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#51230245Sunday, July 24, 2011 4:34 PM GMT

Technical Issues Format: On the Technical Issues forum... You can share your problems with the community in hopes to find other people with your issue, or maybe some help from some of our top geeks! But for every forum comes exceptions... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Stay On Topic!: Technical Issues is for Technical Issues. For example... A thread entitled "Bug Report" may be acceptable. For example... A thread entitled "HELP!!!" may not be acceptable. A thread about "ROBLOX Studio Error" is acceptable. A thread about "My tummy hurts!" is not acceptable. Please stay on topic. This helps the ROBLOX tech support and the community volunteers do their job to help you! Medical issues are to be dealt with a doctor, billing and rule breakers and abusers get reported to moderators and administrators (Report Abuse, 888-858-BLOX [Office Phone], [email protected] [Web Mail]), etc. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Report Format!: For every report, a good written report is appreciated! Bug Report Format: [The problem (full detail)] [When it started occurring (be exact as possible)] [Computer Specs] [ROBLOX version] [What you've done to fix it] Account Grievances: [The problem (full detail)] [When it started occurring or occurred (be exact as possible)] [What you've done to fix it] Internet/Webpage Issues [The problem (full detail)] [When it started occurring] [Internet specs (adapter, router, service, etc)] Billing Issues and BC Membership SEND THESE TO "[email protected]" OR "888-858-BLOX." ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Tips!: A few tips for your guidance in trying to fix those pesky bugs! :) -Always be descriptive -Send billing issues, BC membership problems, and harassment reports to [email protected] -Use the "Report Abuse" button on off topic complaints... This helps the volunteers do their job a bit easier. -DO NOT bump old threads. -Always check the time stamp on a forum thread. -Try to fix the problem yourself BEFORE coming to the Technical Issues forum for help. Just some basic tips! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks!: Check out the ROBLOX guidelines at: http://roblox.zendesk.com/entries/221897 Check out my guide to the forum at: http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=38475515 (outdated) Thanks for reading! --Ben (overkill99, ID=1676307) --The Help Guru
#51286363Monday, July 25, 2011 10:15 AM GMT

Please read the format. I've been seeing an alarmingly large ammount of reports that are hard to understand or come by. It helps alot of people if you follow the format. Thanks! --Ben (overkill99, ID=1676307) --The Help Guru
#51286812Monday, July 25, 2011 10:50 AM GMT

This is ought to be bumped.
#51293712Monday, July 25, 2011 2:42 PM GMT

@Kanky I need it bumped. I'm tired of badly written reports when I'm trying to help people.
#51366730Tuesday, July 26, 2011 2:06 PM GMT

Needs to be pinned.
#55487037Wednesday, September 28, 2011 3:10 AM GMT

Bump for Importance.
#64311010Wednesday, March 14, 2012 8:44 AM GMT

What do you mean by "ROBLOX version"?
#64313382Wednesday, March 14, 2012 1:32 PM GMT

The ROBLOX version you installed once. So let's say you have version 1 and have an issue but the actual version is 1.1 (I don't know the actual verison of ROBLOX).
#64322707Wednesday, March 14, 2012 7:25 PM GMT

Back at this time-frame, ROBLOX had an identifiable "version". Now, the version is identified as "unknown" due to no updates to the patching and wikipedia.
#64334245Wednesday, March 14, 2012 10:24 PM GMT

i cant use my modles on my place and when i go to my game settings it isnt there the connecter for it

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