#52335976Monday, August 08, 2011 2:01 PM GMT

~Harvath Luckily you do this just in time, right before the power turns back on without any warning. "Well, here we go." T-1 comments as you trudge up several flights of stairs, being tracked by security cameras.
#52336074Monday, August 08, 2011 2:04 PM GMT

Harvath triednot to look at the cameras, keeping a solemn expression.
#52336441Monday, August 08, 2011 2:12 PM GMT

((I'm going to timeskip a bit here...)) ~Harvath Once they reach the 11th floor, a wing lit with cool colored lights, they pause. "You know the drill, we have to take the elevator to get to level 12." T-2 says roughly, and they lead you to a nearby elevator. The doors open as you come close, and they motion for you to get in. "We will see you on level 12." T-1 says, and they both shoot up into the ceiling.
#52336476Monday, August 08, 2011 2:13 PM GMT

(Tis better be soon or I will show you c bots final resort abilty...wich has a explosive begining middle and end..
#52336502Monday, August 08, 2011 2:14 PM GMT

Harvath nods, he enters the elevator.
#52336555Monday, August 08, 2011 2:15 PM GMT

C bot I stay quite...suddenly I have an idea.I knock a camera off the wall and insert myself into the system
#52336802Monday, August 08, 2011 2:21 PM GMT

((KA-BOOM.)) ~C-bot Only a few minutes after the power was restored, CAIN's voice booms from an unseen PA. "I've heard you've been giving the guards some trouble..." He says in a neutral tone. ~Harvath The elevator doors, and shoots up without you pressing any buttons. When the doors open, the turrets are waiting for you. "Funny how fast the trip goes." T-1 comments.
#52336921Monday, August 08, 2011 2:23 PM GMT

Harvath drags himself out, the sudden movement of the lift having taken him by surprise. 'Yeah, funny.'
#52336922Monday, August 08, 2011 2:23 PM GMT

C bot "Yes..." "And if you dont make them retreat...I will link myself into the system and self destruct.."
#52337313Monday, August 08, 2011 2:32 PM GMT

~C-bot "Oh, will you? Well go ahead, blow yourself to kingdom come, I have plenty of ways to minimize the damage. And to be quite honest, I don't like being THREATENED by a Subject. What? Do you want freedom? Trust me, life is better here than out there, but belive me, give me any more trouble and I will give it out to you, and once you are out, you STAY out. Don't come whimpering back to me how you don't like what was coming to you." ~Harvath "Alrighty, Ira's office it is..." T-2 looks about. "Hmm... where did everyone go to?" He says, noting the lack of anyone in the central chamber.
#52337415Monday, August 08, 2011 2:34 PM GMT

'Somethings wrong... this should be where all the guards are... I recommend we leave now before something tries to kill us.' Harvath says, forcing the words through a nervous smile.
#52337433Monday, August 08, 2011 2:35 PM GMT

C bot "Well you really....are just a tool for ira smith..." "A computer desinged to work for people....." "Meanwhile....I was made to...I cant remember...."
#52337823Monday, August 08, 2011 2:43 PM GMT

~C-bot "Of course. It is my programming. And I am not a tool for her, I have served several diffrent heads before this, have will serve even more in the future." ~Harvath "I'd have to agree with y-" T-2 starts, and suddenly both turrets go limp, and go back into the celing. "Too late Mr. Harvath." Says a voice that you reconize; the one scientist from earlier. The elevator doors close behind you, and the elevator itself goes down, leaving you alone in the antechamber.
#52337953Monday, August 08, 2011 2:46 PM GMT

A wave of fear drew over Harvath. 'I take it you were expecting me?'
#52338466Monday, August 08, 2011 2:56 PM GMT

~Harvath "Indeed, but to be bluntly honest, I'm not going to kill you, sorry if you thought that, I was mearly kidding." He gives a slightly forced chuckle. "You are still valuable to us, and I have a little deal for you. I have a grand test planned, which everyone is to participate in, and it won't be the mably pambly you have faced so far, oh no, you will be tested extremly hard, but, if you can survivie all it in one peice, than I will let you go,and we will never speak again. Fail, and you will have to stay here. Forever. Until of course, you are too o.ld, and then you will be sent to an Apex brand retirement home."
#52338487Monday, August 08, 2011 2:56 PM GMT

C bot "Technical Reason is taking over everthing...one day...you wont be needed...you know that dont you...." "Let me go this time...." "Call the gaurds...off"
#52338562Monday, August 08, 2011 2:58 PM GMT

'One last game... but what about those nanobots? Wont they affect my performance?'
#52338640Monday, August 08, 2011 2:59 PM GMT

~C-bot "Can't do that, but I can offer you a deal porposed by our new... head. Quote: "You are still valuable to us, and I have a little deal for you. I have a grand test planned, which everyone is to participate in, and it won't be the mably pambly you have faced so far, oh no, you will be tested extremly hard, but, if you can survivie all it in one peice, than I will let you go,and we will never speak again. Fail, and you will have to stay here. Forever. Until of course, you are too o.ld, and then you will be sent to an Apex brand retirement home."
#52338759Monday, August 08, 2011 3:02 PM GMT

~Harvath "There were no nanobots, at least to my knowledge. They probably failed anyway, you made it this far without beating the tar out of yourself, ja?"
#52338851Monday, August 08, 2011 3:03 PM GMT

C bot I make a laugh like noise. "Well.....I will never get o.ld." "I agree to do this Test but...only if you tell the gaurds to keep my identity unkown." "I may be more use than you think..."
#52338906Monday, August 08, 2011 3:04 PM GMT

'Now THAT is intriquing... fine, I'll accept your challenge, considering I wont have a better opportunity... it should also be good practice for the outside world.'
#52339180Monday, August 08, 2011 3:09 PM GMT

~Both New Testers "Good. You have 5 minutes to make plans in a provided lobby area. Good luck." You both suddenly find yourself in what appears to be a hospital lobby, except with no desks or foors, only chairs, a table, a pile of tabloids, a bowl of fruit, and an aquarium. ((%@^! I have to go! Son of a gun...))
#52339397Monday, August 08, 2011 3:14 PM GMT

'... Hospital lobby... why am I here? Five minutes to find out what I should do... and why the aquarium?' Harvath closely examined the aquarium.
#52339851Monday, August 08, 2011 3:22 PM GMT

C bot "Huh..." "A hospital lobby?"
#52340290Monday, August 08, 2011 3:30 PM GMT

C bot "Oh...and another person..." I walk up to him. My test subject discuise is on. "Hello there...."