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#50110278Thursday, July 07, 2011 10:50 PM GMT

Nuclear holocaust.Something most thought was simply a story,a nightmarish fairy tale.Created by the governments to control the populace.Of course,for once,the government was not lying.The chance of a nuclear holocaust was almost 100%.When the bombs struck,most people thought it was another test.Then,when they realized it was not a test run,it was far to late.All though not all were destroyed by the nuclear bombs.Many hid in there basements,some going to few scattered out bunkers known as "Vaults".The world was forgotten.Abandoned by humans.In even the largest of cities,the only life was mutated animals finally living in peace from mankind,or any other disturbance. Until now. RULES: It is 2015,we are all in america,New york. No ubering or godmodding. Character sheet: Name: A.ge:(must be over 16) Gender: Race:(You can be a mutant,but not a animal.And if you are a mutant,explain your mutation in Apperance.) Apperance:(This includes weapons) Skills: Bio:
#50110786Thursday, July 07, 2011 10:58 PM GMT

Name: Jakob A.ge: 22 Gender: Male Race:Caucasian Apperance:A Armored blue jumpsuit with a 101 on the back written in yellow.Black sneakers and a shoulder pad on his left shoulder,a machete on his back and a 10MM Pistol holstered on his right leg. Skills:Guns,Swords/knifes And Repairing/Engineering Bio:When the bombing started,he had just finished serving in the military,he had returned to new york,and had bought a apartment.The bomb signals went off,and he ran to his car and left his home,but with his dog he was hiding from his landlord.He barely made it to The vault,but he made it.He was almost late,the vault was about to seal,but he and his dog slipped in at the last second.
#50110817Thursday, July 07, 2011 10:59 PM GMT

Name: Edden Phelp A.ge:17 Gender: Male Race:Human Apperance: Tan skin, Ripped white T-Shirt, black jeans, Blue and black shoes, brown hair, eyes, ect. And a combat knife. Skills: Can run slightly faster. Bio: Nothing exiting happened in Edden's life, except this. When his father died, he gave Edden his combat knife from his father.
#50110911Thursday, July 07, 2011 11:01 PM GMT

Race change Race:Caucasian
#50111370Thursday, July 07, 2011 11:08 PM GMT

K,lets start RPing. (It has been 5 years since the bombing,which was in 2010.It is 2015,and humans are beginning to leave the vaults and going into the wasteland) A public meeting is announced in the vault over the intercoms.I continue down the main hallway to the public meeting room,Many rows of chairs are set in front of the Overseer(The leader of the vault)With a speaker.Two security officers are beside him,equipped with basic vault security armor(A riot mask and Armored jumpsuit)and 10mm Pistols.The overseer waits until the room is full,and for those not in the meeting room are told to listen to it over the intercoms or on there radios.
#50111897Thursday, July 07, 2011 11:17 PM GMT

The overseer is wearing a basic vault jumpsuit.Overseer:"I invited all of you here today to announce and discuss a very serious matter,which some of you already know of...In the last Radroach attack,the water purification chip was knocked out of the vaults purifier.This means,that in thirteen weeks,we will be out of water."Many people gasp and begin talking to one another.I am shocked,but remain silent.My dog(Dogmeat)Is panting by my legs.He cant understand the overseer,but he can tell that something is wrong.The overseer silences the crowd."Do not worry,we have a plan...We have some possible information on where some replacements may be located,but we need to find someone who would be willing to go out there.Anyone?"There is a long silence.I raise my hand.Some people gasp."I will."My good friend Johnson then begins talking,"You cant go out there!For all we know,it could just be a big crater out there!Its not worth the risk!"He says."I can handle myself,and i have the help of dogmeat." Overseer:"We can give you some supplies,but not much else.you have one days to say goodbyes and prepare yourself.That is all.Meeting adjourned."

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