn't have to be huge.)