#52824517Monday, August 15, 2011 12:17 AM GMT

Fluxy It hits me again
#52824715Monday, August 15, 2011 12:19 AM GMT

Michael "Give it up,Fluxy" I say,trying to pull my pistol out of the ice Metagross I get ready for a Giga Impact
#52824951Monday, August 15, 2011 12:22 AM GMT

Fluxy "I never give up, and how do you know my name?!" (3:24 AM here so I'm going to sleep, g'night)
#52825091Monday, August 15, 2011 12:24 AM GMT

(kk) Michael I manage to pull my pistol out and point it at Fluxy "How about now?" Beaky I fly down to Fluxy and Steel Wing Michael "Metagross,Meteor Mash this ice."
#52830483Monday, August 15, 2011 1:32 AM GMT

(:O Metagross!?! Roost has one >_>) ((YOU AINT TAKEN OUT NO FLUXY OF MEIN) Sheila *No you dont.* Sheila let loose the Aura Sphere, breaking the ice and sending Mike flying backwards. "Fluxy, I got your back." Sheila readied a Bone Rush attack, standing in the Chatot's way.
#52831729Monday, August 15, 2011 1:47 AM GMT

(Stuck without Icy T.T)
#52833050Monday, August 15, 2011 2:05 AM GMT

(Siam got flung dude. Ur free for nao. Come on over here. Get outta the city.) ((FOR CHRIST'S SAKE HELP MEH!!!)) Roost Roost stood up, offering a hand to Ivy. She took it, Roost helping her up. "Well, I dont know about you, but I heard some fighting up that hill and Im willing to bet Sheila is involved," Roost looked down at his belt, one pokeball open. "And Fluxy is too." Ivy nodded. They both raced up the hill.
#52839761Monday, August 15, 2011 3:54 AM GMT

Beaky "You idiot" Michael "Stay out of my way.Or would you like bulletsall over yourself?"I say pointing it at Shelia
#52847383Monday, August 15, 2011 8:02 AM GMT

Fluxy I jump towards the gun and grab it with my teeth Alex I watch the battle from the shadows
#52847703Monday, August 15, 2011 8:19 AM GMT

Michael I sigh "Idiots like you will never stop..." Metagross and Beaky We combine Giga Impact and Steel Wing
#52847940Monday, August 15, 2011 8:33 AM GMT

Fluxy I make a run for it until I bump into someone (Alex) Alex I take the gun from her mouth "What do we have here" Fluxy I gulp and run to Sheila's side
#52848558Monday, August 15, 2011 9:07 AM GMT

Michael "Give me my gun back!" Beaky "Give gun back!Give gun back!"
#52848612Monday, August 15, 2011 9:10 AM GMT

Alex "I won't" (Alex is from undercover police, he can arrest for shooting at pokemon)
#52848672Monday, August 15, 2011 9:13 AM GMT

(I still have Phantom XP) Michael "Why am i even wasting my time here..." I walk off Beaky I sqwauk intimidatingly before flying off (Next time,im shooting that Fluxy)
#52848770Monday, August 15, 2011 9:20 AM GMT

Alex "Next time I'll arrest that boy"
#52848814Monday, August 15, 2011 9:23 AM GMT

Michael "Shut up,go on arrest me." I say whike Chatot flys me high in the air Beaky I use fly to get to the top of Mt Coronet
#52848846Monday, August 15, 2011 9:25 AM GMT

Alex I ignore him
#52849094Monday, August 15, 2011 9:43 AM GMT

Michael "See?Hes not a policeman" Metagross I get ready to use Protect just in case Alex uses Michaels's gun against Michael himself
#52849143Monday, August 15, 2011 9:47 AM GMT

Alex I put the gun in my messanger's bag
#52849256Monday, August 15, 2011 9:56 AM GMT

Michael "Metagross,return"
#52849375Monday, August 15, 2011 10:04 AM GMT

Alex "Hey Roost"
#52876983Monday, August 15, 2011 7:32 PM GMT

(I'm not interested anymore, bye guys)
#52888996Monday, August 15, 2011 10:03 PM GMT

#52896896Monday, August 15, 2011 11:54 PM GMT

(Yes. SIAM DIES! >:)) Siam I get flung. I stand up growling. I need him dead before I am... (Sah is part of my idea to get him back...So...GET ON SAH!)
#52898962Tuesday, August 16, 2011 12:25 AM GMT

(WAIT. CAN FROST KILL HIM?!?!? >:D) Frost I shove Darkrai back. "The world is BETTER without people like HIM." Darkrai I slap Frost. "SNAP. OUT. OF. IT." Frost I punch Darkrai. "Once he's dead, I'll regain my senses."