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#52563558Thursday, August 11, 2011 3:04 PM GMT

(Repost!) It's just another dreary day in Hell, Michigan (it's totally a real place. I swear). Nothing out of the ordinary, right? You're just strolling down the sidewalk, minding your own business. All of a sudden (gosh, I use that phrase too much), a sleek black SUV rolls by. The young-looking girl inside stares at you as they pass, her cold looking eyes like daggers. You didn't think much of it, so you continued on. The car, after driving down the rest of the street, turning and driving up the hill to a black, gothic-styled house at the top of a large hill at the end of the street.  Exactly three days letter, you receive a letter in neat calligraphy; Dear Reader, You have been cordially invited to stay for a 4-Day weekend here in my home, starting this coming Friday and ending the following Monday. We expect guests to be arriving, approximately, around noon or sometime after. Separate guest bedrooms will be provided for you and all other guests. You need not RSVP; you may choose not to come, but we will eagerly await your arrival, nonetheless. If you do choose to come, however, please be sure to come to the return address printed on the envelope. Cordially yours, R. W. Of course, you decide to come! You could not miss an opportunity like this! Though you were not sure who exactly had invited you into their home, you were still justas excited, knowing that the address was indeed the house on the hill. It is now, finally Friday, and you are just packing for the weekend. You still cannot help but wonder exactly why you were invited, or still, who had invited you, but you will soon find out. Rules: RP begins as you are packing. No ubering, godmodding, char controlling, etc. NO rom.ance whatsoever. Three char max., admins can have more. Admins can accept CSes and "Ban" people temporally until something permanent is decided. Your word < Admin's word < My word Put "Rubber Panda Babies" at the bottom of your CS. Haz fun! Adminz Me Carlygirl Stealthtail Topvideo Yumia CS Name: Ag.e: (12-25) Gender: Appearance: Items: Bio: Personality: Other:
#52564357Thursday, August 11, 2011 3:17 PM GMT

Name: Robin W. Ag.e: 15 1/2 Gender: F Appearance: Robin's hair is jet-black, and styled in a straight, inverted bob. Her eyes are of average width aorta, and are a compelling, striking green. She has a fair complexion, and is quite thin. She is (I think) kind of short for her ag.e, at only 5'3. Robin has a thin, straight nose, and thin, slightly arched eyebrows the same color as her hair. Her lips are a pale pinkish color, and somewhat thin. Robin rarely smiles, and her lips are set at kind of a neutral expression. Robin's nails are kept clean and short, her cuticles pushed back and her nails remaining unpainted. Currently, Robin wears jeans, black flats, a solid black blouse, and a white headband in her hair. Items: N/A Bio: N/A Personality: Quiet; she doesn't talk much. Name: Sebastian (^.^) Ag.e: 23 Gender: M Appearance: http://www.roblox.com/Black-Butler-Phantomhive-Staff-item?id=50828929 (Tallest one there; the one with black hair and wearing the black suit.) Items: N/A Bio: Robin's butler. Personality: I would say.... Normally very.. Indifferent. Name: Zuri Ag.e: 19 Gender: F Appearance: Straight teal air to the nape of her neck, the hair framing her face is black, purple irises, fair skin,thin, 5'7, nails paint black, black framed eyeglasses in a rectangular shape, a black T-shirt with a bronze bull head on the front (think Mempos Rose from Band Hero), loose but not baggy jeans, black heels Items: Clothes, small suitcase, etc. Bio: N/A Personality: She tends to act before thinking, being rather reckless and pull risky stunts. Name: Elizabeth Ag.e: 9 (>.< I I'm breaking my own rule again...) Gender: F Appearance: Straight black hair to her shoulders, ice blue eyes, rather pale, thin, almost to the point of malnutrition, around 4'2, normally she wears a small smile on her face, a solid mint green summer dress, black sandals Items: N/A Bio: Elizabeth doesn't really socialize with the other guests, in fact normally she's out of sight. When spoken to, she talks in a quiet, innocent voice, just like a young girl's. Personality: She's very quiet and shy; she does not often talk to the other guests.
#52565371Thursday, August 11, 2011 3:35 PM GMT

(People from the old version will currently be at breakfast, right?)
#52566106Thursday, August 11, 2011 3:48 PM GMT

#52566284Thursday, August 11, 2011 3:51 PM GMT

Name: James Deadwinter Ag.e: 16 Gender: male Appearance: brown leather jacket with black t shirt blue jeans and blood soaked headband Items: pocketknife. early pocketwatch and flashlight Bio: James was so excited when he got the letter. But when he got to the masnion he wasn't so sure of himself. As he started to pull out something knocked him out. He woke up with a hole in his forehaed locked in an attic. Eventually he got out and is currently having breakfast with the other current residents. Personality: Alert. Trusting. Serious Other: Weakened from attic ordeal Rubber Panda Babies (I'm getting Seth's old CS next.)
#52566406Thursday, August 11, 2011 3:54 PM GMT

Name: Seth Deadwinter Ag.e: 15 Gender: male Appearance: Red sweater with black sweat pants and glasses. Items: pocketknife. early pocketwatch, flashlight and picture of James Bio: Seth came to the mansion looking for his brother. He helped get him out of the attic and is currently having breakfast. Personality: Looks up to brother. Impatitient. Not very trusting. Other: Rubber Panda Babies
#52566429Thursday, August 11, 2011 3:54 PM GMT

#52566939Thursday, August 11, 2011 4:03 PM GMT

Name: Charlotte Keleigh Ag.e: 15 Gender: Female Appearance: Charlotte is 5'3 and weighs about 172 lbs. Her skin isn't very tan, and she has a few scattered scars. She has a petite and slightly fragile figure. Charlotte wears a beige tank top with thin straps, and the word 'Love' printed across it diagonally, in a fancy cursive writing. She has dark blue skinny jeans and neon pink converse high tops with black laces. Both her wrists have a thick, simple black and white checkered bracelet on them. She has thick, long hair which is slightly wavy. There are some darker natural sun highlights mixed in with her light blonde hair. Her bangs skim her eyebrows, and you can sometimes see a flower in her hair, above her ear. She has eyes that are big and watchful, with an emerald-blue iris. Items: A pocket knife, a messenger bag with two water bottles inside and some half eaten Chex Mix. Bio: Nada. Personality: Charlotte is always trying to make people happy and look on the optimistic side of situations. But she is quiet and shy until you get to know her, and she can use her wit to solve problems, most of the time. Other: Rubber panda..wait what was it again? ._.
#52567054Thursday, August 11, 2011 4:05 PM GMT

(You seem to use that charrie a lot.)
#52567305Thursday, August 11, 2011 4:09 PM GMT

(Indeed. You say that though you have only seen it twice thought :P By the way, a repost of some things I messed up on.) (She is 104 lbs Items: A small pocket knife, a messenger bag with one and a half water bottles inside, clothes and stuff like that.)
#52567580Thursday, August 11, 2011 4:14 PM GMT

Name: Sky Rhodes Ag.e: 16 Gender:Female Appearance:Sky has a small, heart shaped face, (Just google " Heart shaped face " It's not literally a heart, it's just the bottom of a heart. Just saying to avoid confusion and weird looks) Her lips are a pale pink with a slightly thin top and bottom lip, But not too thin. Her eyes are bright blue, Her eyelashes are not very long. She wishes her eyes were bigger, but they aren't. They are medium size, so not small (Like a shrew) and not massive (Like an anime character.) She has a small, cute nose. She is quite short for her age. About 5"4. She is slim with an hourglass figure, but not to wide on the hips. She has a few small scars on her body from being careless every now and again. She has long legs, She has petite feet, as well as quite small hands. Her nails are short because she likes to bite them a lot when she's nervous, thinking about something. She has chestnut brown hair, very soft and silky. Her hair is down to just above her waist, straight with a tiny bit of a wave. Her ears are small and hidden by her hair. She has a side fringe (Bangs) that reaches from one side of her forehead to the other in a sweeping fashion. She wears a blue sleeveless blouse, slightly frilled in the middle (near her chest, going up to the top) 3 small blue buttons (The ones that don't have the hole in it, like circle and raised. Like a hill..) going down the top of her blouse, to just about where the frills stop. Over that she wears a blue/pink patterned knitted cardigan that goes down to her thighs and hangs loose on her, the sleeves slightly bigger than her arms length so it looks to big for her, but she sometimes pulls the sleeves up a bit. She has blue denim shorts on that go down to just above the middle of her thighs. She walks around with black flats on. Items: Cell phone, Ipod, a book. (No idea what book..) Bio: Sky came to the mansion to explore, (I first wrote explore as explode. :L) Her mum is okay with her going to the mansion by herself. Personality:Sky is a curious girl who will explore everything sneakily. She silently investigates things and doesn't talk to people much. She's not scared of the dark so she'd be okay exploring dark rooms. Other: N/A
#52567618Thursday, August 11, 2011 4:14 PM GMT

(Oh yeah, Rubber monkeys... )
#52567715Thursday, August 11, 2011 4:16 PM GMT

(Wow, you must have worked on your appearance!)
#52567853Thursday, August 11, 2011 4:18 PM GMT

#52567931Thursday, August 11, 2011 4:19 PM GMT

(*jealous face* You and your long appearance.. :P)
#52568013Thursday, August 11, 2011 4:21 PM GMT

(;O. Heh.)
#52568144Thursday, August 11, 2011 4:23 PM GMT

(OH YEAH! Right, rubber panda babies! That was it! Anyway, when do we begin?)
#52568216Thursday, August 11, 2011 4:24 PM GMT

(Both accepted.)
#52568430Thursday, August 11, 2011 4:27 PM GMT

(Start... wait for it... wait for it... NAO)(By the way, ew're leaving off where we were in the last RP, so just start eating breakfast on Friday. [yus, aqua, I knu it was Saturday in our ol.d one. SSHH]) Sebastian I stood in the corner of the dining room, waiting for the guests to finish their breakfast. Robin I sat in my seat, picking at my eggs. Zuri I sat, eating a piece of Cinnamon Toast. (Yum. ^.^) Elizabeth I sat at the table, in the seat farthest from Robin, staring down at my food with a small frown as if there was something wrong with it.
#52568600Thursday, August 11, 2011 4:30 PM GMT

Sky I grab my suitcase off the bed, fully packed. " Mum I'm off now.." I say " Love you! " I walk down the stairs smiling to her then stroll out the door and getting into the taxi my mum had booked for me. I hopped in and put my suitcase to the side of me, I gave him the address and he sped off.
#52568893Thursday, August 11, 2011 4:36 PM GMT

I crammed the last of my clothes into the big messenger bag, then walked downstairs. I said my goodbyes to my family, and went out the front door. I wasn't that far from the address, so I got on my skateboard and started off. Of course, I'd have to walk up the hill, since the house WAS on a hill.
#52570163Thursday, August 11, 2011 4:58 PM GMT

Sky The taxi reached is destination, unfortunatly, there was a massive hill I had to get up. " Ugh. " I muttered getting out the taxi " Thank you ! " I say handing him the money and beggining my assent up the hill.
#52570252Thursday, August 11, 2011 5:00 PM GMT

(Oh and sorry I was showering :L)
#52571132Thursday, August 11, 2011 5:14 PM GMT

Name:Bella Done Ag.e:16 (12-25) Gender:F Appearance:Bella has very dark brown hair, that is always in a long french braid. Her eyes are clear blue like the sky at noon. Bella has light creamy skin, wich in the sun, has a light tan to it. Her lips are bright pink. She wears a bronze neckalace with a compass attached to it. She uses it every once in awhile when she's lost, or when she's leading a hunting group. She wears a short-sleeved shirt, which is white. It reads, 'I don't listen, so don't bother.' In huge black bold letters. Her nails are short, and painted all white. Right now, the polish is peeling and the nails are dirty. She wears black baggy pants. It looks a little big on her, And the bottom of the pants are almost ruined. She wears a white belt with a gold latch. Her shoes are white sneakers with no lace at all, even though there are holes. She seems skinny, and she weighs 99lbs. She is very tall for a 16 year old girl. She reaches 5' 9''. Items:N/A Bio:N/A Personality:Fun, Violent, Curious Other:N/A
#52575232Thursday, August 11, 2011 6:17 PM GMT

(This died quickly.)

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