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#52800446Sunday, August 14, 2011 6:52 PM GMT

Okay, so this is what I have done so far. Give me suggestions and idea's to make it better. Also, tell me what you think of it. By the way, it's based on mages, wizards, spells, that stuff. One day your grandmother told you a story about an evil wizard, about when you were three or four y.ears ol.d... There was this legend, that a long time ago there was an evil wizard. He wanted to rule all of the land and make everyone his slaves. This wevil wizard was very greedy, he wanted everything to himself. He wanted eternal youth and immortality. Despite the evil wizard bieng very old, he is one of the strongest wizards. But, three wizards banded together to defeat the evil wizard. The three wizards managed to defeat the evil wizard in an all-or-nothing battle, and sealed him away in an dark crystal. They threw the crystal into the ground and buried it on the most highest, and dangerous mountain, so that no one could free him. Present: There have been rumors about the evil wizard bieng free, but you ignored them. You continued training on your spells. Then, a bald creey-looking man whispered in your ear: The evil wizard is free and has come to have his revenge! When you looked back, he was gone, but you hear laughing. You look around, but he wasn't there. You decide to take a rest and sit down on a log. After a few minutes, you got up. You wondered, 'What if the evil wizard somehow got unsealed? What if the rumors are true?' Thinking these thoughts terrified you. Then you thought, 'Nah. It's impossible. Anyways, the evil wizard was an legend. It couldn't be true.', and you started walking, and there is a long road waiting for you. Rules: 1.Only me and admins can accept/decline CS's. 2.Just because something isn't on the rules, it doesn't mean you can do it. 3.Admins, don't abuse your powers. Please. 4.This is my first thread I made on RP. I've posted on RP, but never made an actual thread, so cut some slacks. 5.What I say, goes 6.Guys, no godmodding. 7.If you can, use grammar. We don't need "ugm y u atak me n0b u losr". 8.I will give you three chances, once they're all up, you're out of this thread. 9. I will tell you when you can learn new spells. I will also let you guys create only one spell of your own. But that doesn't mean you can overpower it. 10. Put in "nomnomnom" if you read all rules. 11. Have fun! Admins: Me (duh) My friends Certain people who I RP'ed with. First person to post CS (No, not first person to post, first person to post CS. And no calling it) Whoever else I say. Here are the type of spells: Light (It is weak to dark) Dark (It is weak to light) Ice (It is weak to fire) Fire (It is weak to water) Water (It is weak to Ice) Note: Please don't choose the same as the others. I will let a maximum of Three people to choose the spell. Here's the list of spells: Light: Spell for beginner: Bright light: effect spell:Lights the room up Spell for beginner: Solar flare (I know it's from an anime, deal with it.)effect spell: Blinds people. Spell for beginner: Ball of light: attack spell:Throw it at people to cause damage. Pw: 15 Spell for high level beginner: Sun shine: Effect spell: It makes the sun shine more, making attack spells do more damage. Spell for high level beginner: Light slash: attack spell (Only works if you have a daffer/knife): Makes any sharp item glow in white, and you can attack them. pw: 25 Spell for low level normal: moonlight: effect spell: Causes the moon to shine more, so attack spells do more damage. Spell for medium level normal: healing light: healing spell: Heals people. How much health is regained: 40 Spell for high level normal:
#52800520Sunday, August 14, 2011 6:53 PM GMT

Also, I want to know, if you want to join it, tell me. I want to know who'd like to join it :>
#52800932Sunday, August 14, 2011 6:59 PM GMT

#52801575Sunday, August 14, 2011 7:08 PM GMT

#52802007Sunday, August 14, 2011 7:14 PM GMT

What You guys are viewing this but not replying What
#52802356Sunday, August 14, 2011 7:19 PM GMT

Im replying it, I will join it.
#52802844Sunday, August 14, 2011 7:25 PM GMT

@Exil Mmk. Anyways, some guy thought it was funny to f5 my thread because of my post above of Exil's. .__.
#52802949Sunday, August 14, 2011 7:26 PM GMT

You need to make it beginner, normal, advance, elite.
#52803163Sunday, August 14, 2011 7:29 PM GMT

@Exil I'm trying to make it so that you don't get all spells after 15 pages. So I'm making a lot. And thanks for the advance and elite, haven't thought of those. I was also thinking of making admin-only spells.
#52803216Sunday, August 14, 2011 7:29 PM GMT

I think thats a good idea.
#52803468Sunday, August 14, 2011 7:33 PM GMT

Exil, do you mind giving me idea's for some spells? I was also thinking I won't make a full set of spells, just atleast 1/3rd of it, so when someone is about to get all spells, I put on the second part of it.
#52803813Sunday, August 14, 2011 7:37 PM GMT

#52803914Sunday, August 14, 2011 7:39 PM GMT

@Hacks Nice namesnipe broski.
#52804432Sunday, August 14, 2011 7:46 PM GMT

Le bump
#52804457Sunday, August 14, 2011 7:46 PM GMT

Shadow spells: Beginner:Hidden, turn invisable for a short while Beginner:Shadow blast, shoot a small burst of shadow, PW:20 Beginner:Darken, makes all light from a room go out High beginner:Shadow bolt, stronger than shadow blast PW:40 high beginner:Hopeless, has a chance of making your opponent think everythings impossible low normal: Shadow hold, makes shadows solid and can keep enemies stuck in one spot low normal: Shadow control, able to control your own shadow normal: Shadow armor, covers you in black shadows DF:20 normal: Chaos blast, your first step in chaos PW:50 high normal: Chaos warrior, creates a warrior out of shadows low advanced: Sink, makes the ground below you act like water, allowing you to surprise an enemy from below PW UP: 60 advanced: Chaos shadow, makes shadows turn into weaker chaos warriors high advanced: Chaos necro, Makes a necromancer like a Chaos Warrior low elite: Chaos Mastery, increases attacks by 5 PW elite: Choas blades, creates many blades out of shadows that rain down PW:70 high elite: Chaos BLADE MASTERY: Creates many shadow blades that aim for you opponent PW:100
#52804757Sunday, August 14, 2011 7:50 PM GMT

@Exil, Urm...... Level system: bOLD, mOLD!
#52804827Sunday, August 14, 2011 7:51 PM GMT

Hey the level system wasn't my idea completely
#52805335Sunday, August 14, 2011 7:59 PM GMT

There is no level system You just go up ranks and learn new spells And I tell you when you can go up a rank.

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