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#54204962Sunday, September 04, 2011 2:34 AM GMT

Suddenly I lose control of myself, and shunpo through the gate, right next to the Arrancar, and I grab him, my Zanpakuto in my hand, a Hollow mask forming on my head, but out of sight from the others, I push the Arrancar in, and the Garganta closes. "Hello." I say, my voice vibrating heavily and sounding low pitched, but excited.
#54205125Sunday, September 04, 2011 2:36 AM GMT

Kurai smiles, "Oh, I knew there was more than a shinigami there......well then, let me introduce you to my companions....." he chuckles.
#54205591Sunday, September 04, 2011 2:42 AM GMT

I just laugh. "No companions!" I yell out, swiftly swinging, reiatsu 10 times stronger than my Shinigami's maximum behind it, easily disabling the Arrancar for a second. I hit his shoulder, slicing through, and down, and then cutting off his fingers, excluding the thumb. The whole side of his arm is gone, his shoulder too.
#54205747Sunday, September 04, 2011 2:44 AM GMT

Kurai roars with pure pain, and hate. "You are eager for death?!!" He shouts his release command: "Shi no tenshi, unfurl your wings!"
#54206025Sunday, September 04, 2011 2:48 AM GMT

Laughing, I raise the sword, and stab it through my heart. "Come out, buddy." I say smiling, Tengoku suddenly glows, and forms into five stars, each with ten points, and two pairs of it. "Let me show you how to use Tengoku." I say, more to my Shinigami than to the Arrancar. Another star clust is connected to my back, spinning constantly, and another floating above my head. I smile as I easily control the stars, making the two clusters in my hand spinning on my index finger, sideways.
#54206383Sunday, September 04, 2011 2:54 AM GMT

Kurai smiles again, now in control. "Alright interesting enough.....come out, my friends....." Suddenly, nine Adjuchas, and one feeble looking vasto lorde emerge from the sand. "We have a guest in our domain......"
#54206935Sunday, September 04, 2011 3:01 AM GMT

"Won't work." I say, my voice vibrating at a high pitch, with disappointment in my voice. I easily throw my stars, they pass the Adjuchas, and hit eachother, multiplying much faster than normal, and bounce off eachother as them come back, now a total of 1000 going straight at the Adjuchas, they try dodging, only to be shredded down. I don't even give the Vasto Lorde a chance, all of the star clusters hit the ground, double, and surround the Vasto Lorde, spinning around, going in and out, closing on him. "Two thousand clusters, which in total is 10,000 stars, surround all exits for the Vasto Lorde, and easily forming a thick wall. It's enhanced by a vast amount of reiatsu, as you can tell, so that they can't be hit down easily." I say, knowing that even a Vasto Lorde can't get past this technique.
#54207095Sunday, September 04, 2011 3:04 AM GMT

"Awwww, so merciless, that is a pity. She can't even properly defend herself....oh well....I can tell you honestly aim to be worse than hollows....." Kurai frowns at the star wall.
#54207329Sunday, September 04, 2011 3:08 AM GMT

The wall compresses in an instant, forming back into two clusters, and coming back into my hand. I watch as the Vasto Lorde disolves. I pick up the head that was chopped off, along with the rest of the pieces, about 50 pieces. I throw it to the Arrancar. "So, tell me when you're serious." I say, that dark, low and excited voice vibrating through the air.
#54207551Sunday, September 04, 2011 3:11 AM GMT

Kurai sighs, "Oh, you ARE a simple murderer......well, I am ready when you are...." He shrugs, his surprise planned would save him, if it came to it.
#54207635Sunday, September 04, 2011 3:12 AM GMT

"You make the first move." says the same voice as last time, the excited low voice.
#54207861Sunday, September 04, 2011 3:15 AM GMT

He unleashes a half-hearted bala, "Move made."
#54208112Sunday, September 04, 2011 3:19 AM GMT

I lift my hand, and grab the Bala, compressing it in my hand, feeling its force about to explode. "Horrible move." I say, ending up behind him, my hand on his back and the Bala being released on him.
#54208207Sunday, September 04, 2011 3:20 AM GMT

Kurai sonidos out of the way "Preliminaries are great and all....but, I'd rather get into the real fighting....."
#54209668Sunday, September 04, 2011 3:40 AM GMT

I sigh, and easily end up behind Arrancar, the mask now fully complete, but not wrapped back behind the head. My sword plunges through the Arrancars chest with ease, and I pull it out, ending up 20 feet in front of the Arrancar.
#54209774Sunday, September 04, 2011 3:42 AM GMT

Kurai grasps where the wound is, then shoots a series of ceros, chuckling slightly.
#54209848Sunday, September 04, 2011 3:43 AM GMT

(At me or your wound? O.o If at me than...) I easily knock them all away with my hand, smiling.
#54209920Sunday, September 04, 2011 3:45 AM GMT

"Oh, congraaaats." Kurai smiles, charging an especially large cero. "I honestly thought I could have a decent walk...."
#54213916Sunday, September 04, 2011 5:00 AM GMT

"Nah." I say, my arm starting to become MY arm, bone. I lift my hand, and point out a finger, charging three large ceros at once, and making them get bigger and more destructive. (Forget that site, I don't remember where it is at.)

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