#52289223Sunday, August 07, 2011 9:40 PM GMT

I kick the boy's foot. "Hey. You there?" By now I was concerned.
#52289262Sunday, August 07, 2011 9:41 PM GMT

Ooc; k wat And I'm really lazy right now, and don't want to read through seven or so pages. So where is everyone right now? Still in separate states? ~f٥гﻉ√ﻉг™~
#52289349Sunday, August 07, 2011 9:43 PM GMT

(No. 4 or 5 people are on a plane to NC and me, brooke and rug are still in the states. Rug and brooke are in a car.. or just rug and I'm in bed because my character is shy and not the type to go to north carolina on her own (Her mother wont go with her.) and a plan to get me to north carolina never happened so I'm staying in the states by the looks of it -.-)
#52289353Sunday, August 07, 2011 9:43 PM GMT

(I'm driving on the highway :3)
#52289356Sunday, August 07, 2011 9:43 PM GMT

~CS~ Name:Matthew A.ge:Sixteen(If this is an invalid age, correct me.) Gender:Male Appearance: He has a pale skin complexion(I think I mispelled it.), he has a scar on his forehead, and he has wooly black hair.He has chocolate brown eyes, and his birthmark is on his back, and forms a Z.He normally wears a red shirt, and some bootcut jeans, and some regular tennis shoes.He has rather rough skin. Personality: He's actually nice, and pretty sensitive.When angered, he loses control of himself, and goes on small miniature rampages. Storm Ability: Lightning Biography: As a young boy, he would play with his father, who served in the marines.Later on, his father died.He would always be reminded of his father, when people picked on him, and discouraged him by saying things about his father, and not the good things people would want to hear.He now lives with his mother, and he is searching deep inside for the true person he used to be. Extra:He eats chicken. >:3 How is it?I was slightly rushed.
#52289374Sunday, August 07, 2011 9:43 PM GMT

(Nope, most of us(I think) Are in a plane...)
#52289441Sunday, August 07, 2011 9:44 PM GMT

(Girly... I am starting to doubt that you know where North Carolina is...)
#52289492Sunday, August 07, 2011 9:45 PM GMT

Jake "wait, you guys got the letter from that scientest dude too?" I finally pipe up.
#52289506Sunday, August 07, 2011 9:45 PM GMT

(I don't know where it is. I'm not american I don't study american geography I didn't even know it existed. -.-)
#52289520Sunday, August 07, 2011 9:45 PM GMT

(Accepted Fire.)
#52289554Sunday, August 07, 2011 9:46 PM GMT

(So, how should we start?)
Top 100 Poster
#52289587Sunday, August 07, 2011 9:46 PM GMT

Savanna I nod, pulling the letter out of my pocket and unfolding it, creasing out the fold marks with my palm against my leg. I hand him the letter to look at.
#52289595Sunday, August 07, 2011 9:46 PM GMT

(Wait, lemme' fix that.How should I start.)
#52289596Sunday, August 07, 2011 9:47 PM GMT

Ooc; Does the Plane make any stops on the way to NC? ~f٥гﻉ√ﻉг™~
#52289697Sunday, August 07, 2011 9:48 PM GMT

~Astarte~ I stared at the kid who spoke. "Yeah... What's your name?" (And I don't think so, Eman)
#52289723Sunday, August 07, 2011 9:48 PM GMT

(But tai, seriously, can I use my powers without knowing how?)
#52289734Sunday, August 07, 2011 9:48 PM GMT

Jake "Yeah, I read mine during a tornado. My mom ripped it up, but I have photographic memory. He said something about being interested with our 'abilites' with storms. Dunno what he means."
Top 100 Poster
#52289814Sunday, August 07, 2011 9:50 PM GMT

Savanna I shrug a little. "I didn't know what he meant either. I don't really have any abilities.."
#52289868Sunday, August 07, 2011 9:51 PM GMT

~Astarte~ I raised an eyebrow. "During a tornado. Well that's interesting... And you haven't answered my question. Name?"
#52289897Sunday, August 07, 2011 9:51 PM GMT

Ooc; Whatevs. I guess if I was needed someone would get me, or something, idk. //Kaine// I slowly walked down a path, listening to the ocean side. ~f٥гﻉ√ﻉг™~
#52289957Sunday, August 07, 2011 9:52 PM GMT

(Narm, it'd be pointless to now. We're all going to meet the scientist now.) -Eric- I unclenched my fist, and uncrumped the letter. "I received the same thing..."
#52289984Sunday, August 07, 2011 9:52 PM GMT

(Everyone but me *)
#52290009Sunday, August 07, 2011 9:53 PM GMT

(I am still driving!)
#52290010Sunday, August 07, 2011 9:53 PM GMT

I sighed. "Well we should know each other's names and powers first, before we start talking!" I was becoming frustrated.
#52290049Sunday, August 07, 2011 9:54 PM GMT

Jake "Same, I'm just fanicnated by tornados and such. And I'm Jake," I say, adressing the other girl's question.