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#52916063Tuesday, August 16, 2011 4:43 AM GMT

It's just wrong... Little kids having virtual... You know... Bad influence!
#52916146Tuesday, August 16, 2011 4:45 AM GMT

i know that's why we need to bring it to the attention of the mods rite now they don't know they're busy making updates! if we get people talking everyone knowing youtube talking bout it we will get the message across!
#52992667Wednesday, August 17, 2011 3:52 AM GMT

so plz help and stop the models we can if we bring it to roblox's attention
#52993320Wednesday, August 17, 2011 4:06 AM GMT

Support thread. Ive seen some very bad models that were not for kids.
#52993453Wednesday, August 17, 2011 4:09 AM GMT

Amigo, I totally agree with you on the "Amy" model. The original model was called the "Ew" bot, then people caught onto it. I recommend calling again, then complain to someone in charge.
#52994431Wednesday, August 17, 2011 4:30 AM GMT

I didnt know what was wrong with amy model. So i took it and im like..WHAT THE HECK IS THAT DOING ON ROBLOX!!???
#53357967Sunday, August 21, 2011 11:40 PM GMT

ikr i was in insert wars...i was like hmm than someone started talking to it...ewww i left and reported i mean i know roblox cant test every model but i mean they should at least check the comments or not put them out until they've tested it....or use sitetest to hav ppl test models
#53358898Sunday, August 21, 2011 11:50 PM GMT

What's an 'Amy' model? ~f٥гﻉ√ﻉг™~
#53359448Sunday, August 21, 2011 11:57 PM GMT

please people stop flaming her she speaks sense ive been in a gear wars and people place nukes whitch loopkills people until they leave the server
#54654139Sunday, September 11, 2011 6:35 PM GMT

no the "amy" models are not kid friendly at all they are inapropriate and annoying
#58477822Thursday, November 24, 2011 4:19 AM GMT

ROBLOX is a good name and we want to keep it that way. It's for younger kids too. The moderators should do it because they will lose a fraction of their younger users.
#70320178Wednesday, June 20, 2012 1:14 AM GMT

You have NO idea how bad those amy models are. Look up "Amy from Roblox" on youtube. Its BAD. Defenently NOT kid friendly.
#70951339Thursday, June 28, 2012 3:29 AM GMT

Well, the, "Amy" Models are already settled down. I mean, they're not out as much as before. EP
#70952731Thursday, June 28, 2012 3:47 AM GMT

Maybe we could have a way to put screenshots in reports, so we could take a screenshot of the inappropriate thing, and get it in a report abuse. But to do this, we would have to have a section were you don't report people, but models. You could also find it in the models section of the Catalog, and Report Abuse.
#70954355Thursday, June 28, 2012 4:09 AM GMT

Okay. SO the problem is solved. Now get out, grammar-less.. fool.
#109876511Thursday, August 15, 2013 10:46 PM GMT

Well to be honest , it is a Chatroom and there is no need for any use of "grammar" because it's only about getting the point out to people , I'd like to say you should use some grammar yourself .
#109876937Thursday, August 15, 2013 10:50 PM GMT

That won't be posible , models are made every minute! The last thing we need are thousands of kids testing out Amy models which should be banned!

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