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#50529925Thursday, July 14, 2011 3:00 AM GMT

Prolouge The squad car sped to the home, the red and blue lights flashing along the main road, the siren wailing down the street, quickly going off into the night. "This is unit-7453 going to investigate the noise complaint... Wait... We got a person outside, stand by." Said the officer into his radio. He got out of his car and walked to the person. From a closer look, the officer could see that the man had black, spiky hair, a large scar going directly across his face, with black clothing. "Hello mister, do you happen to know what happened inside that house?" The officer said. The man gave the officer a deadly glare, striking fear into him. The man immediately lunged at the officer, delivering a punch directly to his face, knocking the officer down, nose bleeding heavily. He cursed under his breath and went for his gun, however by the time he had grabbed it, he was one foot above ground, being held by the neck, choking to death. The other officer, still watching from the squad car began shouting into the radio. "Need backup! Need backup! This is unit 7453 requesting immediate assistance! Oh dear god, he is dead! No! No! Get away from me!!!" The radio went dead, indicating that the car was destroyed, or the radio was otherwise destroyed.
#50531544Thursday, July 14, 2011 3:26 AM GMT

Bump. Please read and give me feedback so I can make it epic.
#50533582Thursday, July 14, 2011 4:38 AM GMT

Chapter 1.2 Dead Bodies and 1 Ton of C4 3 more cop cars showed up at the scene of what started out as a simple noise complaint, now a brutal murder. One officer went over to a flipped over police car, and saw a dead body inside. He pulled on the handle, the door opened with a click. Then the whole block exploded in a furious explosion, blasting debris for miles. What happened is that the man who was there earlier had set up 1 ton of C4 wired to several objects around the house, including the door to the police car. At that point however, the man was making his way to a safehouse he had. (Other chapters shall be longer)
#50554444Thursday, July 14, 2011 5:02 PM GMT

#50574253Thursday, July 14, 2011 9:53 PM GMT

#50574764Thursday, July 14, 2011 10:01 PM GMT

Uh... the story is pretty adverage. But interesting. Go on...
#50576867Thursday, July 14, 2011 10:37 PM GMT

Chapter 2.Killing machine. The man was flipping through the channels on his TV. His 2 feet by 3 feet flat screen he had stolen a few days ago. The same old crappy television shows were on, so you think you can breakdance, celebrity singing, the list goes on. He had the average big mcmansion. Leather chairs, leaher couch, chandelier in his living room. It was about 10:00 at night when 20 men in full Special Operations gear kicked down his door and stormed his house. "Get on the ground now before I give you a lead salad(Fight Club reference)" The man in front said, his M-16 automatic assault rifle with ACOG sight pointing directly at the antagonist's head. Our hero kicked up his weapon: An AK-47 Holographic sight, with rapid fire and a silencer. He immediately jumped out of his chair, which was currently getting torn apart by the bullets of several Special Operations men. "Damnit, and I finally found something good on TV" He said, in this dire situation where he would more than likely end up 6 feet under. He jumped out from his curent cover, and began filling the SpecialOps men with steel bullets, that ripped right through them like daggers through paper with furious bangs. However, he forgot that there is a limited amount of ammo in any gun, so when he ran out, he threw his AK-47 at the men, who there were only 5 left of now, and came charging at them. He threw one man into his bookcase with sharpened edges, crashing through the special operatives head, and cracking his skull. The remaining four indicated their surrender, by dropping their weapons, kneeling, and putting their hands behind their heads. But they were brutally beaten to de at h by our friend, the antagonist. He was a killing machine. He threw the 20 or so dead bodies in his closet, and went back to watching TV.
#50600566Friday, July 15, 2011 5:44 AM GMT

#50611800Friday, July 15, 2011 2:26 PM GMT

Chapter 3. Counter Attack Our best friend, the antagonist, walked outside onto the sidewalk, the sun shining bright, like fire in the night, giving light to every thing around it. It was about 1:00 PM. He tightly gripped his AK-47 in his hands, extra ammunition strapped around his chest like millitia personell. He turned off the holographic sight so it didn't lose battery. He drove to a US Army National Guard millitary base, at 5200 So.u.th Cott.ag.e Gr.ov.e A.ve.nue, Chicago, IL(Real base.) and without warning he kicked in the door to the barracks, and sprayed everyone inside with .10 caliber steel bullets. More troops went in when they heard the gunfire. These guys already knew about the antagonist, they did not say to freeze, they opened fire immediately with w a variety of weapons, ranging from their standard desert eagles to battlefield only M60s.He swiftly ran to a wall and used the beds for cover, then he arrived at the other door, and splattered his fools and foes into a bloody mess on the wall. He cleaned the blood off of his white T-shirt, and gave a sick evil grin, knowing how many people he had just murdered, how hard people are trying to stop him, who just end up dead because they shot at someone who should never be shot at. They attempted to kill someone who should never be killed. He walked out the door, to find a desert eagle, pointed to the back of his head. "Move and I will blow your freaking head off" A millitary soldier said. The antagonist chuckled, he went to grab his AK-47. but apparently it had been taken by another soldier, also attempting to apprehend him. He swiftly ducked, forcing the soldier with the desert eagle, to blow his partners head off, he then grabbed the remaining soldier's knife, and stabbed him through the throat, killing him instantly, and causing blood to spray all over him, all over the ground, and all over the walls, which he found made a very cool spraying pattern. He then grabbed his AK-47 and opened fire on the new recruits who's excercise was interrupted by several hundred rounds being fired off. They, from their lack of experience were obviously not able to put up a good fight, the drill seargent in charge however, was experienced, but he was only one man. One more casualty. One more dead guy. One more bloody mess on the ground. One more victim. The antagonist, so tired out by murdering all these people, went into his car and drove off.
#50611998Friday, July 15, 2011 2:31 PM GMT

Mr.Anderson, I'd like to note that each chapter is longer than the one before, With the exception of the prologue . Great story anyway.
#50619417Friday, July 15, 2011 4:50 PM GMT

Thank you. I did not notice that. I will try to make chapter 4 fit in like that, but it will not be easy.
#50643996Friday, July 15, 2011 11:05 PM GMT

Chapter 4. Damn, forgot my gun. The antagonist drove down the highway. He was tired out from the almost pretty close to near death experience. He then noticed five millitary transports coming towards him from behind. "Ugh, I was only going 5 over." He said, chuckling. Meanwhile.... "Dude, I don't wanna die! I have a wife, kids, friends! I have made such a good life for myself!" A man in one of the transports said, sobbing. "We will NOT die, the people he killed were not trained millitary soldiers, prepared for this kind of thing. We, on the other hand, are." Another man said. "You are right.... We will survive."The first man said. "Good. Now let's get ready." Suddenly, there was a large thump noise on top of the truck. "What the hell was that?!" The man who was sobbing said, scared. "I dunno, but it was probably ju-" The second man said, cut off by the antagonist hanging off the roof of the transport by his feet, looking directly inward. "I think I need a new pair of pants." the first man said. The man then jumped in, no gun, bare hands, and started brutally beating them all to death. He then beat the driver to death, and drove the humvee directly into two others, he jumped out of the vehicle immediately, watching the cars collide. The remaining two stopped, dead in thier tracks. All the millitary personell opened fire on the man. It seemed like he could dodge bullets, for he moved so fast, he was able to enter the gas station without a scratch. He knew that a millitary team would not open fire at a gas station full of people AND GAS on the highway. However they were going to enter the gas station and kill him on sight. "Ok men! We are to kill him on sight. Do not harm civilians unless they are armed, or protecting him." The squad leader said, entering the building along with his troops. They entered the building, guns pointing outward, the red dot sights moving across the room. However, they looked and looked, but they could not find the antagonist. But then they heard gunfire outside, and then shouting... They then saw him, gun smoking, pointing at the air, a dead millitary person body at his side. "Hey guys, look who I found in there looking for me?!" He shouted at them, waving the dead body around, they could all see and hear him. He then pointed his gun at them. "No!!! Don't you little sh-"The squad leader shouted, cut off by the sound of gunfire, then the explosions of the bullets hitting the gas tank, destroying the gas station, and everything, and everyone, inside. "Sorry, didn't catch that." He said, walking back to his car.
#50656792Saturday, July 16, 2011 2:41 AM GMT

#50662453Saturday, July 16, 2011 4:30 AM GMT

Chapter 5 PART 1. Man down A few miles down the road, the antagonist looks out his rearview mirror to see a helicopter in the sky, with several unarmed men on board. "Erg, do these guys ever give a guy some freaking rest."He said, angered by their frequent attempts to stop him. The helicopter soared above his vehicle, it's spotlight shining upon him. He immediately got out of his car, and jumped into the helicopter, ready to kill these men. However, they were just like him, supersoldiers, born to be ultimate fighters..

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