#52325779Monday, August 08, 2011 7:47 AM GMT

badges for easter eggs (and easter egg ideas): GAME OVER: find the body holding the game system thingy Almost Freeman: find a weapon CAKE IS A LIE: find the cake advertisement from portal AAAAHHHHH: find a pink room epic fail: get stuck in a room full of monsters and no way out is this guy stalking me?: find the guy watching your every step, always in places you can't get to you will not be missed: find the room with SONICTHEHEDGEHOGXX's body this is more serious than imagined: find a dead guy with chicken leg and ban hammer next to him noob heaven: find 10 tix scattered in hidden rooms all over the game BC benefits: kill a zombie wearing a BC hard hat and so on now make the elvator doors close when you walk near it. i noticed you can moonwalk inside the elevator for now :D in my opinion, the grab tool is hard to use without lantern, as everything goes black
#52362275Monday, August 08, 2011 8:53 PM GMT

Well, a scary game takes a LOT of suspense, and a death-defying scare at the end of each one. Like, blood splatterings, bodies, broken doors, just about run down and bloody.
#52368840Monday, August 08, 2011 10:21 PM GMT

well mines got a ending boss fight twist AND NO SPOILDERS FOR ANYONE!Credits at the end and a huge enviorment just waiting to be explored.Btw I want to the scripting helpers for fixing my CLone from lighting model coming soon!Thank you guys if you see this!
#52388980Tuesday, August 09, 2011 2:59 AM GMT

#52390059Tuesday, August 09, 2011 3:19 AM GMT

If the character is supposed to be a Reporter, then, he should have some sort of revolver like in old movies like coleshack.
#52390651Tuesday, August 09, 2011 3:29 AM GMT

Ok the weapons will be A Knive with an enraved signature of your father,and a old time revolver(Info soon on that!)
#52392301Tuesday, August 09, 2011 4:00 AM GMT

i played the updated version, and noticed i can use grab tool to pull the new creature out of the van. then it killed me. the yellow thing around the lantern is a bit too large, making it hard to see past it.
#52416418Tuesday, August 09, 2011 3:48 PM GMT

Its miner bugs,easy fix.
#52427229Tuesday, August 09, 2011 6:31 PM GMT

more bugs. the game now seems a bit too bright, it's not night anymore, one of the doors have a hole above it (brick missing).
#52433971Tuesday, August 09, 2011 7:48 PM GMT

More Acheivements-- "The Demented Takeoff" for flying a gargoyle "Pancakes For Breakfast" Die by being flattened "Carlos's Crows" Use the ghost carlos's last bag of bird feed in the marked spot "The Last Hope" Dont rely on any backup throughout the game "A Little Advice Would Be Nice" Ask every person for help "The Death Dens" Find a hidden room where someone activated a trap "Demonic Mother Nature" Have The Envirenment kill you "Not What It Seems" Find the family of 4 innocent ghosts "Couldn't Resist" be lured into a trap "The False Prophecy" die 50 times "The Gallery" find an extremely well hidden room with portraits of all the cast "The Perfect Crime" murder an enemy without touching, hitting or shooting it "Bloody Mary" have bloody mary drag you into the mirror "Good Night" be killed while your sleeping
#52451444Tuesday, August 09, 2011 11:41 PM GMT

EVEN MORE Badges: '' Hide and Seek '' Find a monster, and watch it run away. '' Neverending Darkness '' Don't use the Lantern through the WHOLE game. '' You FELL for it '' Fall through the floorboards into the cellar. '' Fallen Short '' Get killed 5 times by a Crawler. '' I believe I can fly '' Fall of the map. '' You're Being Watched '' Find all Gargoyles. '' Get in the Van '' Survive getting into the Van. '' What else is on TV? '' Click the button on the TV. '' Who's afraid of the dark? '' Beat the game without dying. '' I'm afraid of needles '' Get killed by the Razer. '' Here's your room key '' Get behind the check-in desk. '' Zombie prone '' Get killed at least 20 times. '' Smart cookie '' Avoid all traps. '' Eat lead '' Kill 10 monsters with the Revolver. '' Slice 'n Dice '' Kill 10 monsters with the Knife. '' Two Grunts, one bullet'' Kill two Nightmares with one Revolver shot. '' Mirror, mirror, on the wall '' Look in the mirror without seeing your reflection.
#52453141Wednesday, August 10, 2011 12:07 AM GMT

Use Samacado's Underground ambient and play around with whether or not the player is alive or dead, or even exists.
#52464047Wednesday, August 10, 2011 2:46 AM GMT

Here are the best of the best acheivement suggestions so far-- "Unlucky" Walk over all of the hidden black cat paw trails "Im Full Of Cotton" Find a room with voodoo dolls in it "Im Not Touching That Thing" Dont kill any unrequired enemys "No Need For 911" Reach the telephone without taking damage "Anti-Social" Make a fatal desision when talking to someone "The Demented Takeoff" for flying a gargoyle "Carlos's Crows" Use the ghost carlos's last bag of bird feed in the marked spot "A Little Advice Would Be Nice" Ask every person for help "The Death Dens" Find a hidden room where someone activated a trap "Not What It Seems" Find the family of 4 innocent ghosts "Couldn't Resist" be lured into a trap "The Gallery" find an extremely well hidden room with portraits of all the cast "The Perfect Crime" murder an enemy without touching, hitting or shooting it "Good Night" be killed while your sleeping ''Neverending Darkness'' Don't use the Lantern through the WHOLE game ''You're Being Watched'' Find all Gargoyles ''Here's Your Room Key'' Get behind the check-in desk ''Zombie Prone'' Get killed at least 20 times ''Eat Lead'' Kill 10 monsters with the Revolver ''Slice 'n Dice'' Kill 10 monsters with the Knife "Clostrophobic" Enter a crawlspace
#52468714Wednesday, August 10, 2011 4:05 AM GMT

Considering ALOT of those but only th BEST ones and the possible ones. . .Posting it tomorrow =P or tonight.
#52469807Wednesday, August 10, 2011 4:25 AM GMT

Badges & Easter Eggs (Official) (15 badges) "Im Not Touching That Thing" - requires you to go through the whole game without killing any unrequired monsters. "Bad Social Skills" - you have to make a fatal choice of words when talking to someone. "Im Lost" - requires you to wonder around for a half an hour without passing a chapter. GAME OVER: find the body holding the game system thingy Almost Freeman: Get a crowbar from Gordan Freeman(Re-Edited!) CAKE IS A LIE: find the cake advertisement from portal Stalk much?: find the guy watching your every step "The Demented Takeoff" for flying a gargoyle "The Gallery" find an extremely well hidden room with portraits of all the cast "A Little Advice Would Be Nice" Ask every person for help '' Neverending Darkness '' Don't use the Lantern through the WHOLE game. 'You're being watched'' Find and touch all Gargoyles. <---Needs a better name D: '' Who's afraid of the dark? '' Beat the game without dying. '' Here's your room key '' Get behind the check-in desk. The rest I'll make unless someone makes a perfect badge idea. I WILL NEED DONATIONS IF U WANT SOME CREDIT FOR YOUR BADGE! - Price:1500R
#52469859Wednesday, August 10, 2011 4:26 AM GMT

Each abdge will have a fame like Steams badges and a neat image inside that wont be cheesy.
#52470063Wednesday, August 10, 2011 4:30 AM GMT

Picox100 gave me the best ending twist with a little add on by me!Guys this is scarier then finding out whos the final boss!VIP to buyers and they will receive all weapons automaticly and play the Bonus Ending(Beat game first!) New badges! Exlusive Cut scene - Buy VIP In the end - Beat game(Not bonus ending)
#52472957Wednesday, August 10, 2011 5:30 AM GMT

I can donate 300 R$ for badges if you put me in hidden gallery Send me a link to donate shirt
#52473191Wednesday, August 10, 2011 5:35 AM GMT

Try the game i did it's good and more comming to the game
#52473353Wednesday, August 10, 2011 5:38 AM GMT

I dont have BC yet,Im waiting for my friend to get the Roblox card because he owes me then I will add you and make the T-Shirt but I hope you dont mind if I charge tax (350R) because Roblox takes some away.
#52475103Wednesday, August 10, 2011 6:32 AM GMT

I think it would be creepy if you made a script to have a ghost going through the halls (flying) and going in and out of walls.
#52476076Wednesday, August 10, 2011 7:11 AM GMT

Just to let all of you who helped with the badges i have just built our wing of the gallery--- Plz take one so i can assure its quality is fine with you. Habboguy, darkspiritwolf5 and me.
#52481680Wednesday, August 10, 2011 11:47 AM GMT

The Isanity - cast,is small right now and I'm not releasing names until I get all the characters done.I hope for 20 Characters + Civilians.
#52481715Wednesday, August 10, 2011 11:49 AM GMT

i found another bug, which may be hard to fix. when you are outside the hotel thing, the darkness disappears behind the windows
#52481982Wednesday, August 10, 2011 12:00 PM GMT

Thats a roblox thing it cannot be fixed unless I made the windows unreflective.Also do you agree with these badges?I really like the gargoyel one In fact I'll make the the gargoyel to it today.