#60176238Sunday, December 25, 2011 2:01 AM GMT

Item name: Coal Sword Desc: A sword made of wood that, if brought close to fire or extreme heat, will catch on fire and therefore, do twise as much damage. If not lighted on fire, it does normal wooden sword damage. How it would look like: A club but with an extra little black hint the end. Purpose: A simple weapon,but can also melt metal and start fires when lighted on fire. Type: Weapon Recipe: Club+Coal=Coal Sword ======================================================== Item name: Diamonds Desc: A mineral used for swords. Almost like a super-strong steel. How it would look like: A coal/iron/steel shaped block with a sparkle and colored white or some other common color of diamond. Purpose: Usefl in SUPER-STRONG tools Type: Mineral Recipe: Mined for ======================================================== Item name: Diamond Axe Desc: A SUPER-STRONG axe. How it would look like: It would sort of be like a steel axe but instead of grey, it's the color of Diamonds(above). Purpose: The same purpose of any other axe but actually has a 5% chance of failing. Type: Tool Recipe: Axe(any, you can choose which)+Clay+Molten Diamonds///Handle+2 Diamonds ======================================================== [Any mineral(things mined for)besides flammables(which just burn up) can be melted] Iron --> Molten Iron Steel --> Molten Steel Diamonds --> Molten Diamonds Gold --> Molten Gold Silver --> Molten Silver Mithril(is that what that's called?) --> Molten Mithril Any others that I missed --> Molten Any others that I missed ======================================================== Item name: Musket Desc: A gun that is the first gun in the game(I think) How it would look like: A club,then a grey cone on the end farthest from which you hold it Purpose: A simple weapon to kill animals(thiefs are animals, innocent people aren't) Type: Weapon Recipe: Tube+Gunpowder+Bullet=Musket ======================================================== Item name: Tube Desc: A resource used in many new craft items. How it would look like: A grey cylender about the size of a club Purpose: A crafting item and no more that that. Type: Crafting item Recipe: Clay+Molten Iron ======================================================== Item name: Bullet Desc: A wierd thingie that well...... is a thingie! How it would look like: A berry but grey... Purpose: A crafting item and NO MORE!!!!!!!!! Type: Crafting Item Recipe: Clay+Molten Iron=bullet ======================================================== pm me if you don't already have a gunpowder item(I think you might...) ========================================================Item name: Ladder Desc: A climbable wall with little edges that can be stacked onto other ladders. How it would look like: A wall with ledges. Purpose: To combine multiple levels of buildings, also able to be crafted. Type: Building/Crafting item Recipe: Wall+2 md tree stumps. ======================================================== Item name: Fridge Desc: A box that keeps spoilable foods fresh and heated foods freeze. How it would look like: A white/grey box 2 blox high and has a hollow inside. Purpose: To keep foods frash and cool down hot foods. Type: Crafting item/Tools Recipe: I don't know yet... ======================================================== BUILDINGS!!!!!!! ======================================================== Item name: Open Hut Desc: Well... a hut How it would look like: 4 walls in a square Purpose: I don't know!!! Maybe a house or something. Recipe: 4 walls ======================================================== Item name: Open barn Desc: A barn that is specially built for animals. How it would look like: 3 walls on 2 sides opposite of each other and 1 on the others. NO ROOF!(That's why it's called a OPEN barn!) Purpose: Storing and regenerating animals THAT AREN'T BIRDS!!! Recipe: 8 walls ======================================================== Item name: Barn Desc: A barn specially built for animals How it would look like: Open barn with a roof. Purpose: Housing all types of animals. Recipe: 8 walls+2 lg leaves ======================================================== Item name: Huge Barn Desc: A huge barn made for housing animals. How it would look like: An open barn and a normal bar on top of each other with a floor in between the two with a ladder going to the second floor. Purpose: Housing ALL types of animals. Recipe: 16 walls+3 lg leaves+ladder ======================================================== Item name: Pantry Desc: A hut with all storage for food. How it would look: OUTSIDE;Hut INSIDE;2 layers of 'shelves' on every wall and a fridge in any corner. Purpose: To store food in a safe place(the door is owner and tribe only). Recipe: 3 walls+lg leaves+8 md tree stumps+fridge ======================================================== Item name: House Desc: A hut with living quarters. How it would look:OUTSIDE;2 walls on all four sides and a roof INSIDE;A bed in one corner, a fridge and a firepit in another. Purpose: To rest up better and look special and civilized. Recipe: 8 walls+2 lg leaves+fridge+firepit ======================================================== Item name: Kitchen Desc: A house without a bed but instead shelves. How it would look: Exactly like a house except for a missing bed and 2 new shelves. Purpose: To cook food in. Recipe: 8 walls+2 lg leaves+firepit+fridge+2 md tree stumps ======================================================== Item name: Statue Desc: A statue of Davidii showing all of his glory to symbolize how great the creator of the Survival series is. How it would look: A statue of Davidii and a 4 boulder sized base underit. Purpose: (look to right and desc. for full purpose) To give a bonus to all skills of the statue's tribe and symbolize your great civilization and all of it's glory. Recipe: 10 lg rocks+hammer ======================================================== That's the end of part 1! I try to do some things every night so if I get any more amazing ideas, I'll put them here! ======================================================== TO: Davidii PLEASE pm me once you read this! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#60177168Sunday, December 25, 2011 2:19 AM GMT

An island like rockma, and bento, so lots of ore and trees a fair amout. Sound nice, WRONG a type of animal that is super hard to kill cause its skin chould be another type of steal, super strong and follows you, PM me Davidii2 only! For the best way to survival on this island. Also once if you hurt if it will follow you for 4 mins straight. This will be very hard to scrpit but, if anyone can make it, its you Daivdii2. Oh ya the animal that i said up there is the animal that lives on this island its often know as Death Planes. for it is fairly flat. Does have caves though, (i like caves) these caves hold the better ore. Maybe most likely not, i have not decided, there chould be a cave, super well hidden that has mithirl. Post somthing else, maybe a food later. Bye
#60182701Sunday, December 25, 2011 4:06 AM GMT

There should be sleep so its like Hunger Thierst Sleep Heath
#60194569Sunday, December 25, 2011 11:46 AM GMT

Just and idea, not for crafting. Altough gold coins look cool, you can't really trade with them that well because there is no "official" value to the coins. Therefor some guy could buy a boulder for 1 gold coin and sell it for 2, giving him money! this will be a rough guide to what I think matirials should cost in the game. (if theres more than 1 item for 1 gold coin, the gold coin is too valuable to buy just 1 of that item) And remember davidii(2) you are the controller. and post values in desc. please so everyone can see. 30 sm bush stumps = 1 Gold Coin 30 sm leaves = 1 Gold Coin 25 med. leaves = 1 Gold Coin 23 sm tree stumps = 1 Gold Coin 16 large tree stumps = 1 Gold coin 32 sm stones = 1 Gold Coin 16 boulders/cut stones = 1 Gold Coin 9 iron ore = 1 Gold Coin 7 refined iron = 1 Gold Coin 8 stone walls = 1 Gold Coin 8 thatching = 1 Gold Coin 35 sticks= = 1 Gold Coin 4 refined steel = 1 Gold Coin 7 coal = 1 Gold Coin 2 gold ore = 1 Gold Coin 1 refined gold = 1 Gold Coin 1 refined mithril = 2 Gold Coins You probably noticed a few things missing, like wood walls. well its easy to find the value. So a wall is made of 2 sm tree stumps. 23/2 = 11.5 if the decimal is higher than .5 (.5 included) round up. if lower round down. Then theres buildings. We will use a hut for example its made of 2 walls and a large leaf. now is where good math will come in handy if walls are 1/12th of a gold coin, 2 is 2/12ths add the leaves. The leaves are 1/25th of a coin. So 25 is a quarter of 100, so its value 0.4. 100/12 = 8.33333... we will round down to 0.8. theres 2 walls so 0.16, 0.16 + 0.4 = 0.56 X 2 = 1.12. so 2 wood huts = 1 Gold Coin. now do this for everything else and your will know the value of everything!
#60207140Sunday, December 25, 2011 5:36 PM GMT

Idk if this has been sugested but i think you should add signs. Item Name:Sign Desc:Used to post messages at Your base. How it would look like: A flat, upright block on top of a thin post. Purpose:To post whose base it is or anything else. Type:Tool Recipe:2 planks and a small bush stump. (And yes Ik its on MineCr, but its a good idea and would be helpful)
#60228576Monday, December 26, 2011 1:26 AM GMT

I think there should be a breath bar when under water. :)
#60282297Monday, December 26, 2011 10:55 PM GMT

Item Name: Cold stone. Desc: Stone COLDIFIED! How it would look like: Lightblue 1x1 Purpose: Decor, turns into ice when clicked with water. Type: Block Recipe: none, found on spire top. Item Name: Ice Desc: Used to chill drinks like berry juice. How it would look like: transparent blue Purpose: Chills drinks for more thirst/health Type:Block Recipe: Cold stone + bucket with water (like flour).
#60320317Tuesday, December 27, 2011 1:39 PM GMT

Night: At day everything is like it is normaly, but at night it gets dark and hard to see, good for thieves. You could use the new fog feature to make it. Sleep gui: If you click it you will sleep and your hunger and thirst will go down half as fast, but you can't see anything, so people can easily kill you while sleeping. It will be good for times if you have low hunger/thirst and the food has to regen or grow, but you don't have enough hunger/thirst to wait or go to some other food source.
#60354095Tuesday, December 27, 2011 11:22 PM GMT

pillow for a bed looks like a pillow 1 wheat bundle 1 fabric big fan can u have like a bed in the game please
#60361138Wednesday, December 28, 2011 12:58 AM GMT

i started making a hotel and it was nice but the fabric was the same color as the carpet so can we use die 2 make different color carpet or fabric. bed place 2 sleep in 2 pillow 4 bush stumps 4 planks looks like a hotel bed iron coin 2 pay people coin press iron light bulb for light 1 glass 1 iron please send me a message if u like this
#60362088Wednesday, December 28, 2011 1:11 AM GMT

Glass and iron make lightbulbs? No. Light bulbs could never be made in this game, because you need a certain gas
#60362113Wednesday, December 28, 2011 1:12 AM GMT

plane for fast travel 4 steel 2 windows 2 iron it can be used as a weapon big house 20 walls 10 large leaves for a rich guy have it so it has different rooms door 2 planks 1 iron so the house looks nice tool
#60362371Wednesday, December 28, 2011 1:15 AM GMT

oil lamp to see in the dark oil 2 wet clay
#60363257Wednesday, December 28, 2011 1:28 AM GMT

please have airplanes have it so theres a back for cargo like coal, iron, gold, ect we need that it is so hard 2 go 2 each island have that or a helicopter looks like a heli
#60363392Wednesday, December 28, 2011 1:30 AM GMT

Totally unrealistic.
#60368129Wednesday, December 28, 2011 2:38 AM GMT

its good what do u think the goal of the game is
#60368244Wednesday, December 28, 2011 2:40 AM GMT

The goal of the game is to become the most advanced- you cant make a plane without a machine, your ideas are to unrealistic
#60369233Wednesday, December 28, 2011 2:54 AM GMT

There might as well be a nuclear bomb
#60371307Wednesday, December 28, 2011 3:21 AM GMT

put the glitch back in i will never play the game again
#60371861Wednesday, December 28, 2011 3:29 AM GMT

if u want the glitches go to: Survival 303 Classic Version by:demonhunter18
#60377738Wednesday, December 28, 2011 4:58 AM GMT

Very good idea but It should be Arrow+oil rag oil Rag: Flammable: Starts fires: is used for Fire arrows and oil wheat Oil Wheat: Oil rag+wheat Purpose: Fully strategic. Here is a free strategy if oil wheat comes out Hide on the top of a cliff, or somthing high, (but not villages unless they are water proof) And place oil wheat all over the ground, get your bow, loaded with fire arrows, shoot the wheat, and let the fires spread (Also make fires hurt people)
#60438235Thursday, December 29, 2011 12:36 AM GMT

I think what he means is he to save the skill,not the tools.just saying
#60438494Thursday, December 29, 2011 12:38 AM GMT

oh and did you make the shelf yet? you should also make a light so you can place it in the dark and you dont have to hold a torch
#60457364Thursday, December 29, 2011 5:04 AM GMT

Tool name:Toster Desc:made to make tost simply click on toster then click on bread and prosess the things.recipe 1 boulder+1 refind steel+charcoal+oil=Toster.(Tost has 2 portions and bring 20 hunger)(Tost can also make eggs on tost 2 hard boiled eggs+1 tost)(Need 3 cooking to build and 3 crafting)
#60458254Thursday, December 29, 2011 5:19 AM GMT

item:mithril full body armor. desc:has spikes on it, there for hurts people when touched.recipe:steel armor +4 mithril+2 gold+catus leaf(witch is spiky duh).Skills: 9 smithing 4 carfting. if u can make this mesage me plz.(i don't think my idea is good)