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#5454945Friday, February 06, 2009 2:54 PM GMT

Magi Ranger:Huh? *Looks at the Plasma Gernade stuck to him* OH NO! *Explodes* ♠-Spartan118-♠
Top 100 Poster
#5454956Friday, February 06, 2009 2:55 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#5455013Friday, February 06, 2009 3:05 PM GMT

Kula:*locks target at Jimokea* Say goodbye to your sad plan... *snipes Jimokea* Meanwhile... Lyod:*lands at the top of a tower* Hmm...I wonder- Dark Magi Guardian:*aims plasma gun at Lyod* FREEZE,[Content Exploded]! ??:*appears beside Lyod* YOU FREEZE,[Content Exploded]! Dark Magi Guardian:Oh,shoot.I'm dead meat. Lyod:*throws the spike grenade at the Dark Magi Guardian and runs off with "??"*
#5455150Friday, February 06, 2009 3:37 PM GMT

New class:Magi Knights:These soldiers are fast and are equipped with just a Wraithbone sword and gernades. That's it. They're armor looks like a knight's armor except it has energy shields. They have the symbol of the Magi on their chest plates. ♠-Spartan118-♠
#5455172Friday, February 06, 2009 3:42 PM GMT

Kula:Ah...Where are the rest of the team- *evades a shot* What is it now? -_-
#5455182Friday, February 06, 2009 3:43 PM GMT

Dark Magi Ranger:*Equips a Blastburner* I'll burn them to ashes. ♠-Spartan118-♠
#5455269Friday, February 06, 2009 3:53 PM GMT

Kula:Die,sandwich. *snipes Dark Magi Ranger,but failed* ... *runs off to somewhere else due to out of ammo* Dark Magi Ranger:Coward... >_> Meanwhile... Lyod:...Where's Kula? ??:I don't know. Lyod:*facepalm* She must have ran away... *looks at the Dark Magi Ranger* Hide! *grabs ?? and hides in a large box with a hole on it*
#5493441Sunday, February 08, 2009 2:20 AM GMT

Magi Combat Medic:*Running around healing other Magi* ♠-Spartan118-♠
Top 25 Poster
#5493511Sunday, February 08, 2009 2:22 AM GMT

Karui:KATURI EXPRESS COMIN IN! *8 Katuri Toxics start burnin some dark magi*
#5494646Sunday, February 08, 2009 3:04 AM GMT

Kula:*pant* *pant* Oh,my...I have to find the sniper- *looks a bullet pack* Oh,yeah!This is what I wanted! *takes the pace,hides and starts refilling the sniper bullets* In the other hand... ??:It's so cramped here... Lyod:Shh!The Dark Magi might hear us! >_> *prepares another spike bomb*
#5524587Monday, February 09, 2009 7:25 AM GMT

joshi *back in the dark magi jail* id better find a light source its so dark in here *finds a light source* i think im lost around here, il need to call teh magi crew *calls the other magi in his magi phone*

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