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#51096574Friday, July 22, 2011 5:09 PM GMT

This is my first story so please dont be a hater. I only want your oppinion or questions if you have any. Tell me if its great, sucks, its awesome or what ever. Here it goes.... Thousands of years ago in the Third age, the age of prosperity. The fourth age, age of thriving. The fifth age, the age of harvest. And the sixth age, the age of peace and war. There existed a gateway known as "Ando". Ando was a gateway between the Elmaniens and Eimyn. Eimyn was a paradise, a holy land of unbelievable beauty inhabited by the Gods. Eimyn was believed to be a place so holy and tranquil that it was a place of healing. If any mortal were to stay in Eimyn for a certain period of time they would become a demi-God which would mean they had a chance to become a God as well but 4 Gods was a perfect number for both realms together. Only the Gods could live here declared by the God of order. There were four Gods, The first and most powerful was the God of light, his name was Amnorda. Amnorda wielded a large staff made of the finest gold and mithril with a silver sun stone on the top. Amnorda could bring light to even the darkest of places, even into the hearts of the most evil. He could use light to create objects out of nothing and even transform objects into other things. The second, Errya Goddess of nature. Errya's voice could bring fourth the winds of summer and the fragrance of spring. She could move entire forests with the songs of birds and bring upon the summer solstice, she could move entire mountains with a snap of her fingers. The third, Reafer God of Harvest wielded a silver pitchfork embedded with sapphires which could bring fourth a harvest for as long as he wished and keep back the chill of winter and the scorching heat of summer. And the fourth, Naranith God of order who wielded a large gilded crystal gavel could silence even the loudest volcanoes and the mightiest of earth quakes and the strongest of cyclones. The Gods were at peace with one another and were peace loving beings who were always pleased to help their worshipers, the Elmaniens. The Elmaniens lived on a lush green thriving planet known as Teravar. Teravar was created by the Gods at the end of the first age, along with the Elmaniens. The Elmaniens were a happy race and always wanted to be closer to the Gods which pleased the Gods. Now in the end of the second age, ;the age of life; The Elmaniens had been praying and asking the Gods for a way to be in the realm of Eimyn for quite some time. So the Gods created the gateway Ando and the third age had begun, The age of prosperity. The Elmaniens were very happy about this and created a temple to house the gateway. The God Naranith saw this as an error because mortals could not live in the realm of the Gods or else they would become demi- Gods and eventually a God themselves. For the four ages of peace Naranith tried to convince the other Gods to send the Elmaniens back to their realm and close Ando. So the third age all the way to the sixth age had been peaceful with no disruptions. But in the middle of the sixth age Naranith had had enough. He said to Amnorda "The Elmaniens belong on their planet Teravar not in the realm of Eimyn". Amnorda disagreed with this and said "let them stay with us, they are happy and will prosper which means they will worship and love us more" and the other Gods agreed. Naranith being the God of order knew this would not work because Elmaniens were mortals and were meant to stay in their own realm and not to live in the realm of the Gods. He said "You know what will happen if they live here much longer, i will destroy the portal myself if i do not see order". "If you destroy the portal we will banish you to the void of darkness where nothing can escape" Said Amnorda. "I am the God of order and i know as well as the other three of you know that we created the Elmaniens to be in their own realm, not to be with Gods and not to become Gods themselves." Said Naranith. "We have always been pleased with our creations and what they do for us and they are pleased with what we do for them, it is a situation that both sides take pleasure from. Why are you now telling me this?" Said Amnorda. "I have been telling you and the other three for almost 500 centuries and your just getting the message now?!?" Naranith yelled. "If you understood that there is more to life then order and the law of the two realms then you could appreciate this, Naranith." "I am the God of order and i have stayed neutral about this matter for too long! I will do what it takes to get order!" Naranith yelled. "If you do so we will make sure you are never to return to this realm!" Said Amnorda."Then so be it!" So to keep the Elmaniens in their own realm for good Naranith knowing he would be turning his back on his brothers and Sister regardless the consequences started to contemplate over what he would do. With his mighty crystal gavel he conjured up an army of unimaginable proportion called Andor to help him destroy the Ando portal in Eimyn. He created a second army called Terafor on the Elmaniens planet to help him destroy the Ando portal on Teravar. The Terafor army was made up of the four basic elements: earth, fire, water, and air and was said to be an unbelievable 200 million in size and each soldier was three times larger then the average man. Legend has it that the first army Andor was said to be 20 times larger than the 200 million Terafor army and was created to wage war against the Gods in Eimyn, but the appearance and size of the army of Andor is unknown to this day. There is said to be a scroll of the descriptions of the Andor army but no such scroll has ever been found. The Other three Gods knew they would not be able to stop the two massive armies so quickly but they could warn the Elmaniens before Terafor got to the portal. The Gods went to the Elmaniens and told them of Naranith's plans to destroy both the Ando portals. For 3 months the civilizations of Teravor banned together to create a massive army of 2.5 million to guard Andor on their planet. On first day of the battle the Elmanien army waited at Andor as the Terafor army marched to the portal. The earth started to quake as Terafor neared and when the army came into view it was almost as if the earth itself was shifting before the eyes of the Elmaniens. Both armies stood still. Almost in the blink of an eye they charged at each other and clashed with a force of the God of light. As the battle for Andor in Teravar had just begun, the Gods were also just beginning their battle. The Gods fought a mighty battle for the fate of Ando in their realm. The battle was so powerful that it effected Teravar with thunderstorms, and earth quakes. Volcanoes erupted and islands were taken back by the seas. The earth claimed more then a hundred cities and the lakes turned bitter. Fire seemed to fall from the heavens and the mountains started to crumble. The war for Ando was destroying the lush green planet of Teravar that the beings had cherished and thrived off of for many thousands of years. The war seemed to last a millennium as it came to an end near the end of the sixth age, the age of peace and war. When the God Naranith was nearing Ando, Amnorda saw him and ran into him with all his endurance and collided into Naranith just as he looked back to see Amnorda, and loud clap of thunder sounded through out the sky of Teravar ;with the war still raging on in both realms; shaking the planet. Naranith said to Amnorda "THE PORTAL MUST BE DESTROYED TO HAVE ORDER!" with a shaken voice. "NARANITH WE CAN WORKOUT THIS PROBLEM!" said Amnorda. "NO THIS IS THE ONLY WAY! IT WILL BE DESTROYED!" "IF YOU DESTROY IT WE WILL BANISH YOU FOR ALL ETERNITY!" Yelled Amnorda angrily. And with a voice of a multitude Naranith yelled "SOOO BE IT!". And just as he was about to strike Ando with his crystal gavel the goddess of nature had been watching and sent a mighty wind that wrenched the gavel from Naraniths hands. Naranith yelled "NOO!" As he watched his gavel smash into thousands of tiny pieces as it hit the ground. The army of Andor started to glow and each soldier started to diminish into light. And war for Ando in Eimyn was over. Back on the planet Teravar the Terafor army was starting to push the Elmaniens towards the portal. Even though the army had been 2.5 million strong against the Terafo army it still wasnt enough. The troops were no match for the mighty elemental army and at the last few minutes of the battle time seemed to slow down as the Terafor army was nearing the gateway. As they bulldozed their way through the Elmanein soldiers, darkness started to fall upon Andor as the Terafor army surrounded it. In an instant the Terafor creatures struck the portal. A beam of black light shot up from the stricken Andor and a loud BOOOM! from the impact. Black coulds started circling in the sky, A massive earth quake shook the entire planet and a shock wave emanated from the sight of destroyed portal. The Elmanein soldiers fell over and the Terafor army was returned to their natural state of elements. Mountains turned into rubble and part of the seas started to dry up as the shock-wave shot across the land. As they looked at the portal the Elmanein soldiers could see the last magics of Ando evaporate into the sky. This is when the sixth age, age of peace and war ended. The seventh age, the age of separation and sadness endured much heart wrenching pain, and many tears. The two realms were separated from each other forever and although Ando was in tact in Eimyn, the three Gods could not contact the Elmaniens but they could send them gifts of nature and watch over them. On the other side of Ando the Elmaniens wept for the loss of their contact with their creators for many years. For 300 years the people of Teravor tried everything in their power that they could think of to repair the gateway but all attempts at repairing the portal failed, for the God Naranith had placed a barrier between the two realms to make sure the Elmaniens could never return to the realm of the Gods. Because the portal was destroyed there are no accounts of what happened to Naranith. He most likely was banished to the void of darkness, where nothing can escape. The void of darkness is a dark black void of nothing where all that has been banished wanders out of time. Eventually the attempts halted and the temple turned to ruin once again even after the Elmaniens had repaired the structure the first time. Now only grey faded stones lay where a once beautiful temple stood that brought great fortune to Teravar lays crumbling. So to always remember the prosperity the Gods had given to the Elmaniens a temple called Certhas was built out of gold, marble and other precious materials to honor the three Gods for all good things they had done for the Elmaniens. Maybe one day the Gods will some how be able to repair the Teravar portal from their end and then Teravar will once again be the thriving peaceful planet it once was. That will be the age of Tranquility. Only a few selected may be inside the Temple of Certhus. If you are not worthy of being inside you may deem yourself so. You must solve a riddle so you can enter. Here is the link to the Temple of Certhus: http://www.roblox.com/Temple-of-certhus-item?id=20159847
#51097967Friday, July 22, 2011 5:30 PM GMT

#51099411Friday, July 22, 2011 5:54 PM GMT

I would really like some feedback.
#51099966Friday, July 22, 2011 6:04 PM GMT

#51102772Friday, July 22, 2011 6:44 PM GMT

#51111903Friday, July 22, 2011 8:59 PM GMT

#51120474Friday, July 22, 2011 11:04 PM GMT

#51120780Friday, July 22, 2011 11:09 PM GMT

This is pretty good although I think some people are too lazy to read all of it maybe split it up a bit and make it smaller?
#51121353Friday, July 22, 2011 11:19 PM GMT

Ehm....well the thing is, i wouldn't know what to delete.
#51134741Saturday, July 23, 2011 2:42 AM GMT

#51181585Saturday, July 23, 2011 9:23 PM GMT

#51191263Saturday, July 23, 2011 11:48 PM GMT

I worked on this story for 2 days! could i get some feedback?!?
#51199551Sunday, July 24, 2011 1:54 AM GMT

#51273308Monday, July 25, 2011 3:27 AM GMT

#51326820Monday, July 25, 2011 10:44 PM GMT

#51350831Tuesday, July 26, 2011 4:54 AM GMT

#51352094Tuesday, July 26, 2011 5:22 AM GMT

I will, those idiots out there don't know how to post. You are good, great job. ;)
#51486716Thursday, July 28, 2011 2:25 AM GMT

Thank you so much. :D You deserve a cookie! Here you go! (hands henrythe7th7 a cookie)
#51614313Friday, July 29, 2011 10:00 PM GMT

#51614420Friday, July 29, 2011 10:01 PM GMT

Nice work for a newbie :D. Just try spliting it up into chapters.
#51628227Saturday, July 30, 2011 1:22 AM GMT

Thank you. :D
#51690015Saturday, July 30, 2011 10:57 PM GMT

#51696975Sunday, July 31, 2011 12:56 AM GMT

#51705859Sunday, July 31, 2011 2:55 AM GMT

#51733668Sunday, July 31, 2011 3:38 PM GMT

Im starting to think about a sequal.

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