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#50106660Thursday, July 07, 2011 9:52 PM GMT

Seriously, let's just say you have a slow computer, and you have 300 problem links for ambassadors. It takes about a second to delete two, or so it should. If you have a slow computer, each time you delete something, it does a 5 - 30 second refresh (depends on how slow your PC is.) 2 links/ second = 120 links deleted per minute 1 link/ 30 seconds = 2 links per minute. So, short suggestion: MAKE IT SO IF YOU WANT TO DELETE SOMETHING, YOUR PAGE DOESN'T REFRESH!
#50107108Thursday, July 07, 2011 9:59 PM GMT

They cant help it, and if your computer sucks you probably wont even be able to play roblox
#50107190Thursday, July 07, 2011 10:00 PM GMT

Sorry, it don't work that way.

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