#52881552Monday, August 15, 2011 8:26 PM GMT

It's not going to happen,no matter how fair you try to make your system be...
#52882310Monday, August 15, 2011 8:35 PM GMT

Okay, agreed on that first point. One, why would you want to have only one badge for your place? Two, that would just get complicated on the BC Benefits page. What most people don't realize is that you get your money's worth in R$ when you buy BC, as well as a pile of awesome features. (Yes, I did the math.) Again, complicated on the BC benefits page. Besides, most people only make one group, making most people have one reason less to buy BC. Your method is going to increase costs for ROBLOX, too, y'know. lrn2ambassadorprogram lrn2referfriends lrn2invitefriendstoyourplaceandhaveitgettothefrontpage It just makes things more complicated and confusing for consumers, as well as taking up more space on the BC benefits page (yes, that IS minor), as well as discouraging people from buying BC by providing them with an option that most would consider better with a free account. NBC already get free or inexpensive hats. "hardly effect BC buying rates" For lots of BC purchasers, this would give them cause to terminate their membership, losing ROBLOX a whole pile of money. No, it isn't very constructive, but it gets right to the heart of the matter and makes a point. Yes, it causes rage, but that is irrelevant and can be easily resolved. Just wait and ignore the raging NBCer, who will quiet down. You are still way off. You think they get 1,000 in profit per month? Probably like 50,000, at the very, very, very bare minimum. Admittedly, that was my mistake for not reading closely enough. I'm impressed. I've criticized all of your ideas, and you have responded calmly and even thanked me for my criticism. +372 respectpoints for you, fine sir. ~robloxkid08, the Guy who Gave the Zombie the TNT~
#52882459Monday, August 15, 2011 8:37 PM GMT

i like halfway agree with you, considering i only read half of it.
#52882925Monday, August 15, 2011 8:43 PM GMT

I like to compare NBC to a Demo, because Roblox's aim is that the NBC someday turns into a BC, so right now you have the minimum of items, if you want more, just buy a BC, I suggest buying OBC once so you can keep your 100 A.P.
#52882972Monday, August 15, 2011 8:43 PM GMT

I know but it might encourage Roblox to start thinking about NBC, there are some really good scripters and builders in NBC also we make up the numbers so roblox can say to other companies "we got a huge community. Would you like to advertise on our site for a price?" or sumin like that. It dosnt matter if these ideas are made or not what matters is that roblox needs to start thinking on upping NBC or things will take a turn for the worst. List of things that could happen; Angry NBC players hacking Roblox directly (as in funds, data etc etc) Mass quiting (companies wont be as intrested in Roblox now) A NBC member get a company (when he/she grows up) and starts a hostile take over on roblox and making it worse (or better you never know, but it still bad for the Roblox crew). Mass noobing (the only safe place for players is BC only places) this will stop many new players joining and so less BC members joining. Thats why Roblox have to update NBC soon and my ideas are a good foundation for these updates (so they can edit them around a bit).
#52883090Monday, August 15, 2011 8:45 PM GMT

erm my last post was to answer Wazakazam111 in case of confusion.
#52883157Monday, August 15, 2011 8:45 PM GMT

I agree with you but remember you're not paying anything, although as I said, I suggest you get OBC atleast once so you can get 100 A.P. then you no longer have to need bc again because place visits is the easiest way to earn money but not every NBC gets it, and then they turn into Angry Whining noobs.
#52884058Monday, August 15, 2011 8:56 PM GMT

robloxkid08 I see the badges as "incouragers" (thats not a word but hey), they incourage you more to play that place, thats why I added it really it also advertise your place on the players page because they got a badge it. As for the rest, I did them loosly and I am open to suggestion on how they can be improved so they benifit Roblox, BC and NBC fairly, that is the whole point in this forum, usually the best thing is to add limiters to limit the features for NBC or ways of "earning" these extra features. Thanks for the respect points lol, I have found that if you want to be heard as well as respected, always talk in a calm manner. No one wants to talk or listen to someone shouting (or in this case raging).
#52884587Monday, August 15, 2011 9:02 PM GMT

RoyMer I see the logic in what you say. There has been a small rumor though that Im not to sure about. A x-BCer said she lost all her active slots as soon as her BC ended and that she didnt de-activate them. I would like so see the truth behind this, so could some recent X-BCers confirm this. Also some perents are a bit scared of money online (those cards arnt everywhere) and some parents are very strict, while others are carefull of there money, no matter how little the cost. Thats why I do think that perhaps a earning scheme might work well, where you earn the 2nd active place slot, after much hard work and showing off (models, scripts etc). But our ideas are just that, ideas its up to Roblox about the details. Thanks for your response.
#52887795Monday, August 15, 2011 9:44 PM GMT

I feel unsure when this goes to page 2 as S&I always gets new posts and page 2 is hardly ever read. I need more people to voice there opinions and ideas of changes here.
#52888131Monday, August 15, 2011 9:49 PM GMT

You must take into account the fact that ONE person Dose not get all that money.
#52888351Monday, August 15, 2011 9:53 PM GMT

redrought yeah I do. Thats why I included wages into my very very rough caculation with the money.
#52890183Monday, August 15, 2011 10:20 PM GMT

I support and not for being NBC. I think that if atleast veterans get like an extra active place, (Making 2) would be amazing a help roblox! I also think that maybe 10 tix and 1 robuck would be nice for NBC non-vets. and for vets it'd be 15 tix and 2 robux?
#52891033Monday, August 15, 2011 10:30 PM GMT

I'm building teh support bridge.SUPPORT!
#52891344Monday, August 15, 2011 10:35 PM GMT

Thanks for support guys. Matt203261 IDK we have to be carefull when talking about how much should people get in Tix or Robux, its proberly best to leave that to Roblox admins. But we can see what others think. Thank you for posting everyone (even if you dont support, here your opininon counts).
#52891945Monday, August 15, 2011 10:43 PM GMT

"1 A.P. (I think it should be 2) 10 Tix daily (roughly about 0.47 R$ I think it should be a little, ONLY a little more) cant sell anything (I think there should be something you can sell, but its abusible at this time so this will wait. If you can think of a way NBC can sell stuff without abuse please post). see outside ads (Agree) no hat (well now we can due to the boy/girl update) No bonus gear (Agree) Create groups NO (I think should be able create one with cost same as BC) Join groups 5 (Agree) No badges (I think Max of 1 per a place with same cost as BC) no Beta features (Agree) Mega Places No (agree, I think Mega places arnt really needed unless the game is based on large teams or large group themes, but I think they should remain BC only, NBC can have max of 20 BC has plans of max of roughly a 100, I do not know if it cost R$, if it does please POST the cost as we need to make it clear for people, thank you). Cant make shirts or pants (I think it should be aloud but with limits)." 1. Stop making this suggestion. You should be happy ROBLOX allows to build atleast one place. 2. 10 tix = 1 robux 3. I do agree. 4. Agree 5. No hat, what do you mean? 6. Mmk. 7. No, NBCers shouldn't be able to make groups,. 8. Agree. 9. Maybe 10. Mmk. 11. Yes, Mega Places should be a BC Only Feature 12. No, NBCers shouldn't be allowed to make shirts and pants. T-Shirts is fine. Next time, please use grammar. It will make us easier to read and understand your post.
#52892496Monday, August 15, 2011 10:51 PM GMT

Read all of it. Support 110%
#52893121Monday, August 15, 2011 11:00 PM GMT

cod0078 "use grammar" Im sorry if im not using grammer (I did miss almost 2 years of school so bare with me). "You should be happy ROBLOX allows to build atleast one place." There is a problem with humans, we are never happy... But this kind of response often causes rage and flame wars please try to rethink on how to respond to this idea to avoid arguments. 10 tix hardly ever = 1 Robux offically there are ways to get that ratio but its sometimes a little hard to get it. "NBCers shouldn't be allowed to make shirts and pants." why not if we put limits on them? I am thinking about the groups right now, I am open to suggestions on how we can have a group but with limits. The no hat was just for the sake of adding it on compared to BC, nothing to really worry about. These arnt set in stone non may ever be done, half might make it or all of them we wont know until its done. Thank you for showing you views on this.
#52893367Monday, August 15, 2011 11:04 PM GMT

Thanks for your support culinwino3000 Right im off to bed its 00:05 here and im tired. I hope I get more responses over the morning XD (good or bad).
#52894295Monday, August 15, 2011 11:18 PM GMT

we nbc ppl should be able to sell 1 or more shirts / objects
#52919935Tuesday, August 16, 2011 6:51 AM GMT

Yeah but at the moment it can be abused badly even if it was one day a year it can be abused badly. The only thing I can think of in sorting it out is if Roblox finds a way to stop alt accounts, thats the only chance of having the ability to sell items.
#52939382Tuesday, August 16, 2011 4:42 PM GMT

*sound of a loading gun* BUMP!!
#52940645Tuesday, August 16, 2011 5:02 PM GMT

#52964675Tuesday, August 16, 2011 10:34 PM GMT

Thanks for support deoxys04 I am open to suggestions on changes you know, dont be scared. Even if you post something like "1000 R$ a day for NBC" I will still respond calmly and explain to the best of my ability why that cant happen lol.
#52966485Tuesday, August 16, 2011 10:56 PM GMT

I agree a lot on the OBC and TBC. Pay more,get more,right? Support.