#52095278Friday, August 05, 2011 3:23 AM GMT

(Good to have you to. So what other places shall we talk about?)
#52095358Friday, August 05, 2011 3:24 AM GMT

(Where've you been, places you traveled to, recent events and whatnot, I think.)
#52095655Friday, August 05, 2011 3:28 AM GMT

(IRL or Character?)
#52095688Friday, August 05, 2011 3:29 AM GMT

(I think he means in character.)
#52095767Friday, August 05, 2011 3:30 AM GMT

(I'm not sure I can do that since macaw hasn't really set the lore.)
#52095861Friday, August 05, 2011 3:32 AM GMT

(He said you can make it up.)
#52096307Friday, August 05, 2011 3:40 AM GMT

Katail originated from the foothills of Nawa, once an open space bustling with Orc villages, producing much agriculture of the land, providing a large quantity of beef and rye for use all over. However a great drought swept through Nawa years ago, making famine for the races and disease for the Orcs, forced to drink water from the base of the springs they nourished from, filled with rampant germs from the somehow poisoned soil below ground. Supplies from Nawa was halted for 5 years, and during that time, Katail and his families moved to the mountain villages of the South, where enlistment to the Royal Army came. From then on, Katail joined the Orc/Human diverse volunteer forces, patrolling the mountains for the many marauders and mountain goblins that dwel in the far steppes of the North Mountains. From then on proceeds to Katail's biography.
#52096851Friday, August 05, 2011 3:50 AM GMT

(I'm going to go play Class 3 Outbreak)
#52097415Friday, August 05, 2011 4:00 AM GMT

Saemaleus Aedan hailed from the forest village of Hope Springs, a small village built some distance away from a grouping of natural springs, where villagers often have their leisure time. They dealt in various forest goods, woodcraft and potions chief among them. However, all good things must come to an end. A horde of cave-dwelling goblins appeared and chased villagers away from the springs. Eventually, they moved on the village itself, deeming it on their land, and therefore theirs. The villagers didn't like this, so they sent a call for aid and several men took up arms. Led by a man name Pitius, they defended the village valiantly, but the goblins soon over-ran the village with superior numbers and razed it to the ground. Pitius and most of his force of militia was slain, though a few survivors made it out of the village, Saemaleus among them. The remaining villagers received a few supplies from the Royal Army and were told to leave for another town, as Hope Springs was lost. Saemaleus drifted off to the main capital where he enlisted as an expeditionary corps soldier. It has been said that what's left of Hope Springs may have valuable woodcraft that may have survived the fire, or at least potions, as they stored most of their goods in underground cellars of stone. Cammeal Alec was a smokegrass farmer in the town of Myre, a southern/eastern town that was well known for their quality of smokegrass and their concentrated presence of unsavory characters, marauders chief among them. Marauders razed the Alec farm, as Cammeal had a slight gambling problem and attracted a heap of debt. The marauders were hired to burn his farm to pay for most of the debts, and force Cammeal into the only other possible option to pay off his debts, banditry. Apparently, he was better at it than anyone expected, but he didn't feel that the life was for him. After taking care of his money troubles and accumulating some extra, he went to the capital city, bribed some high-ranking court officials to ignore his deeds, and went out for a new life. He promised himself to give up fighting after going in the Mage's Crypt. There may be something left in the ashes of the Alec farm that Cammeal may have left behind. (Now, let us meet in the inn.)
#52125449Friday, August 05, 2011 4:47 PM GMT

"Your back, cur..." The Inn-keeper growled as I stopped by the counter. "Now get my customers served or your not earning your copper." With a sadistic grin, he went and switched places with me to chat with the famous figures and merchants of the city in a shady and secluded corner of the rowdy inn, where b flew and madness ensued. This also allowed me to silently pound the great pine wood counter in-front of me as I grasped a silver goblet and began to clean it with a rag set up for me, observing this surprisingly well-kept scene.
#52126443Friday, August 05, 2011 5:00 PM GMT

Cammeal entered the small inn to shelter from the rain. He looked around at the semi-chaotic scene, though there were raised voices and angry banging on tables, there weren't any fights. Might be because of that tough-looking orc at the counter. Cammeal strode over to the counter, avoiding unidentifiable stains on the floor, and sat down on a worn stool at one end of the counter. He rummaged around in his belt pouch for coin, signaling for the orc behind the counter. "Can I get a Vatna's Red?"
#52127634Friday, August 05, 2011 5:17 PM GMT

Elenaa Jaidensdaughter preferred to keep her past secret. Her parents were middle-class as far as elves, and like most of their race, kept to themselves. Her mother was a minor cleric, not very good at magic. Elenaa had inherited her magic skills from a grandfather. When the elven girl was young, her village was raided by monsters. Her memory is fairly blurred of the time- the intruders may have been orcs, but she isn't sure. Elenaa fled, along with the other survivors, to a nearby elven city. From then on, she has dreamed of becoming an adventurer like her grandfather. Part of it was the thrill... and part of it was revenge. About a year ago, Elenaa heard rumors that the killers of her family may have hidden in the Mage's Crypt. Between the challenge and the change at revenge, Elenaa was there without a second thought. [On to the roleplay... sorry for the wordwall.] Elenaa sat in the corner of the local inn. She wasn't there for a drink- it unbalanced her powers if she drank too much. She listened to conversations going on around her, relishing in the company.
#52129875Friday, August 05, 2011 5:51 PM GMT

(I'm on now, so lets get this party started then!) On a large notification board, which was empty, outside of the inn, a very thin framed old man in peasant rags began to nail an exceptionally old scroll to it. others had tried to nail things to it, but the papers mysteriously burned up. This didn't though. The old man slowly went away, he was the groundskeeper. People instantly started to crowd around, the paper reads: THE FIRST FLOOR SHALL OPEN MOMENTARILY The floor contains regular items of any steriotypical dungeon, it is dark, damp, and contains weak monsters. The beasts that inhibit this floor are listed below, with statistics, a description, and the weapons they may carry. Minor goblin: Health: very low Attack: medium Defence: low intelligence: very low Armor they may hold: Thin chainmail Weapons they may use: club, dagger, short bow and arrows (For flavortext in the fight!) Rucksack items: (Usables they may carry) weak potions desc.: Weakest of the weak, dumbest of the dumb, you cant be much lowlier than a minor goblin. the items they carry are only useful to the very minor peasant. Nonetheless, they are very weak. Large Spider: H: low A: med. low D: med. low I: low Armors: enchanted exoskeleton Weapons: none Rucksack: none Desc.: Face it, we all are secretly arachnophobes Shadow whisp: H:low A: low D: low I: med Armors: none Weapons: none Rucksack: magic potion (Thats what i got for now, its not coming open yet though, everyone line up near the entrace for it to start up, a crowd of NPC's will be there too.)
#52129893Friday, August 05, 2011 5:52 PM GMT

Looking at the man infront of me, I reply: "Okay. This one's house due to the fact that I want to rip the Innkeeper's spine out and weave it into those wickerwork chairs, but I need to tell him that you ran away. I don't think that'll be a problem now will it?" I nod at his insignia of The Royal Expeditionary Force, proceeding to prepare the drink for the man across from me.
#52130220Friday, August 05, 2011 5:56 PM GMT

(I think you got the characters mixed up, pod.) (Saemaleus is the deserter, not Cammeal.)
#52130546Friday, August 05, 2011 6:01 PM GMT

#52130655Friday, August 05, 2011 6:02 PM GMT

Elenaa watched the orc at the counter silently. Her green eyes, with the tiniest hint of grey, glinted in the semi-darkness.
#52130830Friday, August 05, 2011 6:05 PM GMT

(Oh wait, forgot shadow whisp description, well, I'll just give it now.) Shadow whisp: desc.: A smaller embodiment of shadow, lower elemental of shadow property, any light will injure these higly, they appear to be floating balls of darkness, they are hard to spot because of the lighting, and higly agressive.
#52130908Friday, August 05, 2011 6:06 PM GMT

(Waiiit for meeeeee! Making a char.)
#52131785Friday, August 05, 2011 6:18 PM GMT

Name: Aranril Gaethlal Race: Elf Class: Hunter Weapon: An elegant longbow and a shortsword. Armor: Leather armor with steel shoulder pads, vambraces, and greaves, as well as an animal fur cloak. Appearance: Aranril has a very long brown mane of hair, and his elven features are framed by many small scars suggesting many years of hunting wild animals. He is also rather tall, like most elves, but unusually broad and muscular. His skin is slightly tanned, and he has dark green eyes. Gear: Some health potions, many herbs, a skin of water. @ge: 354 y­ears Gender: Male Bio: Aranril is a wood elf who has learned to admire human society. He lives in an isolated grove of trees in the woods and hunts for a living, and then travels to the local town to sell pelts meat, and to visit the Inn. He has incredible hunting skill and very sharp senses.
#52131817Friday, August 05, 2011 6:19 PM GMT

Kylin walked into the Inn's bar, sitting down at a nearby table, obviously seeming tired. His armor is very dark grey, but anyone can see the scorch mark on the heavy armor's back, the texture is very cindery on that spot, and jet black, compared to his grey armor. A very odd scenario for someone who doesn't know what happened.
#52132115Friday, August 05, 2011 6:23 PM GMT

(Meh, should I work up one of those background things?)
#52132618Friday, August 05, 2011 6:29 PM GMT

Finished preparing the drink, I place the silver pint mug onto the counter and slide it across to the customer. "6 copper if you want to pay for it." I mumble deeply, noticing a man sitting down ahead of me. His armor was grey predictably battle ready. I wasn't a fool, and decided not to bother this man. While I exclaimed the sight to myself, I also noticed some men shuffling out the door, without a drink and no doubt sober. "You gentlemen ordering anything!?" I shout from across the room. "There is a new poster outside!" I received this reply from many of the young group. Carefully, I began to unveil my helmet from under the counter and follow them.
#52132665Friday, August 05, 2011 6:30 PM GMT

(Slid, not "Slide.")
#52133442Friday, August 05, 2011 6:41 PM GMT

(I don't really feel like doing a background.) Aranril sat at a far table in the Inn, his cloak pulled over his head, observing the other patrons.