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#53064354Thursday, August 18, 2011 2:53 AM GMT

[===NEWS===] I'm sorry for not updating, it was just one thing after another and then I raged a little but then I was happy because I was finally able to post this :D [===NEWS===] ___________________________________________________________________________ [===THE PEOPLE===] This is the place where I put peoples' names and tell you what they have recently done, or have been know for doing in relation to the guide. [===Akumaru11===] He kind of hates this guide.... [===TheRyanasticNinja===] Copied V.2.1 of my guide. His copied version: http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=49530005 My original version: http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=49496836 Look at the times when they were posted and you will see that mine was posted roughly 8 hours and 45 minutes before his was. [===Theopfor===] As he likes to call it "Been a satisfied customer from V.1.0". [===THE PEOPLE===] _____________________________________________________________________ [©===COPYRIGHT NOTICE===©] This document is Copyrighted ©(2011-2012) and is the intellectual property of the author (cavedog962). It may not be reproduced under any circumstances and may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission from me (cavedog962). Use of this guide on any other website is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. NOTE: I don't grant redistribution rights for the guide to anyone that asks. Don't bother asking, as it won't happen. (This means I'm not allowing you to take and copy this post on ROBLOX or any other website without my hand written approval) [©===COPYRIGHT NOTICE===©] _____________________________________________________________________ [===RULES===] Yes, I have rules about posting which you must follow or you will be ignored and may be reported if the rule broken is serious enough. Rule #1: Don't put people down. I shouldn't even have to say this. You guys should know better. If someone doesn't know something don't put them down for not knowing it. They have the right to ask me and other helpers questions. Rule #2: Don't start flame wars. I don't want to come and check back on this forum post and see pages and pages of people fighting. It is just ridiculous. Rule #3: If you don't need help, can't provide help, or don't provide constructive criticism for the guide, don't reply. You know when people tell you "If you have nothing good to say, don't say anything" ? Yeah, this rule is basically it. Rule #4: No complaining. Don't complain about this not helping you. It is still in the making and will have a few things missing. No complaining about how you can't read a word I say because of a typo. I don't proofread so I will make typos. You will have to alert me of them so I can fix them. If I don't know about it, how do you expect me to fix it? There will be more rules, but until then these are all that are necessary. [===RULES===] _____________________________________________________________________ [===READ ME===] First thing I want to clear up right away is that I will NOT build you ANYTHING. No exceptions. This guide was made to teach you how to build on you own and you won't be getting anywhere if I build you something. Second thing I need to point out is you MUST read the rules BEFORE posting a reply. Thirdly (funny word huh XD ?) I update (if all goes well) weekly. You will have to check back every so often to see if I made an update. Last but not least click the little checkbox above. No, it wont message you, I promise, but it will place a link to the thread in your "Tracked Threads". You then can return to this guide any time you want. Also, does anyone know if there is a limit to the amount of words you can post? Speaking of words this current post contains 4078 words! [===READ ME===] ___________________________________________________________________________ [===NOTICE===] There MAY be some outdated information. If you find ANY of this information report it to me and I will fix it in a later update. If you find any grammar or spelling mistakes report it to me and I will fix it in a later update. If it is not fixed I won't know. I don't do much proof-reading so it will be like that as long as no one tells me. ___________________________________________________________________________ [===Guide Contents===] [Intro Segment]: (Above) [Chapter One]:The Basics % [Chapter Two]:The Side Bar and other important things @% [Chapter Three]: (Thinking what this will be about) * [Chapter Four]: (Thinking what this will be about) * [Chapter Five]: (Thinking what this will be about) * [Chapter Six]: (Thinking what this will be about) * [Chapter Seven]: (Thinking what this will be about) * [Chapter Eight]: (Thinking what this will be about) * [Chapter Nine]: (Thinking what this will be about) ? [Chapter Ten]: (Thinking what this will be about) ? Sections including a * have been confirmed, but not yet added to the guide. Sections including a @ are in the update, but not currently finished. Sections including a % are in need of tweaking (misspelled words, grammar mistakes, etc.) Sections including a ? are currently in question and unknown if they will be implemented. Sections with no markings are currently completed and implemented in this update. ___________________________________________________________________________ [===CHAPTER ONE===] The Basics... [Contents] [#1]:If you don't know anything about building... [#2]:The tools of building... [#3]:Explorer, Properties, and Output... [#4]:Your first Model... [#5]:Meshes... [#6]:Dialog... [#7]:Surfaces... [#8]:Materials... % [#9]:Brick Shapes... [#10]:Spawns... [Chapter 2] @ % Sections including a * have been confirmed, but not yet added to the guide. Sections including a @ are in the update, but not currently finished. Sections including a % are in need of tweaking (misspelled words, grammar mistakes, etc.) Sections including a ? are currently in question and unknown if they will be implemented. Sections with no markings are currently completed and implemented in this update __________________________________________________________________________ [#1] If you don't know anything about building... Read the ROBLOX Wiki. There are TONS of things to lead you in the right direction. Roblox Wiki link: http://wiki.roblox.com/index.php/Roblox If you still don't know what you are doing, go to Builderman's profile page and click "send message". You will be brought to a screen called "Roblox Help". There is a search bar in the middle of your screen. Type in "building" and it will come up with about everything you can do to make your place fun for others to play in. If you absolutely can't find anything to help you ask a veteran. Veterans have been on ROBLOX for a year or more so they will know a lot more than your average beginner. If that fails then maybe building isn't your thing...but Keep trying! Roblox is all about building (and scripting :D). ___________________________________________________________________________ [#2] The tools of building... First, if you don't have ROBLOX Studio then go here: http://www.roblox.com/Install/default.aspx After you have downloaded it click start. In the search bar type "Roblox Studio"(you may want to make a shortcut on your desktop for quick, easy access). Open it and you are brought to the Roblox Game page. Click my Roblox>Places. When you get to your places there should be a third button, "Edit". Click it and you are brought into the game. A few things to know about Roblox Studio-- You don't see you character. You control the camera. You control it the same as you control your character but your camera has no fixed point (unless you fix it to a brick). Second, there is a bar of tools at the top (in build mode they are opened by the Studio button). They may not be in this order but you'll figure it out sooner or later. They are: New (Ctrl + N): Opens a new, empty place. Open (Ctrl + O): Gives you a window to open a saved place from your computer. Save (Ctrl + S): Lets you save your current place to your computer. Cut (Ctrl + X): This removes and copies the object selected. You can place a duplicate back down again if you select paste. Copy (Ctrl + C): Clones the item selected. You can paste this duplicate clone down by using paste. Paste (Ctrl + V): Pastes either a copied or cut item into selected model/Workspace. Undo (Ctrl + Z): Undoes your last cut, paste, group, ungroup, or delete. Redo (Ctrl + Y): Undoes the Undo. Group (Ctrl + G): Groups selected bricks/models together into one model. Model's default name is 'Model'. You can rename this by clicking on the name a few times or opening it up in properties and clicking on name. Ungroup (Ctrl + U): Ungroups selected Model. Move Parts Tool: Moves selected brick or model by the selected stud grid. Rotate Parts Tool: Rotates parts by selected stud grid. Resize Parts Tool: Resizes bricks by selected stud grid. One Stud Grid: Changes the grid for resize, rotate, and move to one stud. 1/5 Stud Grid: Changes the grid for resize, rotate, and move to 1/5 of a stud. Grid off: Grid is not shown for any resize, rotate, or move of bricks. Manual Joints: Pauljkl usually has this turned off. I suggest you follow in his footsteps. Toolbox: Open this to insert bricks and pretty much anything you can imagine, into your place. BE CAREFUL THOUGH, some people add viruses to Free Models. BE CAREFUL! Don't say I didn't warn you. Drag: Drag models or bricks around the base. Move On Axis: Moves a brick to the place you want it. Less precise than Rotate parts as it can only go in 6 directions.. Resize: Resizes your brick to be bigger or smaller. Drag the blue dots that appear to resize it. Lock: Prevents you from selecting an object with a tool while in Build, Solo, or Edit mode (you can still select the brick in Explorer). Anchor: Freezes the object in air and takes away physics. (i.e brick will float in mid air and wont be blown away unless unanchored.) Paint: Use this tool to change the color of a brick (i.e from white to purple). Pick Color: Like the eyedropper tool in paint programs, this tool lets you select the color of one brick and color a different brick that same color (useful when you don't know what color you used for a wall). Change Material: Changes the look of the brick from plastic to grass, stone, etc. Surface tools: Use these to change the surface of a brick to connect unanchored bricks together. Play, Pause, and Rewind: Plays the scripts in server, pauses the scripts in server, and rewinds back before the script started. Pan Left: Rotates the camera 45 degrees to the left. Pan Right: Rotates the camera 45 degrees to the right. Tilt Up: Rotates the camera 45 degrees up. Tilt Down: Rotates the camera 45 degrees down. Zoom In: Gets closer to the selected brick Zoom Out: Gets farther away from the selected brick Center onto Object: Centers the camera on the selected object. Zoom to Extents: Locks the screen onto the object being viewed. Duplicate: Ctrl + D (there is no tool on the toolbar for this but I put it here anyway) Those are the tools. Use them. Every good builder does. _______________________________________________________________________ [#3] Explorer, Properties, and Output... These are always needed when building. If you don't see them go up to view. Open only Explorer and Properties unless you are planning on scripting. If so open Output, too. Here is what they are and what they are used for: Explorer: This is the game. It holds many folders. They are: Workspace, Players, Lighting, StarterGui, StarterPack, Debris, Teams, and SoundService. Here is what they are and what they do:(More information about these to come) Workspace - This is where all bricks are stored. Players - This is where you can change the max number of players for a server. (From 6 to maybe 20) Lighting - Skyboxes, ambient, and time of day can be changed here. StarterGui - This is where all GUIs' are stored. (I'll explain in more detail later) StarterPack - Put all the tools you want players to have in the game here. Debris - I'll explain this later. Its kind of complicated. Teams - This is where teams are stored. You use this when making team spawns. SoundSystem - This is also complicated and will be explained in a future update. (I'll explain these all in Chapter 2 section #1) Properties: This is where you configure the brick's properties. Think of it as your Options panel for a brick. As in changing the brick material, changing the color of the brick, renaming the brick, etc. You can change models or meshes here, too. Output: This is more for scripting than it is building. This is where you see a script being used. It will say something like "Script1 active (then the date and time goes here)" It will also show you if there is a problem in the script or not, like "(Script1 Line # (then something in the script that needs fixing. i.e Error in line 20. Could not findfirstchild, or something like that) The command bar is under Output. It is used to execute one line of a script. Take for example a kill script. Say I wanted to remove my head (common example I know...). I don't need to write out a whole script just to remove my head. This is where the command bar comes in handy. I would type game.Workspace.cavedog962.Head:remove () (The period is use to open something) Now, that may look hard but really it's not. We begin at game because that is where everything is. We want to find me so we can remove my head, so: game.Workspace. I'm in Workspace so that's why we opened Workspace. (game.Workspace.cavedog962) We need to open up me so that is why I added my name. Head is inside of me so: game.Workspace.cavedog962.Head -- We found my head :D . Now what I want to do is remove my head. To do this I must add a method (Methods are functions that do specific things in ROBLOX for you by calling them--Roblox Wiki). To "call" a method we need a colon (:) the line of code looks like this so far: game.Workspace.cavedog962.Head: We need to tell Roblox that we want to remove my head. Thus we add the word remove: game.Workspace.cavedog962.Head:remove. This line of code is almost done! All we need now is to state the method. To do this we add two parenthesis: game.Workspace.cavedog962.Head:remove(). You now can replace my name with yours and the line of code will remove your head! _______________________________________________________________________ [#4] Your first Model... To make a model is simple. After you have created something you want to share with other ROBLOXians, click and drag over the bricks with the move tool. Group your model and name it whatever you want. Go up to File>Publish selection to ROBLOX. Name it whatever you want and give it a description.( i.e Cool hat. (disc.) Look at what I made! ) Click done and go to your models. From there you can choose if you want it public or not. ________________________________________________________________________ [#5] Meshes... Sorry but Roblox has banned user uploaded meshes. You can change an already existing mesh made by Roblox by editing the size, RBG (red, blue, and green hues), and change mesh texture (like making a hat a different style) but you cannot upload new meshes. To change size and RBG open up properties. X, Y,and Z are just different ways of resizing it (like length, width, and height) and R changes red value (higher the value more of that color) , B changes the blue value, and G changes the green value. If all of them are equal then the mesh is at its original color. ________________________________________________________________________ [#6] Dialog... Dialog is quite simple when you think about it. Insert>Object>Dialog and Insert>Object>DialogChoice. Dialog is placed inside a Head. You can change what mood the dialog is (Friendly, Neutral, Angry) and you can also change what objective it has (Shop-- $, Quest--!, Help--?). Start out with Dialog and insert a few Dialog Choices in it. You can continue to expand the dialog out like a pyramid and put multiple choices into other choices. You could also insert scripts to create a real quest giving, shop keeping, helperbot NPC. ________________________________________________________________________ [#7] Surfaces... Surfaces are quite different than materials(I'll explain materials in #8). They appear on only one side (unless placed on multiple sides) of the brick and are used to hook two bricks together. Glue: Glue is not as strong as a weld. Glue keeps bricks together but allows them to be blown apart when there is an explosion. Weld: Weld keeps bricks together no matter what you try (unless of course you move the bricks apart with the move tool). Motor: A motor can hook two bricks together forcing one to rotate around. Hinge: Fixes the brick on an axis and allows it to spin while not forcing it to. _______________________________________________________________________ [#8] Materials... These do not affect the brick in any way except for looks, and (credit for ZizZazZuz for bringing this to my attention) collision sounds. (Anything else?) These make a brick look like its something different from plastic. They are: Wood Grass Slate Concrete Ice Foil Corroded Metal Diamond Plate These can all be changed in properties or with the material tool. _____________________________________________________________________ [#9] Brick Shapes... Bricks don't all have to be square. Here are a few different brick shapes. Cylinder: A can shaped brick. Sphere: A round brick (or a cornerless cube if you play Portal) Wedge: A slice of cake :D Truss: (its not really a "shape" but I'll put it here anyway) It looks somewhat like a ladder and functions like one also. Mesh: A mesh can change the bricks shape to look like its different but it doesn't really change the brick itself. ____________________________________________________________________ [#10] Spawns... These are used everyday (or at least almost everyday) when someone joins a game. These are bricks that indicate where you (or anyone else) are to appear. You can insert one by going up to the Toolbox button and clicking on Game objects. _____________________________________________________________________ [===CHAPTER 2===] The Side Bar & other things... Contents: [#1]:Explorer run-through...% [#2]:Properties run-through...% [#3]:Humanoid Figures... ? [#4]:Shadows...* [#5]:Decals, Shirts, T-shirts, Pants, etc...* [#6]:Advertising places * [#7]: * [#8]: * [#9]: * [#10]: * [Chapter 3] * Sections including a * have been confirmed, but not yet added to the guide. Sections including a @ are in the update, but not currently finished. Sections including a % are in need of tweaking (misspelled words, grammar mistakes, etc.) Sections including a ? are currently in question and unknown if they will be implemented. Sections including a / will always be changing, and never finished. Sections with no markings are currently completed and implemented in this update _____________________________________________________________________ [#1] Explorer run-through... I briefly mentioned this in Chapter 1 Section #3 but here is everything better explained. Explorer is somewhat like your desktop. It contains anything and everything that has something to do with building or scripting. Since this is the Building Helpers forum I'll stick to building. There are many different folders in Explorer so I'll go through them one at a time. Workspace- This is everything. Anything and everything. Brick, models, scripts, you, etc. This is where most of your building will take place. When you insert a brick off to the side an image will appear and be named 'Part' or whatever the brick is (i.e a Truss). You can click on this image and it will open up tons of things in properties. You can alter the brick's length, width, and height from properties as well as its color, transparency, reflectiveness, surface (weld, glue, etc.), material, and more. Players- This is where you change the max number of players for a server. Quite self explanatory so I don't really need to go much in detail with this. Lighting-- Here you can change the time of day, ambiance (color of the light), and Skyboxes. Skyboxes are what you see in the sky (clouds, stars, etc.). StarterGui-- This holds GUIs. "GUI-- a graphical user interface (GUI, sometimes pronounced gooey) is a type of user interface that allows users to interact with electronic devices with images rather than text commands. GUIs can be used in computers, hand-held devices such as MP3 players, portable media players or gaming devices, household appliances and office equipment ." --Wikipedia In this case GUIs are buttons on the screen in which you can click on and open other GUIs (shop GUIs etc.). StarterPack-- Your "inventory". You can place different tools in here and when you enter the game you have them. Simple as that but quite useful indeed. Debris-- "Using the Debris service, you can have an object automatically clean it's self up after a set amount of time. It will also keep the objects from getting out of hand. Once the service is run, you can find it's object on the bottom of the list in the Explorer pane in the Studio. It's parent is automatically game, and that cannot be changed." -- ROBLOX Wiki. This is used in scripting. Teams-- The folder that holds teams for spawns. (i.e red and blue team) Sound Service-- A service that controls various aspects of the Sound output.--Akumaru11 _____________________________________________________________________ [#2] Properties Runthrough... Properties is necessary for building. Its basically the "menu" for a brick. Once you click on a brick properties opens up and list the details of the brick (Name, color, size, transparency, etc.). You can change these things in properties to make the brick to your liking. Here is a list of everything in properties and what it does to the brick,mesh, dialog, etc. Tabs: Appearance Data Behavior Part Surface Inputs Surface APPEARANCE: Brick Color-- Changes the color of a brick. Material-- Does the same thing the Change Material tool. Reflectance-- Makes the brick more reflective. (Use 0.X for this with X being a number unless you want the brick really shiny) Transparency-- Makes a brick more see-through (Same as above ^^^) DATA: Class Name-- What type of brick it is. Name-- I.e Part, Truss, Smooth Block Model, etc. Parent-- What this block is inside of. (I.e Workspace, Model, Part, etc.) Position-- Change the number values to move the brick up, down, left, right, forward, or backwards. RotVelocity--Change the numbers here to make your brick move other bricks (correct me if I'm wrong) Velocity-- Change the numbers here to make your brick move other bricks (correct me if I'm wrong) BEHAVIOR Anchored-- This keeps a brick from falling down when checked. Also it will not explode if anchored. Archivable-- I believe I heard somewhere that if this is unchecked the brick will not load into your place. Correct me. CanCollied-- Be sure to have the brick anchored or else it may fall through the baseplate. When unchecked, this makes you able to walk through the brick. Locked-- If a brick is locked, then you will be unable to select it, destroy it, or copy it. PART Elasticity-- I'm clueless here. I hardly ever use this. Friction-- Allows the play to slip on a brick (like ice) Shape-- Change the shape of the brick to a block, sphere, or cylinder. Size-- Change the length, width, and height to your specific needs. FormFactor-- Change the brick to be a different form (brick, plate, etc) SURFACE INPUTS I don't change these at all so I have no need to know what they do. If you could fill me in on what they do exactly I would gladly put it here. SURFACE Top, left, right, bottom, etc... This is just another place where you can change the surface of a brick. This is useful if you have CFramed a brick and can't reach the back or something. _____________________________________________________________________ [#3] I wrote about half of this and my computer crashed. I just didn't feel like doing it again. I will put something here, just wait a while for me to think of something. _____________________________________________________________________ [===READ ME===] If you guys have ANYTHING (that is not like building a giant CFramed mansion) at all that could further extend this I would be happy to add it. If you notice any mistakes I've made tell me and I'll fix it in a new update. FROM NOW ON I update weekly, but don't expect me to be on the forums much. I have a life you know. If you have ANY questions at all feel free to send me a message AND leave a reply. Unfortunately I made too many links here in my last guide so Roblox didn't let me post. Go here to see the links to my previous work: http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=53063844 ALSO! Here are three other guides (not my guides) I've seen that have good information. Andy6a6's Building Guide in Around 3200 Words! (Draft Version): http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=44609001 THE THREAD THAT SHOULD ANSWER ALL YOUR QUESTIONS ON BUILDING FOREVER. (Yes, the forever part was an exaggeration): http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=46876229 **~~Mambo99's Extremely Helpful Building Guide~~**: http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=36093434 Go friend the creators, they are awesome. _____________________________________________________________________ [©===COPYRIGHT NOTICE===©] This document is Copyrighted ©(2011-2012) and is the intellectual property of the author (cavedog962). It may not be reproduced under any circumstances and may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission from me (cavedog962). Use of this guide on any other website is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. NOTE: I don't grant redistribution rights for the guide to anyone that asks. Don't bother asking, as it won't happen. (This means I'm not allowing you to take and copy this post on ROBLOX or any other website without my hand written approval) [©===COPYRIGHT NOTICE===©] _____________________________________________________________________ If you took the time to read all of this you deserve a cookie :3
#53067397Thursday, August 18, 2011 3:42 AM GMT

[===Smurf===] Likes to put the word Smurf inside of his post. And weren't you on V.2.3.3 before?
#53091731Thursday, August 18, 2011 4:05 PM GMT

Yes, but that was before I had to "revise" things.
#53092005Thursday, August 18, 2011 4:09 PM GMT

I don't hate this guide!!! I hate you >:[ :3
#53092447Thursday, August 18, 2011 4:16 PM GMT

Could explain more on Meshes(1,5), forgot about studs and inlets (1,7), explain all of the SpawnLocation's Properties(1,10), Elasticity is the "bounciness"of a brick (2,2), and I am still satisfied! Just do me a favor when you see this guy with the "New Building Guide" go link him to this page and show him how many times better this is. [==theopfor==] IS STILL SATISFIED! THE CLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWW!!
#53092693Thursday, August 18, 2011 4:21 PM GMT

#53093961Thursday, August 18, 2011 4:43 PM GMT

This one was basically a test to see what I had done wrong and why it wasn't letting me post. I might have a new one up on Friday.
#53094455Thursday, August 18, 2011 4:51 PM GMT

ok. Who Wants A body Massage?
#53100427Thursday, August 18, 2011 6:27 PM GMT

Maru, don't please.
#53125094Friday, August 19, 2011 12:11 AM GMT

Bump. Like I said above this was a test.
#53125480Friday, August 19, 2011 12:16 AM GMT

I visited the worlds first website today... symbolics . com THE CLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWW!!
#53129558Friday, August 19, 2011 1:07 AM GMT

Cavedog have fun with this. http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=53126501 <--- I hate him too.
#53159089Friday, August 19, 2011 1:49 PM GMT

Thanks for alerting me of this.
#53172553Friday, August 19, 2011 6:00 PM GMT

meh ~~~FLOODCHECK~~~
#53275756Saturday, August 20, 2011 11:44 PM GMT

I am nao going to copy this and add some suggestions and clean this up a bit. <3 Akumaru11. Dun worry i'll put Original by Cavedog lots of number pants
#53277219Sunday, August 21, 2011 12:07 AM GMT

@Maru Does " It may not be reproduced under any circumstances and may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission from me (cavedog962)." not mean anything to you X| ?
#53277717Sunday, August 21, 2011 12:15 AM GMT

No one takes copyrights serious. "Death to lazy builders. Remove the CFrame tools. Command bar all the way"~pauljkl
#53277783Sunday, August 21, 2011 12:16 AM GMT

Thats Why I remove Copy Right an Add Akumaru11 Seal Of Approval :DDDD "Death to lazy builders. Remove the CFrame tools. Command bar all the way"~pauljkl

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