#53918176Tuesday, August 30, 2011 12:20 PM GMT

air unit bomber squad when it's made it can not leave the base when you select it and click on enemy it comes from base at high speed and shoots at the enemy (only 1 time) and returns to base
#53945781Tuesday, August 30, 2011 10:13 PM GMT

Hey guess what i think there should be an airstrike in the game maybe using the airport to build it but still thinking of an idea for the airstrike to work. maybe it can be a unit on the airport and then u can click on the unit on to of the airport then click anywhere just like the nuke but the airstrike should be like artillery but fired all at once from a plane like airstrike
#53946006Tuesday, August 30, 2011 10:16 PM GMT

Hathelper create an airstrike in the game or maybe a force field
#53974339Wednesday, August 31, 2011 9:33 AM GMT

Can you add a shield :D
#53981464Wednesday, August 31, 2011 3:16 PM GMT

How about a map on a model railway, with trains that run on their own
#53981860Wednesday, August 31, 2011 3:28 PM GMT

Name:Nuclear missle Cost:550 Made from: Nuclear silo Stats: Attack: ultra-high / Health: N/A / Speed: ulta-high Other things: it has double the radius of ICBM missle, 50% more attack. It takes 7 mins to make another then you can make another ICBM missle or Nuclear missle. Question: Is ICBM missle 5 mins? Name: Radition missle Cost: 450 Made from: Nuclear silo Stats: Attack: very-low(passsive) / Heath: N/A / Speed: ultra-fast Other things: Only affects units, does damage passively, lasts for 2 mins. Every 5 seconds the units take damage. Raduis same as nuclear missle. Takes 6 mins to make another any kind of missle So after you make a missle you need the silo to cooldown. Nuclear missle cooldown is 7 mins radition missle is 6 mins. Only after that time you can make another missle. This is to add more units to a build like barracks has 3 units to be made, tank factory 4, airport 3, fort also 3. So i think Nuclear silo should have 3. Also I want this because more missles(nukes) more fun :D
#53982328Wednesday, August 31, 2011 3:42 PM GMT

@Theopfor (several posts ago) I laugh at your traductor. -Roy
#53993818Wednesday, August 31, 2011 8:24 PM GMT

how about a timer that resets every round?
#54010426Thursday, September 01, 2011 12:11 AM GMT

i agree, You ahould make trains. And like build tracks to others bases. Your allies. And make some carts carry your men. And you need to make the men go faster!
#54018811Thursday, September 01, 2011 2:04 AM GMT

new plane idea:Suicide Bomber Health:same as heavy plane bomb radius:3x the current missile bomb power:90 plane speed:same as stealth bomber requirements:1 nuclear silo(to supply bomb) 1 airport 350$ build time:1 min(60 sec) size: slightly bigger than stealth with a longer body (note)bombs WILL kill the bomber hence the name SUICIDE bomber map idea:a desert with many hills of sand and sandstorms that make it hard to locate enemies many cacti and sinkholes which require a land unit called the miner land unit idea: miner these have the capability of removing units from a sinkhole and act a little like power plants, except they dont have a regular money producing rate and if you are lucky and dig in the right place you can find diamonds which spikes your money very high, it takes 1 minute to completeley scan a 5x5 area for minerals more units can mean larger area or 10 seconds off the time per unit, this unit counts as a soilder it will cost 500 and will sometimes pick up minerals that are not sold, if they do then when you make research center it will be useful for researching and special items and for creating those special items (~U JUS BEEN PWNT WIT WORDZ~)
#54021689Thursday, September 01, 2011 2:47 AM GMT

buildings:shield generator,self explanatory only blocks missiles and projectiles, doesn't block troops planes blow up if near it;research center,upgrades units,will add section for that,wall,self explanatory;medium machine gun, turret good against light armored troops horrible against armored troops;jeep factory,self explanatory;special troop factory,self explanatory;drill,drills under buildings and fires laser from under them;land mines,self explanatory;underground turret defense, puts a wall of turrets under your base cost depends on how many turrets it takes to surround base. units:special ops troop,fast powerful and expensive;speed troop,fast cheap and weak;heavy soldier,slow powerful,lots of health and expensive;sniper unit, lots of damage large range and expensive;missile plane, fires missiles at ground and planes expensive;scout plane,fast weak and cheap;battle jeep, holds 5 soldiers,has machine gun on back average damage average health 10 cash more than normal jeep; support tank,repars units near tank,lots of health no damage costs as much as nuke. research center upgrades:radiation suit, makes icbm missile useless to units with upgrade;flame suit,gives unit flamethrower that damages buildings only;laser suit,gives unit a laser gun that can destroy a heavily armored unit in one hit;sneak upgrade,allows units to be invisible to radar and peoples eyes,it will also cover buildings from radar if near them;navy upgrade,puts a new button on the gui that says navy,allows u to build navy boats on specific maps,will add section for that;drill upgrade,allows u to upgrade the damage of your drill. navy:battleship,powerful and slow, has 4 turrets,takes up two unit spaces;speed boat,no damage doesn't act as a unit,can hold 4 soldiers;assault ship,has 1 turret,holds 2 soldiers,it will only use turret if soldier in turret seat;med boat,repairs near navy units;submarine,fires missiles into the air and goes down on its target needs soldier in it to operate;ferry,can hold 1 tank 2 jeeps and 3 soldiers. things to add for the game:a ton more unit and building slots and fix the stealth bomber
#54036532Thursday, September 01, 2011 2:57 PM GMT

Best thing is to fix your game
#54068831Friday, September 02, 2011 12:57 AM GMT

ok try making a thing where when the nukes explode it shows a explosion so we know it works
#54078872Friday, September 02, 2011 3:42 AM GMT

Item: Air Carrier Price: 100 Type: Air/ Transport Vehicle Description: Should look like a Heavy Plane but with helicopter style wings Purpose: Can pickup a total of 7 Soldeirs or 5 Tanks Build Time: Same for a Heavy Plane Requirements: Airport Armor: Medium low Attack: N/A Speed: Slightly higher of a Jeep Item: Recon Plane Price: 200 Type: Air Description: A plane that is flat like the Stealth Bomber Purpose: Will slightly raise in altitude when it encounters any enemy unit in 25 studs. Build Time: Of a Stealth Bombers Requirements: Airport/Fort Armor: Low Attack: N/A Speed: Of a Stealth Bomber Item: Mining Tank Price: 200 Type: Tank Description: Looks exactly like a Construction Tank but with gray bars. Purpose: Allows Nuclear Plants to be built anywhere by Unpacking into Mines Build Time: Of a Constrution Tank Requirements: Tank Factory Armor: High Attack: N/A Speed: Slow Item: Mine Type: Building Description: A Construction Yard with a black color Purpose: To allow construction of Power and Nuclear Plants anywhere. Sells for 0. Build Time: Of a Construction Yard Requirements: Mining Tank Armor: Low Attack: N/A Speed: N/A Item: MediVan Type: Soldier/ Healing Unit Description: A van with a Red Cross symbol to the side. Constructed from the Support Center. Purpose: Heals all nearby units by 10% every 5 seconds Build Time: Slightly longer than a Jeep Requirements: Support Center. Armor: Low Attack: N/A Speed: Of a Jeep Item: Satellite Tower Type: Building Description: A very tall tower with a hovering sphere very high above it. Available only to the Vip's Purpose: To the Radar, there will be blinking in the radar when an enemy is spotted 45 studs of the tower. To the regular Vip, a gui in the lower right will also show the identity of the enemy. To the highest Vip, it will also show its worth. Build Time: Medium High Requirements: N/A Armor: Low
#54081291Friday, September 02, 2011 4:39 AM GMT

Add a super tank,soldger,turret and plane.
#54105438Friday, September 02, 2011 8:25 PM GMT

Agreed they would be legend nice iders
#54125761Saturday, September 03, 2011 1:01 AM GMT

Ok Here is a Few Ideas. Nuclear Plants generate money faster. [I noticed that Regular or Nuclear plants both only give 10$] Also, I have a few ideas for buildings/units. Name: Anti-Air Turret Classification: Turret Range: Same as Heavy Turret Description: The AA turret would look like a Heavy Turret, but a different color/name. It would ONLY attack AIR units, but it will deal HIGH Damage to them. [Note: Air Units are not usually a primary form of attack, unless you use bullet monkies.] The AA would have the fire rate of a standard Heavy Turret, but deal GREAT damage to an air unit. Perhaps it could do small damage to other units. Name: Upgrades Building Classification: Building Description: Yeah, I know you said it, but heres a few ideas. The Building would be expensive, as someone willing to save, will use it strategically. Each Upgrade will also be expensive, and each upgrade tier would be subsequently more expensive. Each Unit or Building in the game should have an upgrade. Upgrade Ideas: 1. Ground Units: Enhance Speed, Enhance Power, Enhance Defense 2. Tanks/Armored Units [Jeeps and Artillery Included]: Larger Blast Radius Upgrade, Enhanced Explosions Power, Longer Range, Speed. 3. Air Units: Enhanced Speed, Longer Range, Undetectable by Enemy Radar Upgrade, Enhanced Damage 4. Building Upgrades: Ok, so here are some building ideas. Enhance Turret Range/Power [This includes any buildings with a moutned turret]. Power Plant Money Upgrade [Will Give an Extra 1-3 Dollars a payday or so.]. Building Health Upgrade [Will give all buildings a health boost, may be broken to individual buildings]. Name: Nuclear Bunker Classification: Building Description: This is a HIGH DEFENCE building, with health upwards of the thousands. It is built to withstand nuclear attacks, and has the ability to store units of any kind, with the exception of air units. One might put this near a far-off power plant or outpost, and in the event of a Nuclear Attack that wipes out your army, you can save Construction Tanks, and a few men in this, so you may build. Perhaps adding in a sort-of "Bank" would be nice. It would allow you to take a certain amount of money you make per turn, and put it into this bank. When you activate the Bunker via Int. Tool, your bunker would open up, and let your units out, and deposit the money to you. It is a kind of, final-stand. A Smart Person would purchase this building, move it FAR away form everything, defend it well, and put as much money into it as allowed by his economy. [The Way I'm Thinking of the Bank working is this. Use Int. on the building. It asks "How Much Would You Like To Have Put Into the Reserve?" IT has four Options. 0$, 1$, 5$, Withdraw All. Click 0$ makes it take NO money per plant, per turn from your income. Selecting 1$ would take ONE dollar from every 10 you get per plant. ((Example: I have four plants, producing 10$. I select 1$. Every time I get 10$ from a plant, ONE is put into the bank. That 4 every time you get paid)). Sorry if it's hard to understand or something. But I did want this out here :) {[ALL CREDIT TO MRWAFFLER, MY MAIN, FOR THE IDEA >:3]}
#54133025Saturday, September 03, 2011 2:48 AM GMT

A nuke that destroy telamons fried chicken.
#54150962Saturday, September 03, 2011 12:58 PM GMT

I thought of a unit that would be pretty useful at the start of a game and also strategicaly used Scout - A fast, vulnerable ground unit, incapable of attacking other players. A unit that can effectively get to the green block faster than other ground units in order to build a power plant. It could maybe also be used as a decoy against the enemy so that your other units can get to the place they need to be without encountering conflict.
#54154014Saturday, September 03, 2011 2:16 PM GMT

HatHelper... I have made some Models for you that you can Script. But because I am not your friend I can't message you to go to my place so I can tell you when to take the models. (When I quickly put them on Public then back to Non-Public) Please accept my friend request! [If you have lots of Friend-Requests then you could just press Decline all then I could send you a new one]
#54169460Saturday, September 03, 2011 6:08 PM GMT

I think You should have an auto kick script for safe chatters/muted/guests because every tim ei play i get one of those its so stupid. and another thing helis would be nice. and you know how planes can only fly over hill height #1 i htink they should be able to fly 1 level over the ir port withch means if your on a mountian it can fly that much higher. thankyou.
#54175674Saturday, September 03, 2011 7:33 PM GMT

Can you make shields :) Make a better defence and a AA turrent or flak
#54175742Saturday, September 03, 2011 7:34 PM GMT

Can you add Flak turrent or aa and a shield for better defence
#54187282Saturday, September 03, 2011 10:26 PM GMT

How about a Mortar pit. Just like nuke but less damage and faster reloading time. Ill post a link to a cool mesh too.
#54191911Saturday, September 03, 2011 11:35 PM GMT

Yayi sended a message telling you to build a navy base to build ships :D i think you got that message well :D thnks for maybe adding it