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#51924640Tuesday, August 02, 2011 11:01 PM GMT

This is based on the medieval times. It's basically just a regular castle role play, with no major point. But that could be changed, you could be the leader of the group of rebels attempting to assassinate the king, you could be the king, ordering your troops to stop that from happening, or you could always be the traitor who lets the rebels in. In this role play, you shape the future. ___________________________________________________________________________ Classes: Rogue King(Only one, and must be approved.) Queen(Same as above.) Prince( Must be approved by king/queen) Princess(Same as above.) Rebel Thief Baron Count Merchant Traveler Knight Sorcerer Necromancer Pryromancer Wizard Elf King( Same with king) You can make your oqn, but they must be approved, and if you're going to be the leader of a rebel force, make sure you have a rebel force...... ___________________________________________________________________________ Currency: 10 Copper=1 Bronze 50 Bronze= 1 Silver 100 Silver= 1 Gold ___________________________________________________________________________ Places you can start out at: Black Forest: The hiding place of rebels, thieves, outcastes, etc. The Kingdom: -_- The Village: Most traders come to this Indian village to get animal furs, etc. The Black Mines: The mines in the Black Forest, another hiding place of rebels and thieves, so if a miner takes one wrong turn, he could end up the hands of a villain, or the webs of a spider The back of it is home to the biggest spiders in the land! The Mystical Forest: Half is home to the elves, and the other is home to the Elven Civil War ___________________________________________________________________________ Races: Halfling Human Elf Orc Dwarf Dark Elf Goblin Tell me if I'm missing something ___________________________________________________________________________ *= required *Name: Nickname: *Age: *Class/Occupation: *Race: *Appearance: Armor/Weapons *Starting Area: Items: Bio: Extra: (Please tell me if I'm missing something.) ___________________________________________________________________________ Tip: If you're planning on being a traitor, don't tell it to the whole thread, PM the person you're going to help.
#51924880Tuesday, August 02, 2011 11:05 PM GMT

You forgot "Militia Garrison."
#51925322Tuesday, August 02, 2011 11:12 PM GMT

*Name: Slayne Blackheart Nickname: Scar *@ge: 534( Pretty young in elf years.) *Class/Occupation: Rebel leader of the Clutch( Other rebel RPers can join this.) *Race: Dark Elf Appearance: Dark purple skin with bright blue eyes. He has short silver hair and a wicked smile. He has a long, dark blue scar that goes from the top of his forehead to his chin diagonally, he got this infamous scar from a fight with the previous king, which he barely won. He wears an eyepatch over his left eye, which the scar crosses through. Armor/Weapons: His armor consists of leather leather pads and a black cape. He has two black bladed, poisen tipped daggers on his belt and his primary weapon is a scimitar. *Starting Area: Black Forest Items: A canteen, matchbox, and some items of centimental value Bio: He was born into a small elven family which was later killed by humans knights, so he took up being a rebel and has killed one human king so far, he doesn't love the elven king either. Extra:
#51925391Tuesday, August 02, 2011 11:13 PM GMT

@podraptor, no you did.
#51925480Tuesday, August 02, 2011 11:15 PM GMT

@sonicthehedgehog345 Are you the new troll that pulled into town? How nice to meet you.
#51925505Tuesday, August 02, 2011 11:15 PM GMT

We make our own plot? Too much effort involved.

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