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#52803882Sunday, August 14, 2011 7:38 PM GMT

Well I was thinking that once your kicked, you cant go back in for one hour. How about?
#52804033Sunday, August 14, 2011 7:40 PM GMT

#52804067Sunday, August 14, 2011 7:41 PM GMT

Thats called a ban, my idiotic friend
#52804081Sunday, August 14, 2011 7:41 PM GMT

no support, people kick for wrong reasons sometimes
#52804093Sunday, August 14, 2011 7:41 PM GMT

Just ban the person
#52804206Sunday, August 14, 2011 7:43 PM GMT

You really dont get it, do you? Lets say its something that doesn't need a ban, they you could kick them and not worry about them coming back for a while.
#52804284Sunday, August 14, 2011 7:44 PM GMT

Then unban them after a while
#52804290Sunday, August 14, 2011 7:44 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#52804720Sunday, August 14, 2011 7:49 PM GMT

#52806290Sunday, August 14, 2011 8:13 PM GMT

It's called "Data Persistince"... It lets us scirpt this, also there ARE scripts for this noa :3 ▀ ▀ Some Purple jAM anyone? :3 ▀ ▀
#52807098Sunday, August 14, 2011 8:24 PM GMT

Ban my friend.
#52807173Sunday, August 14, 2011 8:25 PM GMT

One word... Ban. -|P1|- [Punkster1234567, Creative lazor~]
#52808574Sunday, August 14, 2011 8:45 PM GMT

Agreed with above. If you want to kick someone for an hour,just put them on the ban list and then remove them from the ban list in an hour.
#52808815Sunday, August 14, 2011 8:48 PM GMT

its called ban idiot -knowing a small weapon can do as much damage as the strong ones-
#52809685Sunday, August 14, 2011 9:00 PM GMT

Ok, i'm going with none of you readed the whole thing, whats new.
#52809810Sunday, August 14, 2011 9:02 PM GMT

#52810430Sunday, August 14, 2011 9:11 PM GMT

@llumia, "its called ban idiot" If I'm not mistakened, a ban means they are not allowed to join that server at all. @3Ddream, "scriptable" The majority of ROBLOX cannot script. This would be convenient for those who can't, and possibly for those who CAN. It'd be much more simple, and it wouldn't take as long. This would be useful. Let's say the creator of a game is not online, but has a kick script in his/her game. The majority of a server can kick an irritating troll, and he won't return for an hour. This may not be needed when the creator is IN-GAME, but it would be very helpful if a game has a kick script. Do any of you chiders understand my perspective?
#52810847Sunday, August 14, 2011 9:17 PM GMT

Taiwolf You failed to read my post. You can ban them for an hour,then unban them after their hour is up.
#52811437Sunday, August 14, 2011 9:25 PM GMT

@Wazakazam111, 1. I go by Tai, mind you. 2. I was never referring to your post. Otherwise, I would've added your name in it. 3. This idea is much more convenient. Rather than having to enter Roblox Studio twice, you wouldn't have to enter it once. That is, if there is a kick script.
#52811690Sunday, August 14, 2011 9:28 PM GMT

It's scriptable. as I know of a roleplay place where an admin can ban someone for up to an hour.
#52812397Sunday, August 14, 2011 9:36 PM GMT

@Ace, Again, the majority of ROBLOX can't script. It's basically excluding most of ROBLOX from having a privilege to kick a player for a limited time.
#52813163Sunday, August 14, 2011 9:46 PM GMT

Not our fault, learn to script :/ ▀ ▀ Some Purple jAM anyone? :3 ▀ ▀
#52813498Sunday, August 14, 2011 9:50 PM GMT

@Zach, So, basically, you're saying that every ROBLOXian that would like this would have to go through all the trouble of gaining knowledge on scripting just for one feature?
#52813844Sunday, August 14, 2011 9:54 PM GMT

Thank you Tai. It seems someone has a brain.
#52814269Sunday, August 14, 2011 9:59 PM GMT

Look on the "Free models" Sir.... Theres a script for it there. He may have a brain but he still needs to use it >:3 ▀ ▀ Some Purple jAM anyone? :3 ▀ ▀

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