#52808523Sunday, August 14, 2011 8:44 PM GMT

=Harrison= You make your way towards the town, and stop mid-way. To your left in the distance, you notice a few figures riding on camelback. They appear to be advancing towards the town. You quickly dart into the town. What's your next move? A. You hide in an accessible building. B. You stand your ground, and wait for the figures to arrive. C. You search thoroughly for a weapon to defend yourself with. D. You sit down and wait patiently, and anticipate a non-threatening composure. Hunger: 2% Thirst: 2% Strength: 100% Supplies: Flashlight: 100% Water Bottle: 100% Sleeping Bag
#52809092Sunday, August 14, 2011 8:52 PM GMT

(Spike, I meant shed. ._.) =Seth= The doors to the shed are chained, but a large hole in a wall allows you entrance. You step through the hole and take in your surroundings. Dust stirs in the air. Very faint sunlight filters in through the hole. A couple cobwebs are noticable in the top corners. Shelves line the walls, cluttered with rusty, old tools. You notice a screwdriver, crowbar, hammer, pickaxe, and a few other useless tools. Shovels, rakes, and brooms lie in the corners farthest from you. Unfortunately, you can't carry all the tools. Which do you choose? A. You choose the pickaxe. B. You choose the crowbar, and hammer. C. You choose the screwdriver, and hammer. D. You choose the screwdriver, and crowbar. E. You leave the shed with nothing. Hunger: 4% Thirst: 6% Strength: 97% Supplies: Flashlight: 100% Water Bottle: 100% Sleeping Bag
#52813029Sunday, August 14, 2011 9:44 PM GMT

#52813319Sunday, August 14, 2011 9:48 PM GMT

(Blocky, be sure to add a reason for your actions. It may be short :3) =Harrison= You sprint inside a nearby tavern. The windows are boarded up, but the entrance is wide open. Overturned chairs and tables are scattered throughout the room. Where do you hide? A. You duck behind the counter. B. You climb the stairs to the attic. C. You duck behind an overturned table. Hunger: 2% Thirst: 2% Strength: 99% Supplies: Flashlight: 100% Water Bottle: 100% Sleeping Bag
#52813824Sunday, August 14, 2011 9:54 PM GMT

A. I think it is a good hiding spot because I think the men won't be looking under the counter.
#52814561Sunday, August 14, 2011 10:03 PM GMT

=Harrison= You duck behind the counter and wrap your arms around your legs. You wait in silence. Moments pass until you hear the clomping of the camels. The clomping stops. Apparently, the men had dismounted their camels, and have begun searching the opened buildings. The men walk into the tavern and glance around. "All empty," One man says. "Check upstairs," Another says. The first one climbs the stairs, leaving three men left in the room. The four men take a seat in a couple chairs and wait. You appear to be trapped. What do you do? A. You leap out and attack the men while they least expect it. B. You stay hidden, and wait for them to leave. C. You search around the floors for a defensive weapon. D. You leap out of your hiding place and make a dart for the exit. E. You come out of your hiding place and ask, "Who are you?" F. You come out of your hiding place and holler, "Get out!" G. You silently unscrew your water bottle and take a couple sips. Hunger: 2% Thirst: 4% Strength: 99% Supplies: Flashlight: 100% Water Bottle: 100% Sleeping Bag
#52816004Sunday, August 14, 2011 10:23 PM GMT

B I stay and wait.
#52816803Sunday, August 14, 2011 10:33 PM GMT

=Harrison= As you expect, the men leave eventually. They once more mount their camels and leave the town from which the way they had come. You peek around the corner and take in their appearances at a quick glance. From the angle you're in, you realize they're wearing masks, and beige cloaks. You take a deep breath, and turn back. On the road, you notice something. What is it you see? A. You notice a dead bunny. B. You notice a small, rusty scimitar. C. You notice a green apple that has already been bitten off of. D. You notice a cloak similar to the masked figures'. E. You notice a half-empty jug of warm water. Hunger: 5% Thirst: 4% Strength: 97% Supplies: Flashlight: 100% Water Bottle: 100% Sleeping Bag
#52825196Monday, August 15, 2011 12:25 AM GMT

#52827633Monday, August 15, 2011 12:55 AM GMT

#52828066Monday, August 15, 2011 1:01 AM GMT

=Harrison= You walk over to the apple and lift it off the ground. Brushing the sand off of it, you bite into the juicy, sour apple. Your hunger reduces slightly. You finish the apple, then toss the core on the ground. A creaking noise startles you. You whirl around, but see nothing. What do you do? A. You approach the noise. B. You turn and run away, leaving the town. C. You take cover in the tavern once more. D. You stand in that spot, too shaken to move. E. You stand your ground and lift your chin confidently. F. You search desperately for a weapon. Hunger: 3% Thirst: 4% Strength: 97% Supplies: Flashlight: 100% Water Bottle: 100% Sleeping Bag
#52830611Monday, August 15, 2011 1:33 AM GMT

C. It could be someone that needed help.
#52831097Monday, August 15, 2011 1:39 AM GMT

#52831637Monday, August 15, 2011 1:46 AM GMT

=Danny= You switch on your flashlight and make your way towards the town. The blizzard had died down slightly. You eventually arrive at the town's entrance. You warily walk down the road, your boots buried under 3 inches of snow. What you assume must be a pan clatters to the ground in a nearby home. You quickly turn your flashlight beam towards the house. It's three floors high, with a large hole next to the doorway. You poke your head inside and shine your flashlight around the room. It appears to be a living room. A fireplace is located towards the back of the room, and a stairwell sits before you. An overturned couch lies on its back, surrounded by other demolished furniture. A trickle of dried bl00d travels down the furthest wall. The bl00d alarms you. What do you do? A. You turn and flee from the town. B. You back away from the house. C. You ignore it and climb the stairs. D. You get closer for a better look. E. You decide to camp out in the house, and unroll your sleeping bag by the fireplace. F. You take a swig of your water. Hunger: 2% Thirst: 2% Strength: 98% Supplies: -Flashlight: 99% Water Bottle: 100% Sleeping Bag
#52832130Monday, August 15, 2011 1:52 AM GMT

=Harrison= You dart back into the tavern and lie your back against a wall on the second floor. Slowly, the sound of footsteps grows louder, advancing towards the tavern. A loud, sudden thump is heard on the roof of the tavern. You risk a glance outside through a boarded-up window, and see unrecognizable footprints in the sand. Light filters in through a couple holes in the roof. You steady your breathing and wait patiently. You realize you must quench your thirst. What do you do? A. You take a swig of your water. B. You stay silent, and wait. C. You run down the stairs and out the door. D. You drop to your knees and sob. Hunger: 4% Thirst: 7% Strength: 95% Supplies: Flashlight: 100% Water Bottle: 100% Sleeping Bag
#52834944Monday, August 15, 2011 2:34 AM GMT

C. Who needs safety?
#52835307Monday, August 15, 2011 2:40 AM GMT

=Danny= You climb the stairs to the top, and appear to be in a hallway. Three doors lie on the right wall, two on the left. Which room do you choose to enter? A. You enter the first door on the right- A bedroom. B. You enter the second door on the right- The kitchen. C. You enter the third door on the right- A bedroom. D. You enter the first door on the left- A bathroom. E. You enter the second door on the left- A study/office. F. You don't enter any of them, and turn back. Hunger: 3% Thirst: 2% Strength: 98% Supplies: -Flashlight: 98% Water Bottle: 100% Sleeping Bag
#52835409Monday, August 15, 2011 2:41 AM GMT

D. I had to take a piss. (:3)
#52835613Monday, August 15, 2011 2:44 AM GMT

(Oh, Sarg... You're hopeless. ._.) =Danny= You enter the restroom, using it while in there. You then leave the bathroom, and venture back into the dim-litted hallway. What now? A. You enter another room. [If so, which one?] B. You walk back down the stairs and create a camp in the living room. C. You leave to investigate more of the town. D. You stay put in the hallway.
#52835732Monday, August 15, 2011 2:46 AM GMT

A, the kitchen. I was getting a tad hungry.
#52836209Monday, August 15, 2011 2:52 AM GMT

=Danny= You enter the kitchen. A window on the opposite wall is wide open. Pots and pans lie scattered on the floor. Cabinets lie open, with shattered glasses lying on the counters and floor. The fridge door is wide open, releasing cool air into the circular room. You notice claw marks all along the cabinets, counters, and walls. Drops of bl00d are seen around the room. You notice something odd on the floor. What is it? A. A clump of fur. B. A bl00dy tooth. C. A sharp, extended fingernail. Hunger: 7% Thirst: 4% Strength: 98% Supplies: -Flashlight: 96% Water Bottle: 100% Sleeping Bag
#52836270Monday, August 15, 2011 2:53 AM GMT

B. The bloody tooth.
#52836784Monday, August 15, 2011 3:01 AM GMT

=Danny= You lift the tooth with your fingers and examine it. You feel the tip, realizing it's as sharp as a needle. The tooth is very long and rough, with an unusual grey color. What do you do with the tooth? A. You put it in your pockets for safe-keeping. B. You genuinely put it back on the floor. C. You toss it down on the floor. Hunger: 7% Thirst: 4% Strength: 96% Supplies: -Flashlight: 96% Water Bottle: 100% Sleeping Bag
#52838118Monday, August 15, 2011 3:23 AM GMT

A, could be used as a weapon.
#52838492Monday, August 15, 2011 3:30 AM GMT

=Danny= You shove the tooth in your pocket and leave the kitchen. Bounding down the stairs, you exit the house. A set of claws lash out at you from behind. You whirl around, losing your grip on the flashlight. A pair of sharp, red eyes stare into your for moments. It's much too dark to make out the creature's physical appearance. Now what? A. You holler for help. B. You quickly fumble around in your pocket for the tooth. C. You turn and flee from the creature. D. You pick up the flashlight to get a better view of this creature. E. You shut your eyes and wait for the creature to overwhelm you. Hunger: 7% Thirst: 4% Strength: 98% Supplies: -Flashlight: 96% Water Bottle: 100% Sleeping Bag